extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
to wise boaters,<br />I just purchased a v20 wellcraft. has 150 yamaha outboard. I was wondering if those expensive trim tab will do a good job on my boat. Do i even need them? What about those hydrfoil you screw onto your keg? its about 30 bucks. will it work too?<br /><br />can anyone give any advice regarding this matter.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

I have a Sport 300 hydrafoil on my Montauk, BBQ. I think it makes a big difference, particularly because I have a heavy 4 stroke on the transom.<br /><br />The transition from displacement speeds to full plane is so gradual you don't even notice it!<br /><br />I don't know how well the trim tabs work. I have transducers, etc. hanging there and don't know where I would move them to. I do know they lighten the pocketbook a lot more than hydrafoils do.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

If your holeshot is poor, the hydrofoils work well. My favorite is the Doel-Fin.<br /><br />If you're looking for something to help balance the boat side to side, you need trim tabs.<br /><br />JB's right about clearance issues. If you have other stuff mounted on the transom, the trim tabs may interfere with it. Especially a KICKER!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

gotcha, i didnt think of the trim tab getting in the way. yeah, i have a hydro foil left from my old boat. I'll slap it on. whenever i find it. never had a chance to put it on boat.<br /><br />thanks for the input,


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 15, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

4 years ago I had an 89 Wellcraft Steplift. Put a Doel Fin on and she was on plane in no time. That Wellcraft is an excellent boat handles the rough stuff very well. It was a very versatile boat at home on the lake or offshore. In my opinion one of the best 20 footers out there. Sounds like you have a nice setup. Hope I can manage to get back into something like that this year. Good Luck!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

I've had both on a boat. The advantage of tabs over a fin is that they are adjustable. Conditions vary, so should your lift.You'll need much less lift on a flat day than you do when I'm running into a head wind with 3' seas. An you'll need much more lift when you have 4 people on board instead of just one. Control is the key. You don't get that with a fin.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

mako,you're right the step lift can take the waves. i love the way we pound on those waves and the design just throws the water to boath side...<br /><br />seems like dingbat is right, tabs are adjustable according to weather and weight distribution. tabs can be a possibility in the future.<br /><br />thanks for the input.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

Hi, Ho, I run an 85hp Johnson and was gifted a Doel Fin by a friend after bleating about the awful trouble I had digging out of the hole, along with some minor cavitation problem at high revs. Well, I can say I'm converted. This device was the answer to all my problems. It has saved me time, trouble and fuel. I can carry loads without spending lots of time storing them so they don't affect the balance. <br />No I'm not a dealer or a salesman. I just know a bloody good product for me when I get to use it! I'm sold. My next boat will have one as well!<br />Ross


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

took the boat running yesterday down here in texas. cold day, but i didnt care. i'm crazy too. you're right, when i hit the throttle from dead stop, i was on plane alot quicker than before. didnt bounce alot either. took the boat in 2 foot seas. smooth. nothing but splash, splash. <br /><br />but one thing i notice was that the boat tend to lean to the right side a little more. is it because i was the sittin gon the right. or does the fins affect the way the propeller sucks in water.??? is this normal?<br /><br />i was thinkin the tabs would balance this out.


Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

BBQ,<br /><br />Without seeing what you experienced, it's hard to say. But, your weight on one side will do this, particularly in a deep V hull.<br /><br />Also, engine torque can add to this. The fins can exagerate engine torque somewhat.<br /><br />You're correct-that trim tabs help you accomplish side to side balance.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

djohn19,<br />i read somwhere about the pull of the propeller direction which cause the boat to lean to the right. but if its normal, than i have no worries.


Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

BBQ,<br /><br />You got it!

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

Hello Lets Bar -b- q,<br />Don't forget that thing called "prop walk", it's a great skill to take advantage of when comming against a wharf or mooring with a wind or currant. Most brands of outboards and I guess inboards have this ability to move sideways when just in forward gear and at idle. It's a good thing to play with when you've got time. It's saved me a few embarrasing times.<br />Ross


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

ok, prop walk? I read it somewhere, but in the sentence it only said somthing about watch out for prop walk? is it when the prop turns and makes the boat tilt to the side?<br /><br />Have mercy!

