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  1. B

    Is this my serial number?

    Hello, Is this a serial number A137341 That's what I found on my motor, but just checking if anyone can check and tell me for sure. Thanks Brandon
  2. B

    White smoke & Marine Oil

    Couple of questions. I just "woke" my engine after sleeping for pert near 8 months. I siphoned out all of the gas and put new gas in it.. I have a 1985 mariner 175hp with automatic oil injection. Anyway, the engine starts no problem now and idles real well with the muffs, but it just billows...
  3. B

    Sour fuel

    If I have half a tank of "sour" fuel that sat for 6 - 8 months is it possible to fill the tank with good fuel then get the motor started and just run out the bad stuff or is that going to bust up my pistons? If that wont work what should I do to get rid of the half tank of sour fuel?
  4. B

    Motor wont hold it's trim

    I have a 1985 Mariner and the trim wont hold. Like if I trim it up it will go all the way up, but then just fall slowly all the way back down. Will I have to replace the whole trim system or are there something less major I can try to see if it will fix it? Thanks
  5. B

    1985 Mariner wont start unless I pour some gas into cylinder

    I have a 1985 Mariner 175HP V6. It sat for who knows how long and now I can't get it started unless I pour a bit of gas into a couple of cylinders. Then it seems to start up and run fine. If I let it run for a bit after that (say 10 minutes) then stop it, it will start back up no problem...