No vote from me for Hillary & why


May 17, 2001
Now if she was on the last ticket, I probably would have gone with her over W. (because I didn't know as much about her as I do now,,,thank god) Now that I hear that she seems to think that those under the age of 25 is children just torques me off. After 16 they are no longer a tax deduction. At 18 they can vote, go fight for the county, drink booze, make babies, get married, and do pretty much everything people over 25 does.

How does she get off trying to say that those up to the age of 25 are kids? With her being a woman, she has the right to change her mind. (my dad taught me that women has the right to change their minds frequently and that you should never take them seriously) As for a presidential hopeful, I sure in the heck don't want someone changing their mind like underwear.

I can see it now "Did you push that missle button? Oh gee, I changed my mind, can you stop it? I want to make it go somewhere else,,,oops thats not right either lets send it ,,,,,,BOOM,,,,,,too late. But it is not too late to stop her from being the next not so schmart president.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

I?m no Hillary fan but your post sounds a bit condescending to me.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

"Fool me once, shame on ? shame on you. Fool me ? you can't get fooled again." -Duhbya......;):)



Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

"As for a presidential hopeful, I sure in the heck don't want someone changing their mind like underwear."

Who says she changes her underwear, or that she wears any?


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

"As for a presidential hopeful, I sure in the heck don't want someone changing their mind like underwear."

Who says she changes her underwear, or that she wears any?



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

"Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." -Duhbya......;):)

:):):) I'm tellin ya, W has a career in comedy. He will have 8 years of material to work with, just for starters.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

:):):) I'm tellin ya, W has a career in comedy. He will have 8 years of material to work with, just for starters.
Yup. And it doesn't affect his ability to lead this country one iota . . . ;) Welcome back :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

So now a ol hill thread has turned into a President Bush thread...doesn't take you guys long.....but I am also not surprised either.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

The fact that you even thought she would be better than anyone, (Jojo the dogfaced boy, a houseplant, a magic 8 ball) concerns me. I guess it spawns the question, what are the qualifications for being president? Anyone think it would be a good idea to put Teddy Oldsmobile in charge or guarding the liquor cabinet? Or the slickmiester in charge of a sorority?

I have no idea what you are talking about, but it doesn't matter. Anyone who thought that having 10% of our countries GNP placed under government/her rule (meglamaniac) is just missing something. This should have sent her to the tall corn a decade ago. That is socialism by way of fearmongering/class envy/bribery/strawman.... If you think that is great, I hear Canada is having issues with not having enough citizens. Pack a jacket and gloves and partake in the free healthcare.

As for those who want to focus on President Bush, hey, what else can they do...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

As far as W goes, I would think you supporters would welcome the attention to him. You know, with all the great things he is doing and all. Comedy...great stuff, Social sec......nevermind, Border cont....nevermind, I wonder why you guys dislike talking about him....hmmmmm.

And you are correct Pointer, "what else can we do?" He is the end all of so much that is currently wrong with this country and the world. When we talk about screw ups, the discussion naturally flows in his direction. It's nature and cannot be avoided. Along with all the power and prestige that comes with being the US Prez, there are, or should be equally great consequences when things get screwed up.

QC, I agree, it does not affect his ability to lead this country. Of course though, it does not help either. ;)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

Well come now CYJ, you have so much to talk about. The Pride must be welling up thinking about how the liberals called our troops Nazi's. Kind of makes you want to get up and recite the pledge. Did it make you stand tall in the saddle when they called our troops terrorists? President Bush is the anti-christ for taking out saddam, meanwhile you have to support the idea of bombing an ally. I mean Pakistan needs a few cruise missles to get their act together. Jack em' up a little to remind them to get with the program!!!!

BTW, didn't fat bottom girl vote for the Iraqi war? Oh yes, I am sure you forgot, she did. But while our friends (ha, ha) the French were being attacked by terrorists, and Spain, and Great Britian, and Germany, we haven't had so much as a scratch on our whittle bitty chins. I guess we can all thank Russ Feingold for that...

I challenge you to name one member of the Supreme Court with superior intellect or a more level handed approach to the law than Alito and Roberts.

President Bush was handed a recession, a terrorist attack unprecidented in our history, a hurricane of epic proportions, and yet the economy has been clicking along for 5 years and improved the moment he arrived. The dow hit 13000 not a word, it hit 140000 not a word, it drops suddenly but still up for the year (and is recovering) and its Bush's fault. How do you sleep at night?

He has done a great job of erasing the near weekly charges of Rape and harrassment of his predicesor. The first lady didn't try and take over any industries while an unelected resident of the white house. Mrs. Bush didn't have any illegal, secret meetings, on government property, with public officials, like say her predicesor?

