hydraulic steering experience for my old 1982 Johnson 90 hp v4 outboard?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
I am thinking about upgrading my cable steering to hydraulic steering for my old 1982 Johnson 90 hp v4 outboard. so looking for advice and experience whether to buy seastar system or the uflex hytech system.

They are very expensive - about $600 each system both can steer motor up to 150 hp.

1. SeaStar Teleflex Marine HK4200A-3 (HC4648H Cylinder) BayStar
2. uflex hytech hydraulic system

I know the seastar would fit perfectly, just not sure about uflex hytech 1.0 system?


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Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Just wondering, what are you expecting from the change (what is the reason)?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
the cable just keeps getting frozen after every few trips. I took the motor out of the boat and fixed it and within a few trips (less than 5) the steering started to become narrower so cannot turn left and right fully. Now, I can turn 90 degrees to the left and no right??? pain in the neck to do this every few trips.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
you cant fix the cable, you have to replace the cable and the helm - about $120. your cable is 34 years old. it outlived it design life twice.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
lol - no the helm is a Teleflex Qc2 came with the boat and the cable was only 3 years old. The old cable came with the boat was frozen, so I replaced it. The original owner had the same problem. It freezes every couple of years - a royal pain in the butt. So, he bought a brand new boat with hydraulic steering - lol and I bought his old boat with the old problem.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Steering cables USUALLY stick where they pass through the motor's tilt tube, due to rust inside the tube. Cleaning and lubricating the tube ID is considered a routine maintenance item. I cant say for the latest hydraulic steering systems, but they also mount to the tilt tube and while they don't slide back and forth through it, they do have to rotate in the tube when you tilt the motor. Maintenance still required.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
ok and thanks. will look again. My tilt tube was totally rusted when I bought the Johnson 90 hp from a crab fisherman. He didn't use the tilt tube because he trolled along his crab lines all day long. He had a steering rope and pulley to turn the Johnson 90. I had to drill through the tube with electric drill to clean the rust. The tube is still rusty after I cleaned it.


Rear Admiral
Jun 26, 2012
Id at least get a new clamp assembly or whatever it takes to get a new tubenin there regardless of how you repair it.. rust can be a huge problem and to some extent ansafety factor there.

Have you tried useing 10 guage shotgun bore brushes? Ive had some luck depending on the pitting.

I am a firm believer in OMC/BRP "triple guard grease" in those. Have tried ten or twenty brands and nothing comes close to being as thick and sticky in my humble opinion.


Jul 23, 2009
Id at least get a new clamp assembly or whatever it takes to get a new tubenin there regardless of how you repair it.. rust can be a huge problem and to some extent ansafety factor there.

Have you tried useing 10 guage shotgun bore brushes? Ive had some luck depending on the pitting.

I am a firm believer in OMC/BRP "triple guard grease" in those. Have tried ten or twenty brands and nothing comes close to being as thick and sticky in my humble opinion.

Triple Guard for the win!! That said, my steering cable used to run in the rusty tilt tube from my '82 but I replaced that with a non-rusted tube from my '79 donor. TG out the wahzoo and it's now showing rusty. Probably rusty grease migrating from the cable itself. Time for a new cable in the spring.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
ok and thanks. will look again. My tilt tube was totally rusted when I bought the Johnson 90 hp from a crab fisherman. He didn't use the tilt tube because he trolled along his crab lines all day long. He had a steering rope and pulley to turn the Johnson 90. I had to drill through the tube with electric drill to clean the rust. The tube is still rusty after I cleaned it.

Buy a new tube


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
ok and thanks. will look again. My tilt tube was totally rusted when I bought the Johnson 90 hp from a crab fisherman. He didn't use the tilt tube because he trolled along his crab lines all day long. He had a steering rope and pulley to turn the Johnson 90. I had to drill through the tube with electric drill to clean the rust. The tube is still rusty after I cleaned it.

Crab Fisherman?? God Bless them, yes we do enjoy the fruits of their labor. But commercial fishermen certainly can go through a motor in a hurry. Just a part of the cost of doing business. I'm quietly wondering what the rest of the motor is like.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
The rest of the motor has been the subject of many posts.----I would replace the tube and install a new , good QUALITY steering cable.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
The rest of the motor has been the subject of many posts.----I would replace the tube and install a new , good QUALITY steering cable.

Wow, thanks for the suggestion. That came to mind when I first bought the Johnson 90 outboard. But, totally forgot about it. Should check the forum more often - LOL
In any case, bought baystar HK4200A-3 hydraulic system over the weekend and the pivot plate HA4642. It seems that it should be working after I hooked up only the cyclinder no liquid yet or helm.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
Crab Fisherman?? God Bless them, yes we do enjoy the fruits of their labor. But commercial fishermen certainly can go through a motor in a hurry. Just a part of the cost of doing business. I'm quietly wondering what the rest of the motor is like.

yes, the motor is old but still working beautifully, even the hydraulic tilt is working. So, no issues whatsoever. It is a 34 years old motor 1982 - almost a vintage motor.:D:laugh:


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
Id at least get a new clamp assembly or whatever it takes to get a new tubenin there regardless of how you repair it.. rust can be a huge problem and to some extent ansafety factor there.

Have you tried useing 10 guage shotgun bore brushes? Ive had some luck depending on the pitting.

I am a firm believer in OMC/BRP "triple guard grease" in those. Have tried ten or twenty brands and nothing comes close to being as thick and sticky in my humble opinion.

Triple guard grease - ok will still need this for my hydraulic cylinder and the split tube support arms that stick into the original tilt tube.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
I was looking all over the place and nobody seems to have video or picture about baystar HK4200A-3 with pivot plate for Johnson outboard before 1991. So here is my video to help others.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
I plan to finish the baystar Hydraulic steering install this weekend. Fingers Crossed. But from the look of the design, I don't think I need to worry about the original rusty tube on my Johnson 90 motor. The rusty tilt tube will only be used to hold the Hydraulic cylinder support arm. The hydraulic cylinder will do most of the lifting to turn the motor. The middle cylinder will slide left and right to turn the pivot plate which turns the motor left or right.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2013
Crab Fisherman?? God Bless them, yes we do enjoy the fruits of their labor. But commercial fishermen certainly can go through a motor in a hurry. Just a part of the cost of doing business. I'm quietly wondering what the rest of the motor is like.

The motor drinks gas like water. I get between 2.5 to 3.5 miles per gallon. It was super dirty when I bought it because it was moored in the harbor. Now, it is on my trailer and stays dry. So, I bought a couple bottles of paint and painted it in white, Now, it looks so much better.
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