Search results

  1. j4gwig

    88 2.3L omc overheating then cooling right off

    my omc cobra ,has been running up to 180 on the gauge then cools off fast,but yesterday took it out and it shot up over 200,I pulled the hose off going to the water pump,started engine no water,put it back on,started engine and started to overheat,shut it off waited 10min.started engine and it...
  2. j4gwig

    88 2.3L omc overheating please help..

    Ok I have a new problem,there never ending sometimes,,ok here's the deal,I just changed the impeller and housing being it had a crack in it,had it out a couple times seemed to do fine,took it out today and run fine at low idle out of the harbor, when i got out on the lake and nailed it she got...
  3. j4gwig

    can someone help with depth finder problem..

    I have a 88 conquest with a impulse QT-204 depth gauge,my screen is pretty much all black,all we can see is the bottom of the numbers,its kind of a guessing game sometimes,what I was wandering is there a place I can get a replacement for mine, cause it is built in to my dash,or can mine be fixed,,
  4. j4gwig

    can someone help with depth finder problem..

    I have a 88 conquest,that has a impulse QT-204 depth gauge,built in to the dash,my screen is pretty much all black,we can only see the bottom of the numbers,was wandering where i can get a replacement depth finder or can i fix my screen..
  5. j4gwig

    need some ,,tilt help

    ok we made it through the water in oil,,thanks for all the help guys,if it wasn't for all your help this boat would be junked,,now I have a new problem,do they ever end?last year we had a problem at the ramp the dam trim would not go up,so we we unhooked the shock looking things and tied the...
  6. j4gwig

    dumb question about front motor mount

    during all this other crap I have going on with this boat,I noticed another problem maybe,,last year I had a hose leaking so I payed a guy who said he new what he was doing,,anyway he had to pull the engine to get to this hose,my boat has never steered the same since and seems to be alot on...
  7. j4gwig

    have a 88 2.3L omc,with water in oil,plz help

    I just replaced plugs wires,changed points out to electric ignition system,took boat out last weekend for the first time this year and it was running very rough,checked oil and had water in it,I changed the oil and started it on the muffs and again water in the oil,I noticed that there was a...
  8. j4gwig

    Help with depth finder

    Hi everyone,Glad to be part of your threads,I have a problem with my depth finder, It is a Impulse QT-204, It seems to work fine but it has black area's where you can't hardly read the numbers,is this something that can be fixed or does someone have one of the same kind,I don't want to have to...