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    Too much fun for me

    Well for the last 4 months I have been trying to restore a boat I purchased last sept. and finally had it finished last week. :) today (sunday) i took it out for its maiden voyage. :eek: No problems. :) :) the plug was in, the motor didnt get kacked and i didnt run out of fuel. :D...
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    Today marks another dark day for us all. Christopher Reeve has died. His couragous fight with being paralized did not stop his love of life. Farewell Superman, may we rember you with fond memories and good deeds. :( :(
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    Is there any one else to vote for?

    I do apologize but I cant see myself voting for either prez. canadite. is there any others that i could vote for? I still want H. Ross Perot.
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    Jet units.. how to obtain them?

    I was curious as how / where to obtain a inboard type jet propulsion unit with out having to sacrifice an old pwc in the processes. :eek: Are there web sites or hidden pages for them? I have searched to no avail. :( all I am looking for is the prop. unit, not motor or other repair parts...
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    electric outboards pro & cons

    I live near a fair size set of lakes but they wont allow gas outboards. I have seen some storys on "electric outboards" and was wondering how well they work. In these lakes a "trolling" moter just wont hack it. I have just recived an old "jon boat" from a friend....A little abused but...
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    To build or not to build

    I currently live in West Centeral Illinois, and I am thinking of starting a prodject.... Building my own boat. #1.. What are the best designs for i/o type custom hulls? #2.. Where should I start? #3.. what would be the best size for river travel? (Mississippi) #4.. Should I consider myself...