1 freeze plug blown!


May 28, 2009
I winterized my boat this year, i pulled all the drain plugs and I assumed all the water was out. I have a 4.3 mercruiser, and the one freeze plug on the lower port side is blow out, None of the others have moved, and there is no visible damage on the outside, and the boat runs fine except for the water running out where the freeze plug should be. I have checked the oil and there is no water in it. Can i just get a new plug and hammer it in there?

Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Yes you can but i would install a rubber one for testing purposes first, sometimes a crack dosent show unless its under a load and at the correct temp.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

I winterized my boat this year,

Ayuh,... Whether you dodge the Bullet, or Not,...
Ya gotta figure out where you went Wrong...


Sep 15, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Jeesh, you guys are slipping.

It ain't a freeze plug.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 9, 2008
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Jeesh, you guys are slipping.

It ain't a freeze plug.

Does it really matter??

I've been a motor head for over 40 years and worked at many shops and not one mechanic has ever called them "core or casting plugs".

Does that mean all those mechanics including me were/are wrong.. No.

Due to the fact that they have been called that by near everyone for so long (even parts stores, engine builders etc) - that's just how most people understand/reference them.

Why you may ask... The "initial" purpose of the hole was to facilitate casting. The "current function" of the softer metal plug is not only to fill the hole yet help protect the block from inadvertent cracking due to swelling ice/freezing. Hence the name/reference to "freeze plug."

Hopefully the OP did "dodge a bullet." But as mentioned above, I too would be concerned as to what I did wrong with my winterizing process.

- Either name works.


Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Now you did it, you just let the biggest secret out
Freeze Out Plug = When you leave water in the block and it freezes ,it causes the plug to pop out. The ice causes the plug to pop out usually after the block is cracked.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 9, 2008
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Now you did it, you just let the biggest secret out
Freeze Out Plug = When you leave water in the block and it freezes ,it causes the plug to pop out. The ice causes the plug to pop out usually after the block is cracked.

Yep, I've seen it go both ways. Even those that didn't know it froze let alone a "plug" was forced out. All was well until they drove the vehicle and overheated the engine. No cracks but DOA due to both heads/decks warped to H...

Wishing the OP the best!


Mar 19, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

When you winterize you can't just pull the drain plugs. You have to insert a wire or small screwdriver or something similar in to the hole to break up the crud that settles there and prevents the water from coming out.

But yeah you can just replace the freeze/core plug and hope that is all.


Sep 15, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Does it really matter??

I've been a motor head for over 40 years and worked at many shops and not one mechanic has ever called them "core or casting plugs".

Does that mean all those mechanics including me were/are wrong.. No.

Due to the fact that they have been called that by near everyone for so long (even parts stores, engine builders etc) - that's just how most people understand/reference them.

Why you may ask... The "initial" purpose of the hole was to facilitate casting. The "current function" of the softer metal plug is not only to fill the hole yet help protect the block from inadvertent cracking due to swelling ice/freezing. Hence the name/reference to "freeze plug."

Hopefully the OP did "dodge a bullet." But as mentioned above, I too would be concerned as to what I did wrong with my winterizing process.

- Either name works.


Oh, I am so sorry that YOU know the difference, but calling them freeze plugs has brought people to believe they are there to blow out when the water in the block freezes.

It's all too common.


May 28, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

well boat is going to the shop today to get the block checked out, they are going to fill it with air to check the pressure then drive it up and down the river. I put the temp rubber plug in there and ran it for a while, it seems to be okay, i hope it checks out. Has anyone else had one blow out and not had any damage?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Has anyone else had one blow out and not had any damage?

