Boat Track (rail) System ideas?


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

. . . listening to you out loud: You could also try increasing the spool diameter to increase the speed at which it moves. In the end, how fast do you need it to go? Turn it on to drop it in, it might take a minute or two. During that time: have a beer, check that the transom plug is in, tell fish stories, etc! :)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Thanks for the link Jeeperman....yes "McGuyver it" or "farmer rig it", are the correct terms.

The reason for the two cables is it is a 'push/pull' system not gravity. It's a loop where you need a pulley on the water end of the track.

The reason for the double spool is to 'hold' the cable.

Yea, I get the need for the pulley ut at the lake end in order to get the push and pull.
But I see no reason for the two spools. As it is, one spool would provide the same (actually better) traction for the cable on the spool as the two spools shown. Think of a capstan winch in that there is only one spool and the cable wraps around the capstan more than once to get the pulling grip needed. The two spools are the same size so there is no reduction going on either.
The only thing I see the second spool doing is to accommodate excess cable.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Thanks BigPrairie,

I've figured out that a 1.5hp motor 1750rpm with a 80:1 gearbox is sufficient up to 15% with a 3500lb load. 15 feet per minute.

I've found the individual electric motor, pulley, bearings, remote and such and buy the time you get's a toss up between that and a complete product winch like superwinch or warn. (I won't need more than a 50 foot remote distance so that's all fine)

It will come down to finding a deal, but at this point looks like either will work....the big draw back to the super and warn is the slow feed....2 feet per minute on a full load and empty spool. If I do a push/pull system I could keep the spool at the same diameter and tweak that to optimize the speed.

....thinking out loud.....:D
You could also use a small pto type winch. Or really any winch even if it is 12vdc and constructed in a way that you can pull the 12vdc motor off and power it with an ac voltage electric motor, direct drive or via chain and sprockets. Controlled with the garage door remote components.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Yea, I get the need for the pulley ut at the lake end in order to get the push and pull.
But I see no reason for the two spools. As it is, one spool would provide the same (actually better) traction for the cable on the spool as the two spools shown. Think of a capstan winch in that there is only one spool and the cable wraps around the capstan more than once to get the pulling grip needed. The two spools are the same size so there is no reduction going on either.
The only thing I see the second spool doing is to accommodate excess cable.

I believe that do to the fact that wire rope is being used in a two block system, its more for grip than anything (wont slip), with a capstan head you need line preasure, as well as a feed that will not bunch up on rotation.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

The rope is only touching half of the two spools, so the rope is touching the same amount of spool as if there was only one spool that the rope was wrapped around the same amount of times. right?.

In either case you still need the tension in order to get the grip.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

The rope is only touching half of the two spools, so the rope is touching the same amount of spool as if there was only one spool that the rope was wrapped around the same amount of times. right?.

In either case you still need the tension in order to get the grip.

"I think" the boat is the line weight, push/pull--in/out, but what can be seen is the way the wire rope goes through/around the sheaves, therefore not allowing bunching of the line, while capstand heads are great (pull lots of cable through conduit with them) but they would be a pain in the butt to operate in the same maner as the sheaved set up. Of course you could just call it a winch if you hard mount the line.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 28, 2002
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Here's my track and how I get it in and out every year. Didn't have a picture of the dolley or the winch.
It's all 2x2x1/4 steel angle iron. Bolts together in 20 foot sections.

That's Lake Erie by the way.


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Sep 13, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

I'm going to be building one in the next few days.

8 -10ft stickes of 3.5" EMT (craigslist $5 each)
30 sets of 6" bolts, washers, lock washers, and nuts (Axman $0.72 per pound)
1 -5ft 2" square tubing (menards $5-10?)
1- length of 1.5-2" angle iron (menards $5-10?)
1- length of 2" flat steel (menards $5-10?)
2 - beat up rims for boat trailer (?) havent found them
2 -trailer hubs with matching rims
2 -3" U-bolts
Boat trailer

I plan on building a 30ft track with the emt and using two sticks of emt (cut in half) for crossbars. Cut brackets with the flat steel so that 4 bolts can go through the pipe. The fourth bolt will also hold a "L" bracket which connects to the crossbar. Paint/grease bolts to prevent rusting. Launch your boat then tie up at dock. Roll trailer down hill to water. Take off wheels and put on junk rims. Weld/bolt hubs to square tube and attach rims. U-bolt square tube to boat trailer. Chain winch to tree and attach cable to trailer. Heres a drawing of what I'm gonna do:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Good deals on material....looks like a fun project.

