I have a 1986 60HP Johnson.
Wanted to replace the VRO pump, but as the title says, i bought the wrong VRO pump. 5004558 instead of the 5004559
My engine has a 3 Wire connector en my new pump has the 4 wire connector.
I hope there is a way to convert it my self? (don't want to order a new pump...
I'm installing a new VRO2 pump on my '89 60HP Johnson but i'm not sure about the location and mounting, cause i bought the engine without it. I searched the internet but didn't find any photo's and technical drawings only show the VRO pump on it self not how it is mounted.
So is there anybody...
Okay here is the situation: (and my question :) )
I have a 1986 60HP Johson j60elcd
I have an OMC:
-4 Wire VRO pump (5004558 )
-Oil tank with system check (176995)
-Wiring harness (176341)
-Faria tachometer with system check
I want to connect the gauge, but i first would like your advice...
I own a 1986 60HP Johnson VRO.
It has a temperature switch (original OMC P/N 0386686). I want to connect a temperature gauge to the engine. Is it possible to connect a gauge to the original switch. Or is it just an 'off/on' switch for the warning signal?
If it won't work with the original is...