1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.


Jun 18, 2011
1988 force 85hp on a 16' bayliner capri. bought the boat from a guy and it had been sitting for a year. got it to run after cleaning plugs and mouse nest outta the center cylinder bore. used a seperate gas can with new fresh 50:1 gas/oil mix and it ran ok for a bit them started acting up so i pulled carbs and checked needle and seat, checked out ok. reset floats so they were level with carb body when inverted. they were wayyyyyy off. got it all back together and cleaned out inboard tank and connected new hoses to it and now it wont stay running and primer bulb will not stay firm and motot shuts off. pulled fuel pump diaphram and theres no holes or tears that i can see but it is not flat , its contoured to the pump body. am i wrong to say that the diaphram is no good and thats my problem ? should it be reasonably flat and fluxuate with engine pulses ?
thanks in advance for any feedback.
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Jun 18, 2011
Re: 1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.

wow 29 views and no one wants to chime in with their wisdom. i do remember seeing a thread on here somewhere about he diaphram but cant find it in the serarch.


Feb 18, 2009
Re: 1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.

OK i'll bite. Don't know your location so I also don't know if english is your 1st language but here is what I gathered. "Mouse nest in center cylinder bore" means in the carb., not on top of the piston. Lots of little debris will have to be cleaned out. New gas seperate can, with proper mix "then started acting up". No clue what acting up means, but it leads back to carbs. "cleaned out inboard tank", How was that accomplished? Collapsed primer bulb suggests it wasn't or you have a clogged vent. Diaphram should be like a trampoline ideally. If your going to take the fuel pump apart, have a new diaphram handy to replace it just cause it's a good thing to do. More specific and well thought out questions will get many informed responses. Good luck fellow boater


Jun 18, 2011
Re: 1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.

thanks for the reply foodfisher. didnt mean to be impatient. im in massachusetts and english is my 1st language. and when i say cylinder bore i mean cylinder bore , not carb. it was on top of the piston. pulled the spark plug out and low and behold there it was . carbs are on the other side of the motor. cleaned out inboard tank by draining all gas with an electric fuel pump and then a shop vac to suck out any dried up debris through sender hole after all gas was removed and left to dry out and finally blown out with compressor and checked vent and vent hose for debris. also replaced all fuel lines. acting up means it was surging and wouldnt hold a descent idle and stalling when put in gear. and this leads me back to the shape of the diaphram. it is contoured to the fuel pump and is not flat. ive got it on order through here as well as gaskets and the 3 valves so hopefully that should cure my problem with that.
thanks again


Feb 18, 2009
Re: 1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.

lol, Going back and rereading op the sparkplug hole must have been vacant during the layoff. Apologize for thinking you were a bit green. The new diaphram will prob. solve running problems other than the collapsed primer bulb. Use portable gas can after installation of new diaphram. Switch to under deck tank after all works out well. HeIl, you know this. Good luck.


Jun 18, 2011
Re: 1988 force 85 hp stalls out and wont stay running.

no appologies needed my friend. its all good and i am somewhat green but not completely. i have worked on pretty much everything from a lawnmower to a tractor trailor but never claimed to be a pro at any. thats why im on here asking questions and i do appreciate the answers i get on here. i enjoy reading and learning through others trials and errors. i DO know where the search bar is and do use it before i post. all the posts start looking the same after a while... lol
