Water pump help Evinrude 1985 8HP


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 21, 2010
I dropped the lower unit today in 1985 8 HP evinrude to replace the water pump. The screws were easy to remove and when I lifted the water pump housing up all that was left was pieces of the rubber.

The old impeller pieces fell off what looks like a nut on the drive shaft but the new impeller for this model is setup with for a key. The shaft move easily up and down feels like it would come right out. The manual I'm looking at says I'm supposed to lift the impeller off the shaft and leave the shaft in place but it almost looks like I have to take the shaft out to get this off.

Should I lift the shaft out to get this off ? Do I have the wrong type of water pump kit and impeller. Hopefully the pictures will help.

Thanks for your help.

What's left


New Impeller



Seaman Apprentice
Apr 21, 2010
Re: Water pump help Evinrude 1985 8HP

This piece of the impeller was stuck good and no signs of moving. I did have it soaking for the most of the day. I searched some more on the forum and found the dremel method of splitting this, I didn't have any sense that penetrating fluid was going to budge it but probably didn't give it long enough. I went with rotary tool method and that gave me an excuse to buy a rotary tool, don't know why I didn't have one sooner this made light work of old impeller. The old style pump was much heavier metal and thicker than the new, I cut it in two places with the rotary tool being careful not to nick the shaft. When I got close to the shaft with two cuts I gave it a light tap with a flat screw driver and a hammer and broke the old pump away.

You can also see the old style metal pin.
