Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem
JX - I've read your first post again and perhaps its the way you are explaining the problem that has us (me) confused. If you are energizing the purple wire by connecting it to another source of 12V you are essentially doing the same thing as turning the key to the ON/RUN position. If the system worked before, why did you attempt to change it? Are you attempting to make the gauges work from a switch separate from the Ignition switch? If so -- why? The gauges will tell you nothing unless the engine is running anyway. The purple wire is connected to "A" terminal on the ignition switch so when placed in the ON/RUN position, 12V is fed to the gauges through the purple wire to power them. If you are trying to do something different from this standard setup, try to provide a little more detail. As for the starting problem, I have no idea what you've disconnected or rewired so you need to do some electrical troubleshooting. Using a test light or voltmeter, turn the key to START and see if there is 12V at the small terminal on the starter solenoid. If not there is wiring problem between the solenoid and key switch. Could be switch itself, neutral start switch, kill switch is pulled or defective, or a wiring problem. If there is 12V at the solenoid, the solenoid is probably bad. If you hear a click when turning the key to start that also says voltage is reaching the solenoid. Doesn't prove its good though.