Need advice on 1967 Glasspar w/ 1967 Johnson Super Seahorse 80


Jun 7, 2011
I'm in the process of trying to sell my 14' Glasspar(w/ rotted transom) and came across a 1967 15'10" (i think) Glasspar Avalon w/80hp Johnson

Took a look at the boat today and it's solid a hell. In really nice shape. Owner says that it was made after Larson took over Glasspar and has fiberglass stringers etc. Gas tank is integrated in the front of the boat w/ fuel nozzle in the bow, which I thought was pretty cool. He only wants $300 for boat/motor and I'm guessing that the boat alone is worth easily $300 so this seems to be a no-brainer. Not sure if the trailer is road worthy cause I really didn't take a good look at it. (Owner's wasn't home when I looked at boat).
Seller says the motor ran 2 seasons ago, but a wire got cut(see pic). He said he would explain the, as he calls it..."embarrassing" thing that cause the broken wire etc. Seller says motor was winterized by local marina mechanic every year and was well cared for. Worse case scenario, I can sell as a parts motor.
The big question I have is about the motor. Are these motors known to be reliable and relatively easy to work on? I can't find a parts schematic for it on MarineEngine, site says it's too old. Model#V4-19R Serial#J2778812
BTW: Do you think my 35hp Bigtwin would push this boat ok until I figure out the Johnson?





Jul 6, 2002
Re: Need advice on 1967 Glasspar w/ 1967 Johnson Super Seahorse 80

Very reliable motors and also very easy to work on. Parts are still available, though some of them can be pricey if you need to do any major jobs. But most of the routine items such as impeller kits or ignition points are widely available (including right here at iboats) and still reasonably priced.

The motor is not too old for, it's just that they haven't scanned every model from every year. They have the diagrams for my 1963 Evinrude as well as some that are older than that. If you can't find the parts diagrams online, try ebay.


Jun 7, 2011
Re: Need advice on 1967 Glasspar w/ 1967 Johnson Super Seahorse 80

I had a long talk with the seller today(he's lives in PA, but has a summer place about 45 mins from me). Awesome guy BTW. Really loved this boat and wants someone to appreciate it.
He gave me some of the back story of the boat and motor. Apparently, it sat in a barn for 15-20 years(owner had died). Boat/Motor was reconditioned by marine mechanic and ran perfectly for 7-8 years. 2 years ago he went to start it after he had run it for a bit....long story short, a fuel leak caused a flash fire. He put it out in a few seconds, but it burned the wire(see pic).

He had mechanic winterize it...and ended up falling into a larger boat for cheap, so this boat has been off the water for the past 2 seasons.

Obviously, I'll need an OEM manual for this motor. Where is the best/cheapest source for a manual?(Ken Cook?) I saw a manual here an it's an "owner's manual"...that's not the same as a "service manual", is it?

Hopefully, I can just drop in my 35hp until I get the 80hp figured out. My 35hp has a Johnson control box with wire that plugs right into it likely that 80hp Johnson will have the same plug? Or are there diff sized plugs for larger motors?
I wish I had taken more pics while I was there.


Jul 6, 2002
Re: Need advice on 1967 Glasspar w/ 1967 Johnson Super Seahorse 80

I can't answer the questions regarding the 35hp or wiring plugs, but Ken Cook is the place to get the service manual at You can also find them on ebay sometimes. There is an "Owner's Manual", a "Service Manual", and a "Parts Manual". I've never owned the owner's manual but I do have the service manual and parts manual. It opens up a whole new world of understanding when you get those manuals--assuming that you don't already have a lot of marine engine repair experience.