I agree that OEM is the best of the options. ......................................... The tech said absolutely not, the aftermarket cable is fine so long as it's adjusted properly. This tech was in the business during the OMC shifting problem recalls and he has changed hundreds of cables and clutch dog sets.
Again, just sharing experience, not trying to convince anyone that aftermarket is of higher quality than OEM.
The original issue (that OMC discovered) was
not that the "problem" cables weren't OEM (they WERE!!) it's that they were DEFECTIVE from the start!
OMC discovered that the manufacturing process PRODUCED cables that would require progressively increasing force to move as they aged (possibly due to corrosion etc)
So, they (or the actual cable vendor) changed the manufacturing process (and changed the cable jacket color etc) and "FIXED" the problem (albeit too late to save them)
This also DOES NOT now mean that any NON-OEM (or NON-BRP) cable will always be sub-standard or "BAD" out of the box. However, like ANY off-shore part. It might be, or you might get one that is defective.
I think I might spend the extra $70 (the approx cost of a weekend amount of fuel) to prevent damage to a drive that costs HUNDREDS more!
Also, for anyone else reading this thread with an old Cobra. It's also "worth" it to replace your 25-30 year old shift quadrant for the same reason.
Just saying......:thumb::thumb: