Bought this a couple weeks ago for cheap. It takes on some water, which I addressed in my first post. I finally got around to looking for leaks and found this. Is this an easy fix?
I hardly looked the boat over when I bought it because I got it so cheap. Figured even if I had to dump some money in it, I'd be okay.
There's also a couple spots on the bottom that look like they were repaired by a 3rd grader with some Play-Doh. They don't leak any water when I put a hose in the drain plug, but I'm still going to re-do the "repairs" this winter.
I'm brand new to boating, so keep that in mind with any suggestions. Thanks!
Here's some pics (this is my virgin attempt to post from photobucket, so if it doesn't work I'll keep trying)
SCREW -- Is this an easy fix??
This is my new-to-me boat, a 1978 Del-Magic Cougar
I hardly looked the boat over when I bought it because I got it so cheap. Figured even if I had to dump some money in it, I'd be okay.
There's also a couple spots on the bottom that look like they were repaired by a 3rd grader with some Play-Doh. They don't leak any water when I put a hose in the drain plug, but I'm still going to re-do the "repairs" this winter.
I'm brand new to boating, so keep that in mind with any suggestions. Thanks!
Here's some pics (this is my virgin attempt to post from photobucket, so if it doesn't work I'll keep trying)
SCREW -- Is this an easy fix??
This is my new-to-me boat, a 1978 Del-Magic Cougar