What ignition do I have?


Rear Admiral
Jun 24, 2003
Re: What ignition do I have?

Motor is from 1974. Check the purple wire going to the terminal block. Is it connected to anything. If not and the wiring harness ends at the terminal block you have a Magneto ignition however I doubt it because I believe the coils are under the flywheel for the magneto system. So the other two options are Battery ignition with alternator or magnapower cd ignition. Is there a cd unit or a box that has probably 6 wires going to it. Two from the coils, two from the breaker plate and two from the barrior strip. Wire colors from the barrier strip would be blue and a white one.<br /><br />I am able to open both links you posted. The second one would not open so I had to save as target to my desktop then I could open it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 7, 2004
Re: What ignition do I have?

Looks like a regular old Battery ignition. It should have 2 sets of points and 2 condensers under the flywheel. It works like a car's ignition system, ie, Lobe on cam opens/closes points, which cause coil to spark and send spark to spark plug. No rocket science needed on this type.


Rear Admiral
Jun 24, 2003
Re: What ignition do I have?

Magnapower coil would be F345475-2 from Mercury is about 92 bucks. This part does not have spark wires attached to it. Standard ignition would be part number 85-818076A2 for the coil with boot also from mercury for about 98 bucks.