Hi All
I have a 1981 (I guess) 35hp Evenrude, The controls are Evenrude power pilot, the shift / throttle control lever acts funny, let me describe.
The lock button works fine, you shift into forward & it shifts but I don't get any throttle until the lever is all most all the way forward, coming off of full throttle it won't drop RPM until almost half way back to neutral & then it drops all of a sudden. In reverse it shifts fine but won't come off of low idle at all (I'm guessing this is correct, going fast in reverse would only swamp the boat.)
I plan on tearing into it in the next couple days, and I hope it will just be a matter of some cleaning & lube, any idea what I'll find.
Note: This is to replace my Johnsonrude controls thread, The tittle was terrible! BAD Winddog!
I fiddled with it a bit last night, what does the screw located on the front of the control (towards bow) in the upper left hand corner adjust?
Also can I put it in gear with only muffs?
I have a 1981 (I guess) 35hp Evenrude, The controls are Evenrude power pilot, the shift / throttle control lever acts funny, let me describe.
The lock button works fine, you shift into forward & it shifts but I don't get any throttle until the lever is all most all the way forward, coming off of full throttle it won't drop RPM until almost half way back to neutral & then it drops all of a sudden. In reverse it shifts fine but won't come off of low idle at all (I'm guessing this is correct, going fast in reverse would only swamp the boat.)
I plan on tearing into it in the next couple days, and I hope it will just be a matter of some cleaning & lube, any idea what I'll find.
Note: This is to replace my Johnsonrude controls thread, The tittle was terrible! BAD Winddog!
I fiddled with it a bit last night, what does the screw located on the front of the control (towards bow) in the upper left hand corner adjust?
Also can I put it in gear with only muffs?