My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

I'm just curious and not criticizing, but what is an example of a cultural or ethnic trap? From my simplistic view, mathematics and science should be unbiased in these respects. Is it the language portions that contain these traps??

Probably the most common traps are the use of words that are common everyday usage in one culture but uncommon and vague in another. Another is the presentation in "word problems" of situations common in one culture and not another.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Logic statement.

Paddling = controlled classroom
Controlled classroom = good learning environment

I would agree with that in Tn we had the Board of ED (cricket bat) you got it for anything that was out of line



Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Logic statement.

Paddling = controlled classroom
Controlled classroom = good learning environment

I would agree with that in Tn we had the Board of ED (cricket bat) you got it for anything that was out of line


We had coat room where boys and girls got spanked in the elementary school. Mr Burchue, my 4th grade theacher, had a hard hand!!!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Probably the most common traps are the use of words that are common everyday usage in one culture but uncommon and vague in another. Another is the presentation in "word problems" of situations common in one culture and not another.

Like what, for example? Don't we all speak the same language?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Like Plainsman, I too had coatroom where you went.
My teacher was a large woman and she knew what to do with the paddle.
If she said to the room, you knew what was coming and so did all the other kids and they sure never made a sound neither for if they did, it would be their turn.:eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Originally Posted by JB View Post
"""Probably the most common traps are the use of words that are common everyday usage in one culture but uncommon and vague in another. Another is the presentation in "word problems" of situations common in one culture and not another."""

""Like what, for example? Don't we all speak the same language?""

That problem is more gender related IMO.
If a problem has to do with something "boyish" girls can't envision or relate to the question.
It's hard to make up a "universal" question that all races and both genders can comprehend the same way.

You guys really want some of these krazy people whacking on your kid? We had a paddle at school too. Mr.metz had it up on the wall behind his desk. OK by my father but if he pulled it out on my daughter I would flip out.
Different times, different values.....


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

It's hard to make up a "universal" question that all races and both genders can comprehend the same way.

If that's true, then it should be easy to provide an example statement. Personally I don't believe that. I think it's a's how schools divert attention from the fact that they are failing as an institution...and how members of the supposed disenfranchised group, be it gender or race, attempt to gain an inexistent equality...


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

quote rsc: "You guys really want some of these krazy people whacking on your kid? We had a paddle at school too. Mr.metz had it up on the wall behind his desk. OK by my father but if he pulled it out on my daughter I would flip out.
Different times, different values....." end quote

And that is half the problem. Did it make you a bad, evil person is you got a wack on the butt?

Different cultures my arse! Haven't we always had different cultures in this great nation? Seems we did just fine until the libs got a hold on things.

Boy's or girl questions? You have to be kidding!! ...a train was going 30 mph. How long did it take it....... Are you saying a girl can't answer that?

No more red ink for a F on a paper..might damage the kids self-esteem...what a flipping joke we have let our education system become.


Mar 22, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

We didn't have a coatroom, you got your arse whipped in the front of the classroom; I think it had more of a crowd control effect that way as well.​

It is sad that teachers are afraid of their kids now, there is little respect for adults in general throughout a good bit of today's youth.​

I think that general lack of respect pours over into self-respect, which in turn causes a lack of interest in learning.​


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Different cultures my arse! Haven't we always had different cultures in this great nation? Seems we did just fine until the libs got a hold on things.

Sure.., we have been a melting pot since the dawn of time but it's been less than a lifetime that people were treated as equal. Did the damn "Libs" take away white only schools?? Is that what messed everything up? What did they do?

Boy's or girl questions? You have to be kidding!! ...a train was going 30 mph. How long did it take it....... Are you saying a girl can't answer that?

I can site 5-10-15 studies that prove this but it will just be brushed off as "liberal" nonsense...

No more red ink for a F on a paper..might damage the kids self-esteem...what a flipping joke we have let our education system become.


Schools need more money, parents need to be able to work less to spend more quality time with their kids.
What was the American dream? House with a white picket fence, mom in the kitchen, dad in the yard playing catch. Baseball games, boy scouts and church on the weekends???
Well that house now costs 2500-3000 a month and mom has to work now.
Bad things are happening to our kids in what "were" the safest and "purest places.
My daughter can't even go out and play down the street nowdays. Seems like the world is just full of freak predators and older kids with bad intentions.
Yes, different times, different values..


