Thousand Islands trip in July 2019 -- Looking for local advice


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Ayuh,...... Right in-between the museum, 'n the islander marina, next to french bay marina,....

You might try the islander too,..... it's the one owned by the boss's brother,....

I thought it was run by french bay, but now thinkin' maybe not,.... was there yesterday, 'n noticed the different signs out front,....


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2010
Does NY state require any inspections for weeds etc before launching in this area

( Lake George has some strict rules on cleanliness / no sinks draining onto the lake etc etc // -- not sure about other areas )


Jul 10, 2012
Does NY state require any inspections for weeds etc before launching in this area

( Lake George has some strict rules on cleanliness / no sinks draining onto the lake etc etc // -- not sure about other areas )

I'd be sure I was clean anyways as they (NY) are starting to crack down on this. I have to go through inspections on more popular/smaller inland lakes - Black Lake and Canandiagua. Nothing too formal yet but they do look for anything out of the ordinary, ask when the boat was in the water last, and upon retrieval asked to inspect my anchor for hitch hikers coming out of the lake. This has only started in the last couple of seasons.

Here's the boater's brochure:

And I believe they (NY) just started installing wash down stations as well in State Parks. So if there aren't inspections there now, it is coming soon.

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
We noticed the town of Clayton has a public dock that takes reservations in advance & offer hookups

Looks like we may try it / Assuming they are suitable // Anyone familiar with these docks ?

They are great docks, but not well-protected from wakes. Guessing it would be OK at night, but a little annoying during the day. I think the docks on the west end of downtown are a bit better protected than the docks at the east end of downtown. Try to get space as close to shore as possible of you stay on the west end of town.

If you can squeeze under the bridge and don't mind a marina that's a little rough around the edges, French Creek Marina is completely protected from wakes and is incredibly quiet at night. It's also dirt cheap. We got under the bridge easily in our 25 footer with the bimini up, last year. Obviously, water levels are higher now, so hard to say if you could fit or not.

Another vote for the Clayton Boat Museum and a meal at Bella's (go for dinner and again for breakfast, mmmmm). The restaurant at the hotel at the east end of downtown is great and we enjoyed lunch at the Wood Boat Brewery too.

If weather permits, a trip to Sacketts Harbor on Lake Ontario is a great way to kill a day. Lovely little town with great walking trails and history.

Hope you have a great time.

If you like 1000 Islands, make plans to do the Golden Triangle cruise some time. We did it last year and had a great time. The Rideau is wonderful.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
I think the docks on the west end of downtown are a bit better protected than the docks at the east end of downtown.

Ayuh,..... The town dock next to the boat Museum, are fairly calm on the boat launch side(south side),.....

The Museum side is pretty exposed to the river wakes, 'n northwest winds,.....

If you can squeeze under the bridge and don't mind a marina that's a little rough around the edges, French Creek Marina is completely protected from wakes and is incredibly quiet at night. It's also dirt cheap.

I know Wilbur, 'n buy some parts from 'im,.... Quite an ole bird,.... Love the guy, a Great time is had chattin' with 'im,.....

To hear his docking is Cheap, IS quite a Shocker though,.....
Because noting else from Wilbur can be called Cheap,.....

Wilbur has 2 of every part ever made for 'bout any boat ever built,.....
But,.... None of 'em are remotely cheap,......

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
I know Wilbur, 'n buy some parts from 'im,.... Quite an ole bird,.... Love the guy, a Great time is had chattin' with 'im,.....

To hear his docking is Cheap, IS quite a Shocker though,.....
Because noting else from Wilbur can be called Cheap,.....

Wilbur has 2 of every part ever made for 'bout any boat ever built,.....
But,.... None of 'em are remotely cheap,......

Docking was a buck a foot including electric (15 amp) and truck/trailer parking, per day. Pretty hard to beat that.

He sold me a set of OEM plug wires for my 7.4 MPI for 80 bucks. I thought that was a decent price for OEM stuff sourced locally.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2010
The Marina's all seem to be struggling with High water -- And say call back the week of your trip to see if anythings available.

How is the boating otherwise ????

We are wondering if we should postpone until next year.


Jul 25, 2018
The Marina's all seem to be struggling with High water -- And say call back the week of your trip to see if anythings available.

How is the boating otherwise ????

We are wondering if we should postpone until next year.

Everything from about waddington down is good to go, because dam. Above the dam, water is high, broken docks floating around, no wake zones, speex limits, below the dam i was out and its slightly high but docks arent under. The bass fishing is 100%full bore action. The water's super cold, but always is.


Jul 10, 2012
From what I'm reading the water for the first time in 29 days dropped a tad.

**Full disclaimer...more rain in the forecast for this weekend so I would expect that to go back up.

As for postponing...this seems to be the new "normal". Marinas/towns *might* adjust their dockage in relation to the "new" normal. I do not believe the speed restrictions have been lifted on the St. Lawrence.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
I do not believe the speed restrictions have been lifted on the St. Lawrence.

Nope,..... Within' I think 300' from shore on the river, 'n I'm sure it's 1000' here on the lake,.....

Increasin' Sheriff's patrols on the river,.....


Jul 25, 2018
Many locals are speculating that the powers that be are full of crap, and their intentionally holding water to maximize electricity production during peak consumption in NYC. If true, the water will go down considerably in the coming weeks as a billion ac units kick on.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Ayuh,..... Just an update,.....

Today, August 14th is the 1st day my dock is dry, 'n I can get into my boat, without gettin' my feet wet,........ :rolleyes:

Many locals are speculating that the powers that be are full of crap,

Ayuh,..... They are,..... The eco-terrorists that pushed the new plan are also pushin' global warmin', 'n are now callin' these conditions,.......... Proof,......


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2010
Sorry to hear your having all these ongoing troubles with water levels.

We decided to postpone pulling the boat over & will see how things are next year.

Had a chance a few weeks ago for a quick stop at Clayton & saw docks which were just starting to surface in some cases. Keewadin park seems nice also. Water sure was clean!


Jul 10, 2012
Sorry to hear your having all these ongoing troubles with water levels.

We decided to postpone pulling the boat over & will see how things are next year.

Had a chance a few weeks ago for a quick stop at Clayton & saw docks which were just starting to surface in some cases. Keewadin park seems nice also. Water sure was clean!

Zebra mussels. As much as they are a pita they certainly cleaned the water up tremendously.

Alex Bay brought in floating docks and tied them to partially submerged docks so large boats could still dock on the city/village docks. Any small wake set water up onto them. It wasn't pretty. This was (2) weeks ago.