Boat was given to me after is sank tied to a dock the preceeding year. They dried it out as good as they could and had the carbs gone over, When they took it out it would run great, and then suddenly just start missing and carrying on and run that way the rest of the day. Some days it was wicked fun, others you were putting back to the boat ramp for hours cussing the whole way. I can't tell what's up with it. I replaced a couple coils and got new carb parts to install and then I found that there were a lot of needles and jets missing from the carbs. The pieces I needed aren't in the kit so I need to figure out what goes where and order them.
I was wondering if anyone might know how a boat could run really good at times with haldf the parts missing from the carbs.
I also need a starter if anyone can point me to a place to get a quality cheap one.
I was wondering if anyone might know how a boat could run really good at times with haldf the parts missing from the carbs.
I also need a starter if anyone can point me to a place to get a quality cheap one.