The boarder, hey his program sucks. Immigration? It sucks! Who's plan is better? Hillary or Obama pandering to the ILLEGAL vote?

Lybia surrendered, and not a shot was fired. He ignored all the liberal's sucking up to Korea, and hey, with a few well placed brides that don't involve nuclear secrets (Sorry Schlickmiester) he is gaining the upper hand. France wants to buddy up (be very very very skeptical), Germany is reaching out, even the new liberal in charge of GB thinks Bush has done well.. I know, just more Neo-con european fanatics. He exposed the UN for the liars and theives they are, and never said a word.

Minority home ownership is at historic highs, home ownership as a whole at an all time high.

Is he perfect, no.. Do I like everything he has done? NO! Could he have done better? Yes!!

But to paint this man the fool because you don't like his way of turning a phrase is typical. Will Rogers wasn't the most complex individual, but his simple approach rings bells with many many people.

I guess I should just wait for those mountains of hard hitting, landmark legislation authored by Hillary or Obama? Valuable, sweeping legislation that helped all Americans. Like say a tax cut? Just post them below....


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

Yup. And it doesn't affect his ability to lead this country one iota . . . ;) Welcome back :)

We agree but for different reasons.

No vote for Hillary from me either,again for different reasons.
Although I do think that she will do a far better job than W.
This country needs a president who can be a uniting force without going to war.Hillary has far too much hatred against her (deserved or undeserved) to be that person.
The problem is that there really is no uniting candidate at this point in time.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

We agree but for different reasons.

No vote for Hillary from me either,again for different reasons.
Although I do think that she will do a far better job than W.
This country needs a president who can get be a uniting force without going to war.Hillary has far too much hatred against her (deserved or undeserved) to be that person.
The problem is that there really in no uniting candidate at this point i time.

I tend to disagree here, Rolmops.

Most of the hate against Hillary seems to be of the irrational rant variety, without any substance. Of all the available candidates, she seems to be one of the few grown-ups. I like Joe Biden better, I suppose, and he'd make a great Sec of State.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

I disagree PW. I think that Obama could be the type to bring this country together. I don't feel the hostility in him when he speaks, just the passion. I feel the same way about Romney. This guy is squeeky clean... And smart enough to scare alot of people. Rudy and Thompson I can see having a tough time pulling it together. Not impossible, but something tells me they will make easy marks for the left.

But to think that Hillary could pull this country together, she can't even pull her family together. The hatred that spews from her mouth is like nothing I have ever heard this side of Calyipso Louis. No candidate in history has higher disapproval ratings than her. I would vote for Bill Clinton twice over her. I guess that would make me a Chicago democrat.. :)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

Well come now CYJ, you have so much to talk about. The Pride must be welling up thinking about how the liberals called our troops Nazi's. Kind of makes you want to get up and recite the pledge. Did it make you stand tall in the saddle when they called our troops terrorists? President Bush is the anti-christ for taking out saddam, meanwhile you have to support the idea of bombing an ally. I mean Pakistan needs a few cruise missles to get their act together. Jack em' up a little to remind them to get with the program!!!!

BTW, didn't fat bottom girl vote for the Iraqi war? Oh yes, I am sure you forgot, she did. But while our friends (ha, ha) the French were being attacked by terrorists, and Spain, and Great Britian, and Germany, we haven't had so much as a scratch on our whittle bitty chins. I guess we can all thank Russ Feingold for that...

I challenge you to name one member of the Supreme Court with superior intellect or a more level handed approach to the law than Alito and Roberts.

President Bush was handed a recession, a terrorist attack unprecidented in our history, a hurricane of epic proportions, and yet the economy has been clicking along for 5 years and improved the moment he arrived. The dow hit 13000 not a word, it hit 140000 not a word, it drops suddenly but still up for the year (and is recovering) and its Bush's fault. How do you sleep at night?

He has done a great job of erasing the near weekly charges of Rape and harrassment of his predicesor. The first lady didn't try and take over any industries while an unelected resident of the white house. Mrs. Bush didn't have any illegal, secret meetings, on government property, with public officials, like say her predicesor?

The boarder, hey his program sucks. Immigration? It sucks! Who's plan is better? Hillary or Obama pandering to the ILLEGAL vote?

Lybia surrendered, and not a shot was fired. He ignored all the liberal's sucking up to Korea, and hey, with a few well placed brides that don't involve nuclear secrets (Sorry Schlickmiester) he is gaining the upper hand. France wants to buddy up (be very very very skeptical), Germany is reaching out, even the new liberal in charge of GB thinks Bush has done well.. I know, just more Neo-con european fanatics. He exposed the UN for the liars and theives they are, and never said a word.

Minority home ownership is at historic highs, home ownership as a whole at an all time high.

Is he perfect, no.. Do I like everything he has done? NO! Could he have done better? Yes!!

But to paint this man the fool because you don't like his way of turning a phrase is typical. Will Rogers wasn't the most complex individual, but his simple approach rings bells with many many people.

I guess I should just wait for those mountains of hard hitting, landmark legislation authored by Hillary or Obama? Valuable, sweeping legislation that helped all Americans. Like say a tax cut? Just post them below....

All this matters not to the left. It is the opposite of what they are seeking. If Hillary gets elected it will empower the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons and it will be another go around of keeping the downtrodden down on the plantations. This is what they want and they will not be satisfied until the great white middle class is down there with them.

This crap about Hillary being a unifier and the lack of understanding as to why there is so much strong opposition to her is a joke.


Jun 19, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

As far as W goes, I would think you supporters would welcome the attention to him. You know, with all the great things he is doing and all. Comedy...great stuff, Social sec......nevermind, Border cont....nevermind, I wonder why you guys dislike talking about him....hmmmmm.

And you are correct Pointer, "what else can we do?" He is the end all of so much that is currently wrong with this country and the world. When we talk about screw ups, the discussion naturally flows in his direction. It's nature and cannot be avoided. Along with all the power and prestige that comes with being the US Prez, there are, or should be equally great consequences when things get screwed up.

QC, I agree, it does not affect his ability to lead this country. Of course though, it does not help either. ;)
How did he screw up?


Jun 19, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

We agree but for different reasons.

No vote for Hillary from me either,again for different reasons.
Although I do think that she will do a far better job than W.
This country needs a president who can get be a uniting force without going to war.Hillary has far too much hatred against her (deserved or undeserved) to be that person.
The problem is that there really in no uniting candidate at this point i time.
How would Hillary be better than President Bush? What do you like about her?


May 17, 2001
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

Same ole same ole crap. Try to find out what is to be done with the country and nothing but old crap hits the fan. The present administration is on its way out and hashing out the same ole stuff is less attentive in my mind. I want to know who is best for the position and not in comparision to Bush. Sorta like buying a new house but always complaining about your old house. Just doesn't make sense when you looking for a new one.

I don't believe everything I read because it is 3rd party news each time. Hearsay is not allowed in courts because of the doubtness of truth. My opinion is that too many have been influenced by partial truth/lies.

Anyone that hates the way things have come about from the war should be complaining to those that voted for the war. W couldn't have done it on his own. The great mind changers are the ones that should be accountable. It seems that everyone went by the same info and made their own minds up how to vote. But wait, the info was wrong so ALL the blame is put on W. WTF? Again it took the majority of the votes and Bush didn't force everyone to raise their hand to vote. Of course some will still stay stuck that it was all Bushs fault for the war.

I'm not a rgeistered Dem or a Rep and plan to remain independant. I think the parties are to blame for the stagnant stinch in Washington for a long long time.

I want to know where we are headed and not what the present and past has done. Can anyone do that? Seems to be doubtful on this board.........SS


Apr 21, 2004
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

I disagree PW. I think that Obama could be the type to bring this country together. I don't feel the hostility in him when he speaks, just the passion. I feel the same way about Romney. This guy is squeeky clean... And smart enough to scare alot of people. Rudy and Thompson I can see having a tough time pulling it together. Not impossible, but something tells me they will make easy marks for the left.

But to think that Hillary could pull this country together, she can't even pull her family together. The hatred that spews from her mouth is like nothing I have ever heard this side of Calyipso Louis. No candidate in history has higher disapproval ratings than her. I would vote for Bill Clinton twice over her. I guess that would make me a Chicago democrat.. :)

There is no one that can pull this country together.

We have seen just here on this board that anyone that disagrees with the far right in this country are accused of treason. There are a wealth of topic threads with that specific theme.

I do worry about the direction of this country, as I think there are a significant number of people, including some significant mouthpieces, that really believe their way is the only way, and that any deviation from that is tantamount to treason. I personally think this country is heading toward some sort of coup by those that are unwilling to even consider an alternate path.

Is that uinreasonable paranoia? I hope so, but fear it is not.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: No vote from me for Hillary & why

We have seen just here on this board that anyone that disagrees with the far right in this country are accused of treason. There are a wealth of topic threads with that specific theme.
Bad for America does not equal Treason. I hope you're not putting words in this mouthpiece . . .

Is that uinreasonable paranoia?
Yes . . .

As for Mayfloat's question. Why must we be united? When have we been other than wartime? This "most divided ever" carp is just that, carp. . . Were we united under Nixon? Johnson? Clinton? Lincoln? Come on. Load of carp. Don't worry about it. As another thread has discussed. Vote Party, not person. The parties are what they rae. Figure out which one is most conistent with your values and go. Makes things a lot more simple.