2003 Fitch Wiring problem


Jan 20, 2006
Need help geting these wires to work correctly.<br />My intention was to control the guages lights with a switch. Once I got that to work this is my new problem. Some how I can not get the engine to turn unless I connect a hot wire to a purple wire that I found coming from the engine harness. Now everytime a connect this purple wire "that it is hot" it turns on my system engine check lights regardless if the key is turned or not. I can not tell what the grey cable is for and I can not find any documentation on this system for help.<br />Any suggestions will be appreciated<br /><br />There has to be a wire in the key switch that allows me to give juice to the sys check gauge!


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 18, 2002
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Key switch wiring is this:<br /><br />Red w/purple stripe = Battery + (terminal B on key sw)<br />Purple = Hot when key on (terminal A)<br />Purple w/white stripe = choke (activates when key on and pushed in) (terminal C)This is not used on DI/Ficht<br />Yellow w/red stripe = Start (terminal S)<br />Black w/yellow stripe = stop circuit (terminal M)<br />Black (sometimes black w/white stripe) = ground (terminal M)<br /><br />Doesn't matter which black wire goes to which M terminal...<br /><br />The System Check Harness provides optional wiring for a variety of gauges. You should see a set of 3 leads black, purple and gray. Those would be used for a non-System Check tachometer (the gray lead is tach signal).<br /><br />By applying power to the "loose" purple lead, you're activating the gauges - they're doing what they're supposed to do.<br /><br />My suggestion would be to obtain a factory service manual, or take it to a "trained" technician, otherwise you could be setting yourself up for more (or bigger) trouble.<br /><br />-John


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

There a set of wires purple, black, and grey. Black is ground for sure, The purple wire when conected to a hot terminal the sys chk gauge comes alive and I can event turn the engine on. Before I started all this mess the sys chk gauges came online only when the key was turned. Thanks for your help.


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

where should the purple be connected to react to the key?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

John showed you in his post. Its the "A" terminal on the switch. It has 12V on it only when the key is on (run position). Any accessory you want to come alive with the key should be connected directly to either the "A" terminal or the purple wire thats connected to it.


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Please guys bare with me a little as I am novice, I did not mess with key switch at all. IF I energize the purple wire that was before directly to my tach gauge, everything works fine. However, I do not think that I must energize this wire for things to work. I think that when the key is turned then this purple wire should act and light up the sys chk gauge. What do you think. Any where we I can get a diagram or info?<br />As far as terminals that John mentioned understand that I do not have a diagram or understand where this letters are located.<br />Sincerely,<br />Joe<br />Joe


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

I am going to go at it again tomorrow morning. I am going to see if I can make sense of what john and upinsmoke says.<br />Thanks <br />for the help,


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Well check again and engine will run only if I provide power to the purple wire. perhaps i have blown a fuse somewhere as the tilt trim will work with key on the on position the remote tilt controls are not working. I am at a loss now. I am affraid this is going to cost me an arm and a leg to resolve. <br />Any help would be appreciated.<br />P.S the wiring is as you guys said and I understand now what you were refering too regarding the terminals.


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Where are the main fuses on a 2003 Evinrude Fitch 250HP, I found a enclosure that contains six square 10 AMP fuses, are there any others?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

JX - I've read your first post again and perhaps its the way you are explaining the problem that has us (me) confused. If you are energizing the purple wire by connecting it to another source of 12V you are essentially doing the same thing as turning the key to the ON/RUN position. If the system worked before, why did you attempt to change it? Are you attempting to make the gauges work from a switch separate from the Ignition switch? If so -- why? The gauges will tell you nothing unless the engine is running anyway. The purple wire is connected to "A" terminal on the ignition switch so when placed in the ON/RUN position, 12V is fed to the gauges through the purple wire to power them. If you are trying to do something different from this standard setup, try to provide a little more detail. As for the starting problem, I have no idea what you've disconnected or rewired so you need to do some electrical troubleshooting. Using a test light or voltmeter, turn the key to START and see if there is 12V at the small terminal on the starter solenoid. If not there is wiring problem between the solenoid and key switch. Could be switch itself, neutral start switch, kill switch is pulled or defective, or a wiring problem. If there is 12V at the solenoid, the solenoid is probably bad. If you hear a click when turning the key to start that also says voltage is reaching the solenoid. Doesn't prove its good though.


Rear Admiral
Sep 24, 2003
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Unless you are very sure of what your doing, that Ficht engine would be a very poor choice to fool with. There are a number of component's that you don't want to let the smoke out of. Don't try to use the kill wire on that engine as a ground wire. I don't know about the 2003, but the early OMC Ficht engine's, the stop circuit was intirely different.


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Yes, I installed a new recessed electrical switch panel. Before the change all the gauges lights turned on with the key when it was turned to ON position. I also had issues the panel as it was on the way and I was bumping into the switches all the time. I purchased the same panel as “Contender boats” used which works great for my situation. <br /><br />Now the gauge lights work when the Panel switch on my dash board is activated. By the way everything works with the new wiring (baitwell, bumps, lights, courtesy lights, florescent lights and flood lights) except the matter I am trying to resolve.<br /><br />The spare purple wire use to be connected to the tach gauge positive lead for the tach lights. Then from there purple wires were chained to all other positive lead for the rest of the gauges.<br /> <br />In the process of all these wiring I have shorted something that I can not figure out where it is.<br /><br />When the engine is started by powering this purple wire all the gauges work at the turn of the key and engine can be started. <br /><br />That being said I do not think this purple has to be hot wire for things to work. Don’t you agree?<br /><br />Could the ignition switch be blown?<br /><br />Or a fuse on the engine itself?<br /><br />Thank you for your patience with me.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 1, 2005
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Joe, the purple/violet wire coming from the wiring harness according to OMC wiring codes = battery voltage in RUN or START from ignition switch and is typically connected to the "accessory" terminal on the ign. switch I beleive.<br /><br />If you had a blown fuse I doubt the motor woud start or turn over. Ign. switch is probably just fine as well.<br /><br />If you had an OEM service manual for this motor it would contain the wiring diagram that would show you where the wires should be connected and what they're for.<br /><br />If you keep poking and prodding on that motor without knowing what you're doing the repair bill to fix it would probably buy ten or 20 of that $50.00 manual


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

I am ordering the book on Monday.<br />I really apreciate all the input from everyone.<br />I will post the solution once I find it.<br /><br />P.S The kill switch works fine as I tested that yesterday.


Jan 20, 2006
Re: 2003 Fitch Wiring problem

Problem Solved, replaced blown 10AMP fuse and everything came back to life.<br />Thanks Everyone for the Assistance.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br /><br />jxtower