Ayuh,... The Odds are Against you...
It depends entirely on How Cold it got, How Quickly,+ How Long it stayed Cold...(ei; Below Freezing)


Sep 19, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Has anyone else had one blow out and not had any damage?[/QUOTE] Very rare but does happen once in a while


Jul 28, 2007
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

I had one sitting in my bilge compartment after a winter 3 years ago. Was a pain to put back in (it was behind the engine mount), but was pretty straight forward. I just put a chain fall to the top of the motor, lifted until it was tight, removed the nut and the mount and tapped a new plug in with a large socket. Knock on wood, its been running like a top for 3 years without and troubles. Its definately worth the $2.50 it costs for the replacement plug to try it and see what happens. its a lot easier and cheaper than a new engine


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 8, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

I lucked out last yrasr with the free boat, one plug was gone I popped in another, removed manifold and filled with acetone, no leaks and the block was fine all year also:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 19, 2010
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

well boat is going to the shop today to get the block checked out, they are going to fill it with air to check the pressure then drive it up and down the river. I put the temp rubber plug in there and ran it for a while, it seems to be okay, i hope it checks out. Has anyone else had one blow out and not had any damage?

Newbie here.

I wish I were so lucky. I owned my used 232 eclipse 3 weeks. I bought a manual, followed the guides and pulled all the plugs on the 7.4L and got about 2 qts total of water out of block etc and thought i was good. ( I didn't know what to expect)

Once it warmed up i took her out and 1) took on a lot of water thru the freeze plugs into the bilge before I caught it 2) hammered the plugs back in at the dock and let it idle 5 mins while checking oil for water. I thought I got really lucky. 45 mins down the lake I heard a bearing squalling and pulled over. I had water/oil spewing out my dipstick....all 7 gallons of it!

$1k and about 60 hrs of labor and I'm back in business with a new motor.

I'm now way too familiar with most of the systems on my boat!!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 15, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

Newbie here.

I wish I were so lucky. I owned my used 232 eclipse 3 weeks. I bought a manual, followed the guides and pulled all the plugs on the 7.4L and got about 2 qts total of water out of block etc and thought i was good. ( I didn't know what to expect)

Once it warmed up i took her out and 1) took on a lot of water thru the freeze plugs into the bilge before I caught it 2) hammered the plugs back in at the dock and let it idle 5 mins while checking oil for water. I thought I got really lucky. 45 mins down the lake I heard a bearing squalling and pulled over. I had water/oil spewing out my dipstick....all 7 gallons of it!

$1k and about 60 hrs of labor and I'm back in business with a new motor.

I'm now way too familiar with most of the systems on my boat!!!

ouch... as a new boat owner, I wasn't satisifed with the amount of wate that drained out of the port, aft core plug. Shot a blast of air in there and out came the nasty, rusty, junked up water. About another gallon OF IT! Glad I did that or I would be fixing some damage myself.


May 28, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

everything is good with my engine!!!the pressure test was good and it ran fine at operating temperature. Although the mechanic says my outdrive needs some work. I replaced the bellows last summer as well as the bearing and ujoint, shift cable, etc. He said it needs to a seal kit because its noisy, any opinion on this??


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 5, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

everything is good with my engine!!!the pressure test was good and it ran fine at operating temperature. Although the mechanic says my outdrive needs some work. I replaced the bellows last summer as well as the bearing and ujoint, shift cable, etc. He said it needs to a seal kit because its noisy, any opinion on this??

Never heard of a seal kit causing the O/D to make noise. Maybe hes mad the engine wasnt cracked and wants some more money?

Have you changed the lube in the O/D this season?


May 28, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

I changed the lube oil last august, when i replaced the bellows, then I drained it again last week because i wanted to see if there was any water in there because my lube oil moniter box looked like it had some milky sludge in the corner of it. When I drained the lube oil it looked really good, when i trimmed all the way down to get the last bit out there was a small bit of milky fluid. How much should re sealing my outdrive cost?


May 28, 2009
Re: 1 freeze plug blown!

ok so i i drained the oil again to re check for water since it has been running in the river for a while to check out the block, there was no il in the water and i dont hear any noises when i run it on muffs. I called the shop back and they said its most likely the impellar (which was replaced when i did the bellows) im taking my boat back and we are going to ride in it together so he cant point out this myster noise.