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  1. K

    Trouble keeping engine running.

    I have spark coming from all plugs. All cylinders have 140lbs of psi. I pump the primer and have good pressure. I then start the engines and it runs great for 25 seconds and then turns off. IT is not a over heating problem, because water pump and thermo was already replaced. I am having some...
  2. K

    No sparks from 1 and 3....

    After a few test I was able to determine that numbers 1 and 3 were not firing. So I tested the coils on all seems to be working after swapping wires around. What seems to be the problem is the c-d units. What is weird is that both c-d unit (Which are blue) have what I would call two channels on...
  3. K

    Possible fuel shortage....

    Afternoon all. This Forum is great...<br /><br />I have an 88 125hp force motor on a 18 bayliner. I did a complete tune up, including water pump and Thermo, Changes spark plugs. IT had a over heating problem, but after reading the boards here, I was able to figure out that the thermo was the...