How big is to big TV


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 5, 2004
Re: How big is to big TV

Congratulations and enjoy.

Remember, we can give you lots of numbers, but in the end it is how it looks to you that is important.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: How big is to big TV

Very good, Ive often wondered how many megapixels human vision can process..? I mean I can't tell the difference my 1.2 megapixel camera takes good pictures and so does my kids 12meg. but darn if my eyes can tell the difference.

If you print a picture from a 1.2 megapixel camera you can (roughly) get a 4"x6" picture. You can print a 12 megapixel picture at (roughly) 9.7"x14.5". Those sizes may not be 100% accurate but you get the idea.

Another way to look at it. Say you shoot the same scene with both cameras and have both images on your computer. If you look at both images zoomed at 100% (1:1/actual size), the 12 megapixel image will appear much much larger than the 1.2 megapixel image. You can zoom the 1.2megapixel up to the size of the 12megapixel image on your screen but it will look terrible.

There's more to a good camera than megapixels though.


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: How big is to big TV

I wish I read this thread earlier. I worked for a High End A/V company for years and could do a writeup about how to buy a new HDTV.


Jul 16, 2006
Re: How big is to big TV

Something I'll add in after the fact....

We have a Toshiba 65" projection that displays 1080i @60hz. It's great for a movie or general TV watching, but for me personally, I play Xbox 360 games on it mostly. I find myself getting nauseous after playing for an hour. The 60hz refresh rate is what is killing me....that and I'm playing it in complete darkness ( minus the TV that is :rolleyes: )

IF I buy another TV and upgrade to a flat panel, it will be at the very minimum of 120hz. As far as size goes, it's awesome having 65 inches of real estate to watch, but I'd be more than happy with a 47" or even a 42" as our main theater TV.


Jul 16, 2006
Re: How big is to big TV

I wish I read this thread earlier. I worked for a High End A/V company for years and could do a writeup about how to buy a new HDTV.

please do, anyone reading this thread could use valuable insight...they haven't sold everyone a new HDTV yet.


Jan 1, 2010
Re: How big is to big TV

Sony XBR42 in my opinion is the best LCD you can buy for the money.
Samsung has the best LED their 8 series
Panisonic makes the best plasma but they give off to much heat for my taste if in the bedroom . I use a Mitsubishi 55 HD in my living room i'm 11 feet away and a Sony LCD 42 in the bedroom @12.5' away I am happy with my 42 but a 46-47 would be perfect. Toshiba makes a great lcd for the money. Samsung has had lots of problems with their LCd's so be carefull. I like sony because the quality is 1'st rate and they have a service center in the USA. Look at a XBR and see for your self. You can find them on sale like I did if you do your homework. good luck


May 27, 2009
Re: How big is to big TV

I know im a little late getting in to this,

But the rule of thumb is, inches of distance for viewing divided by 2. that gives you a good size TV for the room.

Now for me, If i have to turn my head from side to side, then its just about right...:D


Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2009
Re: How big is to big TV

We have a 50" in the Family room and a 60" in the living room. The 50 has been refered to as the "Little One". I guess it's kinda like a boat, It can never be to big if you can afford it. :D


Aug 23, 2009
Re: How big is to big TV

I purchased my 65" about two years ago and have NEVER regretted getting more screen. My wife was very skeptical at first as she thought a 50" would do. That changed as soon as I hooked it up and turned it on. I told her I could take it back if it seemed too big. She said no way it stays. Nothing like watching movies or big games on this TV. I have many friends who regret buying a smaller screen as they thought they could make do or live with it.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: How big is to big TV

I wish I read this thread earlier. I worked for a High End A/V company for years and could do a writeup about how to buy a new HDTV.

I would LOVE to hear what you have to say about buying a new HDTV. I haven't bought one yet ... too cheap and waiting for the prices to come down even more. But I am looking. Would like to save the bulb on my projection unit to use it for presentation, which was its intended use at purchase.

Mike Robinson

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 2005
Re: How big is to big TV

Well we got it a 55 inch LCD. Not the top of the line but the best I could afford. We also got the high def star choice box to go with it.

PS my birthday was yesterday so it was a bday/xmass present.

Hey puddle jumper

We also have Starchoice satellite and the wife and I decided that we would get the HDPVR receiver as our Christmas present to each other. It's not cheap, but it's come down in price from what it was.

It's great to be able to record your favorite shows then watch them on your schedule and skip thrpough the commercials. Also when you're watching that hockey game live, if someone phones you etc. you can hit the pause button and it starts recording, when you hit play it starts playing from where you left off until you catch up when you fast forward through the commercials.

Anyways, I'm sounding like a commercial here. :) I just wanted to say that they are great and you might want to check them out if you haven't already.

(Happy belated Birthday)

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: How big is to big TV

Hi Mike we looked in to it when we got our tv but the cost was to much with the tv at the same time. We got the cheaper model and in the future we plan on getting one as I can never seem to be able to stay up past 9pm "up at 5 every day".

I like how you said that hockey game. We haven't spoke about since the game;)
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