I still have my eyeball out for parts and pieces, but as it turns out, a neighbour has this that I think I can get for the 'right price'. (the cost of tearing down the shed)




Sep 13, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

That looks like its in the ice or is it just me.
My grandpa had one that looked kind of like that but it was left in the water over winter by the previous owner a few times and the ice moved and bent it all to heck. Even after trying to straighten it, the dolly kept falling off the track all the time. We still have it but when I asked my grandpa about it he said "I don't want to see that in the water again" so I've started to create my own. I plan on trying to take as best of care for it (if it works) as I can.... well same goes for the boat but you understand what im saying.

Good luck with that track. Let me know how it turns out.

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

the solution for the wheel bearings and water is--eliminate them. find a buddy with a lathe and make up a bronse cone that duplicates the dimentions of the wheel bearing ,cap the hub and install a grease nipple,pump the hub full twice a year and dont worry about it


Sep 13, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Got it together. Still missing a pair of u-bolts for the front axle. I'm still suprised that the 3.5" emt can hold 400ish pounds. Also need a little paint for the brackets but otherwise all I need to do is toss it in the water. Btw, it weighs about 320 pounds...






Oh and yes the track is backwards compared to the boat. The jack is keeping the boat from rolling down the track when these pictures were taken.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Hey cool job Blues! Using a trailer is a great idea.

Update again how it works when you instal it.


Sep 13, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

got it set up last weekend. 30ft of track (25ft in the water, 5ft on shore).
I'm alittle worried that it might not be long enough for my boat to lift off the trailer. At the end of the track is only about waist deep. I designed this so that when I pull the boat up, the front wheels will lift off the track and either roll on the ground or on some boards. If I have to extend this, I will extend it by another 20ft (10 in the water and 10 on shore).
I'll be testing it out this weekend to see how it works.


Me greasing the bolts


I put a pole out at the end with orange tape so that other boaters wont hit the end of the track. For some reason they get pretty close (found a couple lures on shore last weekend (way up on shore) grandparents aren't too happy mainly cause they normally get stuck in the canopy for their pontoon lift)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Nice!...looking forward to seeing it in action....


Sep 13, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

okay. I believe that I need to build a carriage cause the trailer makes the boat sit too high. To get it off the trailer I need to put the motor in reverse 3/4 throttle, hop in back and bounce/rock/jump the boat. I don't really want to add to the track and put it out deeper, plus it kind of sucks to get it on the trailer. It was worth a shot right?



Apr 20, 2014
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Got it together. Still missing a pair of u-bolts for the front axle. I'm still suprised that the 3.5" emt can hold 400ish pounds. Also need a little paint for the brackets but otherwise all I need to do is toss it in the water. Btw, it weighs about 320 pounds...






Oh and yes the track is backwards compared to the boat. The jack is keeping the boat from rolling down the track when these pictures were taken.

I will be doing a very similar build to what you crated with the round tubing in a BC lake.
I wanted to find out how did you join the tubes end to end? I see a type of collar, Can you explain what these collars are please? PVC? or steel and do they have a trade name or part name that is easily identifiable...
Cheers ET


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

Hi there ET, I just wanted to let you know that since the thread you pulled up out of the archives is almost 1 year old and while looking back at Bluesmobile last activity date, he hasn't been online with iboats since then, so chances are he's not going to be coming back online to be able to provide you an update anytime soon. Below are a few reminders of iboats policies that we hope our forum members will try to follow along with as much as possible. Thank you & good luck with your new to you engine.

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Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Boat Track (rail) System ideas?

I will be doing a very similar build to what you crated with the round tubing in a BC lake.
I wanted to find out how did you join the tubes end to end? I see a type of collar, Can you explain what these collars are please? PVC? or steel and do they have a trade name or part name that is easily identifiable...
Cheers ET
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