2000 Crownline 202BR -5.7 VolvoPenta - Ticking noise when in gear and accelerating


Jul 2, 2007
I have a rather loud ticking noise coming from either my engine or my out drive.
I just bought this boat and still trying to see exactly what I got. The first time we went out it did not make any noise but it did foul the plugs shortly after putting in.I assumed bad gas it had a full tank in it left over from last year. We replaced the plugs and added fuel stabilizer, put it back in and as soon as we took off the ticking was obvious.I say ticking because it is a little more of a higher pitch tick than a deep knock. I can rev the boat up in neutral to 3500 rpms and there is no tick, I took the boat out of the water put on the water ears put it in gear revved up to 3500 rpms -no tick .It only does it when under a load in the water in gear. Don't hear it when putting, but as soon as you gas it to take off it starts ticking and the high the rpms the louder the noise. its very consistent with the rpms. the sound appears to be more towards the back of the motor but not 100% sure.

If anyone has any ideas i would appreciate any input.

Is it posible to change out my 2 barrel holley carb to a 4 barrel without having to change the intake manifold etc...


Mar 5, 2009
Re: 2000 Crownline 202BR -5.7 VolvoPenta - Ticking noise when in gear and acceleratin

Well, I heard a clicking sound coming from the rear of my motor once as I was idling away from the dock. when I throttled up, just as I was nearing plane, my engine coupler came apart. After I replaced the coupler, I never heard the clicking again.
I have no idea if the two things were related.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 3, 2002
Re: 2000 Crownline 202BR -5.7 VolvoPenta - Ticking noise when in gear and acceleratin

Does the sound change when the outdrive is trimmed up/down or when turning? Any vibrations? How about the outdrive lube level?

Also, the entire rear bench seat will tip forward as it is hinged along the lower front edge. Grab the board that the bench seatback cushions rest against in the center and pull up/forward. The seat will tip forward and come to rest on the side grab handles. This will give you a lot more room to access the engine and expose the cover over the fuel sender.
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Jul 2, 2007
Re: 2000 Crownline 202BR -5.7 VolvoPenta - Ticking noise when in gear and acceleratin

Sound does not seem to change when turning or trimming but did not think to check that when we were at the boat. also planning to check lube level possibly tomorrow if i can get back down to the boat. Are you thinking u-joint or something a long those lines