1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Hello all! First post, and I might as well jump in feet first.

I recently purchased a 1987 Thundercraft 18' inboard. I'm going to do my best here, but I am by no means a "boat person." This will be the very first boat I have owned, although I have been involved with boating since I was little.

Interesting story behind this boat: it was in the family when I was too young to know much about anything (10-12 years old, maybe). I was able to track it down and purchase it for next to nothing, so it does hold some emotional value. I'm excited to do some restoring, some fixing, and a whole lot of driving.

I came across this forum while trying to research the boat and any information I can find out about it. I pick the boat up next week, so I want to have a few things planned out ahead of time. For example, I'm looking for owner?s manuals on the boat, the engine, or anything else I can get my hands on.

I'm very mechanical, so I'm not terribly concerned about working on the boat myself. I have access to a large work area, so I can take my time on fixing any issues that come up.

Here is everything I know about the boat, which isn't much! It is a 1987 Thundercraft. I do not know the model. The title says it was rated at 175hp. From memory, (once again when I was about 12), it is an Oldsmobile V6 engine. It is an inboard engine. It seats 6 in the "back" (once again, I apologize as I do not know correct terminology.. new to the boat thing!) and has an open front end (bow?) that could probably seat another 2-3 comfortably. The title also says 18' long. The vin begins with: TCT2585I (with the last 4 numbers left off for obvious reasons).

Anyone know much about these boats? It runs great, but does have a steering issue. The last time it was in the water, the steering "locked up" as they were driving, and they had to paddle back to the trailer.. Where it has sat for the last 4 months. They supposedly had someone look at the steering, and were told it was a broken steering cable. Told this was "common" on this series of boat. Other than the steering, the boat is supposed to be in great shape.

The wood will probably be sanded and re-stained. I'm also saving for upholstery, as I imagine the seats will probably need it. A good buff and wax will probably also be needed (any recommendations there?).

So, in summary, where is the best place to gather further information about this boat? I'm looking for anything from first hand experience, down to full manuals. I would love to find something that diagrams the steering, electrical, and the engine. I've searched e-bay, google, and everywhere else. There just isn't much information out there about these things!

Any help, advice, or insight is GREATLY appreciated.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

buy a service manual for the motor it has all the information you will need as far as a manual for the boat itself you are sol. all boats are basicaly the same. good luck and welcome t iboats


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Thanks for the quick reply and info. Any easy way to identify which engine this boat has from 350 miles away from it? As I said before, I seem to remember it being an Olds V6 of some sort... And, it is rated at 175hp.

Also, any way to know the official model based on the information above?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Anyone have anything else to add?

Not much info out there about these boats. Has me a little worried now!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Hmm. I don't want to keep dragging this back up, especially if there isn't anything left to add..

How about this: Does anyone have an alternate source for information about these boats? Looking for anything and everything at this point.

Once again, thank you in advance!


Jun 30, 2004
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

some boats it's impossible to find info on. i have a trisonic. i can find nothing on this boat on the www. i also have an aristocraft. this one i can find info on. no idea about your thundercraft. so, some boats ya can find info on, some ya can't...... what you should be able to find out about is the engine and drive. this, there are service manuals on. but we don't know what ya have other than a 175hp olds. ya could let us in on what ya got. a mercruiser, a omc, vp, a real inboard? whatever ya got....
have ya taken any boating safety classes? power squadron, coastgaurd aux.? these are great places to learn about the many aspects of boats. including proper terminology so ya can converse with others on the same level....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Great advice Ziggy, thank you. I'm looking into classes, but I'm not finding anything in this area. I'm going to do some online research.

I picked the boat up on Tuesday. Had to pack wheel bearings, replace all the trailer wiring, replace the tires on the boat, add safety chains, and add tie-down straps.. Just to MOVE the thing. I'm starting to understand why these projects always seem to cost people money!! :)

Got the boat home Wednesday and tore into it. Here is what I have: 4.3 V6 engine. I remembered it as an Olds engine, but I'm pretty sure it is just a standard 4.3 General Motors V6 engine.. Any opinions on these things for Marine use? I've been around similar displacement engines in the automobile world, but don't know much of anything about the marine versions.

The drive is an OMC Cobra. Don't know much of anything about them. I'm assuming now that I know the engine and drive, I could probably find a little more about them out on the net.

Here are a few pictures I figured I would share. When I first got it, after I buffed on it for about 3 hours, and the steering cable that was frozen up:





Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 12, 2005
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Use the engines serial number to find a service manual for the engine. The 4.3 engine is generally good. Just like an auto engine, maintenance over the years will determine what kind of shape it is in now. For a manual, you will want to find an OMC Cobra for the year (determined by the serial number) of your engine. I believe you can purchase these online here at iboats or other marine retailers.

Regarding a manual for the boat...Don't bother looking. If you found one, I think you would be disappointed in it. They usually don't have much info.

From the few pictures, it looks like you have a project on your hands. There is nothing on that boat that you can replace with after market parts. For restoring the boat in general, look through the many projects that have been documented in this forum. Many of the owners have taken photos of every step.

First step will be to determine the structural condition of the boat and the general condition of the engine.

For the boat, you will want to check any of the underlying wood structure for rot. Wood was normally used for the floor, the stringers and the transom of the boat. If the floor has any soft spots, just plan to rip up and replace the whole floor. It takes a bit of time, but it isn't a difficult job. Usually if the floor is soft, some of the stringers will be rotted too. You will find that after the floor comes up (if the floor comes up). For the transom, take a non-marking hammer and tap around the engine out drive and anywhere holes have been made to stick things through. Hollow sounds indicate rot.

For the engine, you will want to inspect those items that should be taken care of with normal maintenance (once you get the service manual). Some you can do now. Ex: drain the oil and look for water. Any old fuel in the boat will have to be removed.

As you proceed, you will get all of the help you need from the great forum members here.

Enjoy the project.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2008
Re: 1987 Thundercraft 18' 175hp

Great info. Thank you Dan!

Tore back into this project over the weekend. My goal is to still have it water ready by next weekend, so I can at least get a few decent days out of it before I have to put it back into storage.

I finished the steering and got it put back together. Works like a charm now! I've checked for rot, and can't seem to find any. I might pull the floor anyway when I replace the carpet. If it is just plywood, it will probably be easier to replace than try to pull all of the old carpet off.

I've got all the plugs back in the engine, checked all fluids, replaced the battery, checked plugs/wires/cap, and put some new fuel in. Fire almost instantly! Once it runs a while and gets the rest of the old nasty fuel out, I think I'm going to have a runner!

Here are a few more pictures I thought I would share, and a video of it running. If I sound a little excited in the video, its probably because I am. :)