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

"Prop walk", best explained as this - <br />When the motor is in gear and at idle the propeller turns very slowely. Most props turn cloclwise. Imagine your prop turning slowely clockwise, it has two thrusts. One is as we all understand it, forward. the other is to imagine that instead of a prop you had a gear wheel. The wheel turning slowely would like to move towards the right, as if it was turning on land like a car wheel. This effect is minimal but it is useable.<br />On my boat using this prop walk causes the boat to move slowely to starboard which amazes people when you stop a couple of feet out from the jetty. I have found by putting the prop in reverse, again slowely, I can achieve the same thing to port!<br />Try it sometine and you'll be surprised how handy it is to know><br />Ross.


Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

"prop walk" is an essential tool used by captains operating "true" inboards. Inboards have lousy steering at slow speeds because there is not enough prop wash going past the rudder(s).<br /><br />Single inboards use prop walk to slip sideways and twin screw operators use it also, yet they have the ability to reverse one engine while the other is in forward.<br /><br />The reason some I/O's and outboards have gone to twin props is to eliminate this phenomon. They also virtually eliminate torque steer.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

o cool. I have to try that then. i did notice that when i was docking sunday. the wind was coming from the left. i center it just a little and then continued in slow. then it just washed to the right.....i had to throw it in reverse then circle around and try it again.<br /><br />amateur,! <br /><br />i'll have to test that prop walk out on a sunny day. or when the dock isnt so busy.<br /><br />thanks for the info.


Jan 28, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

I'm glad you went for the hydro-fins, instead of drilling holes below your water line.<br />As to your starboard list. Try raising your port engine just a hair. Check your bilges first, make sure it aint a balast problem. Fuel tank, water tank gear ect. <br />Also some outboards have little scags they call trim tabs that can be set to counter prop walk. <br />There is a difference between walkin, and listing, but at high speeds my boat tends to dip to port. I raise my starboard outboard just a hair and it evens out. <br />Trim tabs(the other choice) can also cause your stern to break loose in a following sea, allowing the boat to broach, this usually scares the crud out of everyone, especially the helmsman.<br />If I may add my limited experienc on prop walk.<br />Single screw vessels(one prop), twin outboards or even IO's with props that spin in the same direction, and well always walk, or travel sideways the direction that the prop spins. If your prop spins clockwise, a starboard landing will be easier that a port landing (I hope I got that right). <br />The problem is once you engauge reverse, it sucks you back off the dock. So, you go hard towards the starboard landing, pretending your going to run up on your starboard bow. When collision is eminent, you turn your wheel the oposite direction (toward the dock)and give a good shot of reverse, back to neutral and your there. If you have a port landing, good luck. <br />Unless you've had the oportunitee to drive large vessels with counter rotating props, you will never know how much more difficult, and unforgiving the single screw is. OB's and IO's with close set engines are best steered as single screws. <br />Your hot stuff if you can walk a big twin screw. <br />The key here for me is I want to decide where the boat goes. All this sideways "walking" is one more thing to consider on aproach. <br />A twin screw, with in line shaft, and counter rotating props will steer a straight line. I love my hydrofoils!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

that sounds fun. Did you say when you goto the dock on the right side, when you get close you turn the sterring to the left or right. -- i think you said towards the dock so that would be to the right ..? right?<br /><br />I'll try this in the middle of the river later. I'm heading out.<br /><br />I'll keep ya posted.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 6, 2002
Re: extensive trim tabs or a $30 hydrofoil

i just rented a stall on for my boat today. took me a few minutes to park my boat... a little embarassing. the dock keeper point to dock 17. i couldnt make it in so i parked in 18. -- i got to admit, i have to practice alot more to get use to that walkng. but i did remember the walking to the right when i put in gear.<br /><br />thanks for the lesson.