Illegal Immigrants


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Gave them free room and board or was it because they could not eat and house for what they were paid. <br /><br />The U.S. had the company store, company housing era where labor was treated like trash while the owners lived in wealth. I thought that was behind us.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Dang txswinner I can't believe this.<br />I am finding myself in agreement with you


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

All this talk about illegals has me wondering do they pay any tax on their wages? How about social security? Also if they pay into the system wonder how many get anything out of it?<br /> Of course besides the opportunity to get the alleged free healthcare that the local hate radio is yammering about. Any body have a answer ?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Illegal Immigrants

How about jail for those hiring illegals? That might get their attention ;) ....JK


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Hey treedancer, go to your local elemetary school and see how many of the students can't speak english. But are fluent in spanish. Then check your property tax bill and then look at the national deficit, and then I am sure you would be all for eliminating any an all hospital service for non-citizens who can't pay. The problem is many hospitals are closing their doors in the SW because of the abuse and liberal laws that are driving them bankrupt. There is no cost right? And how much does it cost for us to house their crimminals? But the reality is that there is a real tangible cost to this refusing to uphold the constitution. Guard our boarders, this is not abiguious. Please state what advantage there is to being a citizen of the US vs an illegal. Democrats now what to give them the right to vote. I break the law I go to jail, the illegal immigrants are released into our society. What is up with that? And do you think that the judical system is free? Nope, in fact it is really quite expensive.<br /><br />As for your question, yes a small percentage of those idiots who actually followed the law do pay into our system. The smart ones just don't have to, they are ILLEGAL.


Nov 11, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Originally posted by txswinner:<br /> heycods am I doing any better. Just trying to get rid of the illegals here.
They were fineing us farmers and ranchers for working Illegals all the way back to the 60s,We havent worked one around here without a green card since 1985, Risk is too big. I dont know how they get away with it on the big operations,Graft and Corruption maby?<br /><br />Tx your holding your own and doing well here, but shucks man you lost on the economy one. :D


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Pointer<br /><br /> Cost to house their criminals? That could be taken care if we could get a hold of them before they get into the country. Making sure that we know what they are with a good law checking there past records and if we somehow cant get hold of the record the don’t get in legally. <br /><br /> Along with that law would be a large fine along with prison sentence to any party that hired an undocumented citizen of another country.<br /><br /><br /> Guard our borders? Yes and plenty of them with the equipment to get the job done right. They are much too porous now<br /><br /><br />Should we have voting rights for non-citizens? Of course not that is one of the dumbest suggestions that any politician ever put forth.<br /><br /><br /> Free judicial system ? No it’s not free but with the implemation of some of the other suggestions above I would bet the vast majority of the now not illegal would have a lower crime rate than our homegrown.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Well now we only use LEGAL ONES in the plant BUT that is goverment problem #1.<br /><br />Are ID system is way to easy to FORGE and just try to call SS and find out if the # matches the ID you will be told they CANT DO THAT<br /><br />Everybodys paper has to make it past a APD payroll service check to make sure the SS # is legit.<br /><br />You would be supprised how many we have to bounce because perfect looking ID turns out to belong to some 97 year old when its checked.<br /><br />But i am sure a LOT slips through the cracks because the system is realy not that good.<br /><br />WE got are SS# when my mom opened are first bank accounts when we were kids they gave them out like candy <br /><br />As a matter of fact the 50 different states are fliping out right now because the dead line to have a common ID system for drivers is getting close ;) <br /><br />do a google on (common ID system for drivers )and look at the cat fight going on<br /><br />tommays


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Treedancer I agree with every point of your last post. The problem is they are everywhere within our society and some more "enlightened" cities won't arrest or deport illegals due to their "enlightenedment." These cities should lose all their federal funding. Most of these people are hard working family types but they are breaking the law. Why have them if they don't serve the greater good and can be applied to everyone.


Nov 8, 2004
Re: Illegal Immigrants

tx, well i'll admit it was not the best of conditions but its no worse then mexico, actually better. no air no heat, heating is not a big deal this is florida an electric blanket can cover the small handful of cold nights but the roof did not leak and they had clean water and electricity (100amp service). he considerd it part of there pay, plus they got $5 an hour. if your living exspence are takin care of $5 an hour is good pay. any ways it not like anybody holds a gun to there head sayin take this job don't like it don't get the job but alot of em took it. one of the mobile homes he used for workers i lived in befor he turned it over to the workers and it was not bad at all.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Originally posted by txswinner:<br /><br />What would happen if employers were steeply fined for hiring illegals.
I think the fed civil penalty is $10k/day per illegal employee. It's one of those laws that is not used often. I imagine is applys only to businesses the gvt want to take down for other reasons.<br /><br />The boarder Patriots have recruited a bunch of lawyers willing to work pro bono (free) to bring civil actions against businesses that hire illegal aliens. Good news is that they won't be hitting on us for donations for their cause.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

