"Selectric Shift" Will not reverse.


Jun 5, 2002
Hello All, I have 1970 Evinrude Lark VII(40HP Outboard). It has an electric shift refered to as the "Selectric Shift". I have taken it out to the lake 4 times this summer. The first time it took 5 minutes to finaly engage into reverse, the second time it took 10 minutes, the third time it took 15 minutes & yes the fourth time it took 20 minutes. It has no problem shifting into forward. Once it finally goes into reverse, I have no more problems, it works like a charm the rest of the day. I know VERY little about outboard motors, so any help would be greatly appreciated, THANKS!


Fleet Admiral
Apr 3, 2002
Re: "Selectric Shift" Will not reverse.

While waiting for a more detailed explanation of what to look for (solenoids and such), you might check the wires (2) that come up from the lower unit on the left (shift) side of the powerhead. Check to be sure the connections are bright and tight, and check the wiring you can see for abrasions.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 16, 2002
Re: "Selectric Shift" Will not reverse.

I have had my old selectric lark 40's gearcase apart many times.. they have two electric (magnetic) clutches... they have a tendency to get chewed out.. which isn't so bad as it doesn't usually cause a problem till its really bad.. however, if a piece of something gets stick in the big spring behind the clutch face, or between the clutch face and the actual shaft,,(it only has to keep it out of alignment by 1mm to stop it engaging) It can stop it from catching, which results in the problem you are having.<br /><br />The other thing that can cause this, is the two wires running inside the leg.. in mine they melted on the exhaust and I lost forwards... it can happen. (if you don't use the right oil, it can deterioate the wire right where it goes into the clutch, which is a pain to replace.)<br /><br />but in you case, it sounds to me like gunk in the clutch assembly.. the annoying thing about it is that it only takes a little piece stuck to make it a complete pain in the butt.. they (the magnetic clutches) stick really hard normally, but it doesn't take much to turn "really hard" into nothing at all..<br /><br />drain everying from the foot, fill it with premix.. and spin it around alot.. see if you can't get it cleaned out. then replace the oil with premium OMC oil, (designed for selectrics and hydro electrics) don't use anything else.<br /><br />give it a shot, ,if you managed to clean it out.. you will find it alot more responsive..<br /><br />if you start having it jump out of gear under load at high rpm, thats when you have to start thinking about replaceing the clutches.. I got around it on mine by swapping the bad forward clutch with the good reverse,, since they are exactly the same and I am not in the habbit of using reverse at high rpm.. corse that motor just sits in the backyard now and I have graduated to a 100hp,, (gonna sell the 40 in summer.) but the old lark served me very well for a long time.<br /><br />hope thats of some use to you.<br /><br />rgds<br /><br />frank

Billy Bob

Jun 3, 2002
Re: "Selectric Shift" Will not reverse.

Frank<br /><br />Too bad you are not in the states. I would like to be an undergraduate with a 40 horse. :) <br /><br />Billy Bob