Outboard Exchange waterford, ct


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 27, 2010
Hi everyone, I'm looking for an outboard to power my boat with that I'm building. What I'm not looking to do is play the game of finding a used motor and finding out it has hidden problems. Been there, done that. I'm ready to shell out some money for a good, reliable motor with no problems.

I've found the Outboard Exchange in Waterford, CT that specializes in re-manufactured outboards. They have what I want, a 110hp Evinrude for $4800. This is expensive, but for a rebuilt motor it might be worth it. I'm looking for some feedback if anybody has dealt with this company and the work they do.



Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Keep in mind that was probably a salt water motor but hey a 1 year warranty but no controls ........

Mark42 got a good deal from http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=441523 a company listed in the beginning of this post ...... worth reading. He also got a warranty and has been very pleased.

I am just suggesting you shop ;)

iboats has some deals too.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 27, 2010
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

I checked out that website and it seems like a good company. As for the outboard exchange motors being subject to salt water, wouldn't a re-manufacture of the motor take care of any issues? I don't know much about the effect saltwater has on an outboard.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Well once it is rebuilt .....not much but if/when you see an older saltwater run motor you will see the corrosion! I just encourage people to shop and that other company is closer to you......less or no shipping charges to pick up.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 10, 2011
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Before dealing with A1 outboard or blackbird or whatever they call themselves now I would google them. They have a pretty bad rep in general. Theres a thread or two on the hull truth forum where the owners post and come off like a couple of nut jobs. Make sure you get a written copy of the warranty from any of these places and read it real well before buying. Blackbird was voiding peoples warranties because the owner took the motor apart to diagnose whatever was wrong. You also need to pay shipping back and forth to them for warranty work.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Well, I can't blame them for voiding a warranty on a disassembled engine. I would do the same thing. Who knows what the owner did during disassembly? If it has a warranty, don't try to diagnose it, just bring it back!


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Before dealing with A1 outboard or blackbird or whatever they call themselves now I would google them. They have a pretty bad rep in general. Theres a thread or two on the hull truth forum where the owners post and come off like a couple of nut jobs. Make sure you get a written copy of the warranty from any of these places and read it real well before buying. Blackbird was voiding peoples warranties because the owner took the motor apart to diagnose whatever was wrong. You also need to pay shipping back and forth to them for warranty work.
Good point, but outboard exchange is not at all related to the businesses that you are talking about.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 10, 2011
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

The thread linked in the second post is about the company im talking about. And when they voided the warranty im not talking about major disasembly. I'm talkin like they pulled the heads and found out the cylinders were scored on a supposedly rebuilt engine.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Let's qualify your bashing. First of all....... we have satisfied iboats member's that have dealt the that company. How old are the bashing threads ......... I only relayed what an iboats member here had first hand for an experience........ not a story that was from another source.

Warranties should all be in writing and not verbal or hearsay. They are normally written and proof read by legal representation. Be certain you follow that to the letter of the warranty.

A careful search revealed that we are talking about non-current complaints. Well I returned a Chevrolet under the lemon law in 1984 and that does not constitute that they are all bad.

My quote was to the original poster "I am just suggesting you shop ;) " That was exactly what I meant. I did not bash or say oh I heard of a person who had a bad experience. Google Chevrolet problems or Ford problems and you are only going to see the bad news if that is what you are looking for.

Not all manufacturers are perfect in any industry regardless of cars, boats, medical. You will never satisfy 100% of the people and the complainers seem to scream the loudest with "their side of the story". Within the SAME posts in the other forum there were people who have had satisfied dealings too...... Oh did you fail to mention that? Stop telling only "part" of the story.

In the time that I have been here on iboats (since May 2001) I have never heard of a problem with a motor purchased via iboats and I also suggested that the original poster look there "iboats has some deals too."

Hmmmm have you seen the post here on iboats where a gentleman on iboats had a problem with his brand new boat? I would not refer everyone to that post before buying a new boat.

To the original poster - my apology for fueling confusion. I feel I have given decent advice/guidance here and suggest you shop. You rarely see the success stories from happy people that have re-powered. Good luck with your shopping.

Be aware of what year motor you are buying too. 1983 and earlier motors are powerhead rated and 1984 and later are prop rated. So...... a 110 from 1983 will be beaten in a race with a 1984. The motor you linked to will blow away an earlier version of a 115! (You have the right year selected ;))


bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: Outboard Exchange waterford, ct

Hi everyone, I'm looking for an outboard to power my boat with that I'm building. What I'm not looking to do is play the game of finding a used motor and finding out it has hidden problems. Been there, done that. I'm ready to shell out some money for a good, reliable motor with no problems.

I've found the Outboard Exchange in Waterford, CT that specializes in re-manufactured outboards. They have what I want, a 110hp Evinrude for $4800. This is expensive, but for a rebuilt motor it might be worth it. I'm looking for some feedback if anybody has dealt with this company and the work they do.


I have seen Outboards exchanges website for years.... and it was always temping... they charge a good amount of money, which might suggest they replace a LOT of parts and dont skimp...but they are in CT and need to make a BIG BUCK to live there!

personally in the 110 hp range id wait of have them rebuild an ocean runner or ocean pro in 115 hp....much better motor that the 110...which from memory seems like it might be OLDER than the 90s..

the ocean runners and ocean pros and intruders and fastrike motors from Evinrude and johnson were all 60 degree loopers and most were carbed ... I think a better motor than the crossflows.

good luck