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

While it would be hard to find the solution for the school systems, one thing is for sure - it's definitely not a lack of money...


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

While it would be hard to find the solution for the school systems, one thing is for sure - it's definitely not a lack of money...

I wish that were true BJ but in my neck of the woods it's a fact.
My wife spent 8 years in college, not community college, UCSD and SDSU, and after her first four years she was offered a 25,000 salary for being a teachers helper/substitute, her last four years yielded a teaching position to the tune of 32,000.. a year....
Teachers are required to do alot more schooling and have far more requirements than they used to have and then they get offered money like that??
Teachers in my area can only afford an apartment and a Honda civic payment.
Wheres the incentive?


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Schools need more money, parents need to be able to work less to spend more quality time with their kids.
What was the American dream? House with a white picket fence, mom in the kitchen, dad in the yard playing catch. Baseball games, boy scouts and church on the weekends???
Well that house now costs 2500-3000 a month and mom has to work now.
Bad things are happening to our kids in what "were" the safest and "purest places.
My daughter can't even go out and play down the street nowdays. Seems like the world is just full of freak predators and older kids with bad intentions.
Yes, different times, different values..

More money thrown at a broken system? Yeah, brilliant idea :rolleyes:

House depends on where you live, and how far you go to keep up with Jones'.

So what about church, playing catch and boy scouts? Why not do that? And add going to PTA meeting and voicing you opinion. Enough people show up that really care, things can change. But parents don't want to get involved, they will stomach whatever the school district and teachers union shove down their throats.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Overall, teachers were paid an average of $46,752 last year, a slight raise that did not keep pace with inflation, the NEA says. Pay is usually based on teacher seniority and education.

My wife is a teacher and that is almost exactly correct give or take a few grand. Not a bad gig for actually working only 8 months out of the year. Then the health care that you can only dream of for the entire family and the lavish, sick, personal, paid holidays, tax deductions, pension, (how many people have a pension anymore?) and almost zero accountability as identified by the number of dropouts and those who graduate who can't read. How many of you folks out there work 190 days a year max?

Granted there should be some benefit for putting up with parents who have children to impress the neighbors and co-workers and expect teachers to clean, feed, clothe, potty train, house, medicate, counsel, provide condoms, in addition to educate the kids.

I love it when they beech about their take home pay, and curiously forget to mention the benefit packages. If it is so bad, try working in the public sector. Different challenges, lower pay. The thing is, if you are good at what you do in the private sector, your financial upside is far greater.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Pay is usually based on teacher seniority and education.

If it was based on performance we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Pay them well and make sure they are doing their job.
That's all I ask for.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Amen. A good teacher is worth every penny. And if you are involved or your wife is involved in teaching I would venture to guess there are at least 20% of the teachers working with you that you wouldn't leave in charge of your plants let alone your pets or children.

The key is accountability. And letting them be teachers and not social workers, or doctors, or abortionists, or chef's or wardens. But I guess I am not very open minded. Teachers are the best our society has to offer, and sometimes the worst.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 29, 2006
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

If it was based on performance we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Pay them well and make sure they are doing their job.
That's all I ask for.

I agree.. but how can a teacher do their job when the student is on drugs and talking on his cell phone in class?

I think the first thing a student needs to be taught is RESPECT !

And yes, I am from a school where the teacher had the right to beat my butt in front of the class.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: My kid didn't pass!! It's the state's fault!!

Inclusive of the kid, it is the parents' responsibilty and always will be as long as hillary dont get elected.

Here's a novel concept 12 - GIVE IT A REST!

So you have a seething hatred for anything that differs from king george's whim, we get it. But give it a rest, anyone is entitled to a differing point of view, however we aren't whining about what hasn't happened yet. Some of us liked him but now don't, and some still approve of his exploits. Those fof us who do not approve of his abuse of power will get over it, in '08 when he's gone. So long as his successor (dem or rep) doesn't abuse the American people like baby bush and his cronies.

Back on topic though, ever notice how regardless of the number, when an African American is "wronged" it is always racism? I've even seen that defense levelled against another African American. It happens but I don't notice it with other so-called "Minorities."