you guys are killing me.<br /> how many of you ever picked cukes? chunked melons? picked peaches or pecans?<br /> in the early 90's me and a friend attempted to start a framing business. we hired only workers that were documented. what a freaking dismal failure.<br /> friggers would not work.<br /> we would bid the job using the latest software (gotta remember this was about 91) and lose our arse. what the software did not take into account is all the excuses why the welfare scum would not show up.<br /> we got sued once for firing an idiot cause he got a DUI and could no longer drive to work.<br /> by 93 my partner was hiring illegals. I formally removed myself from the business due to fear of getting caught. my partner went on to become a millionare and I still twist wrenches.<br />his garage is twice the footage of my house.<br /> but the mexis would show up each and every morning regardless of surf conditions, they would work a full 8-12 hours, they would work weekends if we were behind due to other contractors. and mostly they would show up sober and remain that way all day.<br /> any of you got any idea what drug testing costs or how hard it is ti fire a positive test bum ?<br />my ex partner spent over 20 K firing a bum that tested positive twice.<br /> my only beef with hiring "illegals" is I did not want to risk a protaracted court battle. he gambled and won.<br /> but we could not find reliable workers to do a job framing houses in the 8-10 dollar an hour range.<br />even though they signed the drug free policy papers we found out they were a joke and once hired you could not fire them no matter what without having to fight some federal or state agency.<br /> 90% of the carpenters hired were drunken dope head bums that only showed up on payday


Re: Illegal Immigrants

rodbolt,<br /><br />So, your buddy got rich by breaking the law. Isn't that special.<br /><br />THE PROBLEM IS THE LAW.<br /><br />I have no problem with them (illegals) being here. We just need to know who they are and where they are. Most, do not want to stay here. They want to be able to go back and forth. No problem, again, with me. Again, as long as we know who they are and where they are.<br /><br />If they want to become citizens-GREAT! If they don't, that's fine too. But, if they do not want to become citizens, their tenure here must be limited.<br /><br />My point, all along, has been to close up the seives we call borders before a truck bomb blows up in your back yard. It won't be the illegal Mexicans that set it off either. But, again, we don't know who is here.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

rodbolt, sounds like your problem is with the government. They are the ones making it fashionable not to work while liberals are yelling it is better not to work if you don't like the wage. Who then pays them to be bums? The government.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

pointer<br /> had I not been scared to get caught I would be an "executive" like my former pardner :) . however I did not like it, it was illegal and I bailed. he went on as a premier builder on the outer banks building multi million dollar homes.<br /> DJ<br /> I am all for that policy, a way to document workers that wish to work then go home.<br /> I know that everyone wants a chocolate new orleans but if you have to hire only chocolates it will never be done. call me racist Ill call me realist.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Illegal Immigrants

Pointer<br /> I am all for civilian restrint.<br /> my thery on welfare is after child number two bot parents get sterilized or get off the public dole. if the female does not wish to ID daddy she is booted from the dole and neither will be eligible for housing,job placement or a gubbermint check.<br /> back when I was cleaning ditches for the city of Vallejo CA i found out the difference between those of us that had to perform to keep our jobs and the CETA crews that got paid whether they showed up or not.<br /> the CETA crew was all minority and they laughed at how hard we worked.<br /> however we could be fired and they could not.

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

'round here, they just hang out on the corner in the mornings and wait for the work trucks to slow down and signal them to get in the back. <br /><br />I passed a gaggle of them a few weeks ago near the stop sign down the road... I waved out of Southern courtesy and about half of 'em tried to jump in my truck.<br /><br />For short guys, they sure can run fast.<br /><br /><br />spots


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Illegal Immigrants

With the current sentiment of Vicinte Fox towards the US and it's policies ,I'm not so sure who might set off the next bomb.I live about 130 miles from the Nuevo Laredo border,and I can tell you first hand that those aren't leftover fireworks lighting the streets after dark.Seems many of the honest hard working Mexicans seeking humble work opportunities in the US are unfortunately caught in the croosfire of their countrys corrupt leaders,the organized drug cartell,and our Nations imminent threat from black haired,brown eyed radical islamic extremists.In the name of Homeland Security ,something needs to drastically change with regards to our Mexican and Canadian border policies or the future poor work seeking migrants will be picking less fruit and assembling more pine boxes.The global climate has changed .Islamic radicals dinner is being served and unfortunately,Americans are on the menu.That's why we are currently in Iraq and actively policing the world.Cause whenever possible , us Americans like dining out.Makes less of a mess at home.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Illegal Immigrants

rodbolt, many executives today made it that way, any wonder our corp management is corrupt. Our kids get the message quick also. Why does Billy live in the nice house etc. America must get back to family values, a working wage so one parent can not have to work 40 hours a week to make it, and punish those who break the law no matter how rich they are.<br /><br />The opportunity of this message to corp is laying itself out right now in Houston, Texas. Enron trial.