14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph? **added picts***


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 9, 2009
went out today, the wife, myself, 12 gallons of gas, two marine batteries, and a bow mounted trolling motor. we hit 26mph top speed. is this about right?


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

I think you should get a little faster.If your motor is running at optimum.
Try putting the trim pin in a different hole.Raising or lowering the drive can make a difference.
Then you get into diagnosing the engine.I think you've been on here doing that.Compression:poor comp will slow you down.SparkLweak/no spark on 1 cylinder.Fuel: Ethanol is causing a lot of problems.J

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Probably about correct -- My 15 foot Glastron did 27 MPH with a 55 and me alone. If you play with engine height on the transom and try various props, you might get another MPH or two, maybe touch 30, but don't expect miracles. After all, it is only two cylinders and 50 HP.


Oct 9, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Years ago I had 14 ft. glass Yarcraft with a 60 'rude and it only did 27.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 9, 2009
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

thanks guys.
all of the ignition is pretty new, i changed out the prop to a taller pitch for more torque. the boat never really pulled a good hole shot, but now it planes almost immediatley. i guess there is a trade off for torque vs top end.
thanks for answering the question


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Just be aware that the lower pitch # prop will cause greater fuel consumption and make it easier to over-rev the motor. Kind of like changing the rear gears in a car. So be aware before you take a long trip what the effect of the new prop is on MPG so you don't run short on fuel. I personally am willing to trade off 5 to 10 seconds of "on plane" time for better fuel economy and higher top speed (assuming that a larger pitch will still let the motor hit a high rpm under wot). If you carry a full load most of the time, then go with the lower pitch prop.

Got a pic of the Bayliner? You know that Bayliner had the resources to spend a lot of time and technology on making good shaped hulls. Its one of their best features, but people never play it up much. Their hull designs were always cutting edge for the year, and not just a carry over that was designed 20 years earlier. For example, their deep V variable stepped hull is one of their best, and from what I read, better than the competition at the time in the 1980's before being bought out by Brunswick (who cut expenses and therefore cutting edge designs). They also put that design to use in small boats when traditionally it was reserved for 18' and larger boats. The more I read about Bayliner, and work on my own, the more I appreciate what the designers had done pre-Brunswick. For example, the stringers in my 16' are completely encapsulated in glass. The transom has a full 1/2" of laminated glass backed up by 1.5" plywood AND knee braces. All hardware is through bolted with backing plates or at least washers with stainless steel hardware. All wire is marine grade tinned. The plywood used in the floor is 5/8" coated with CSM and gel coat (heavy in the rear, and sparse up front). Control is by Teleflex-Morse and steering is Teleflex rotary. The blue 4" wide stripe around the "cap" of the boat is actually gel coat and not a sticker.

Bayliner did save a few bucks by using ZamaK on the bow light and cleates. The bow rail is stainless steel, but the fittings are Zamak. They used carpet extensively where high end boats would use vinyl or gel coat. They used vinyl to cover areas like the back side of the helm (in a cuddy cabin) the under splashwell areas that hide the battery and portable fuel tanks, rather than use molded hard enclosures.

Anyway, I am rambling....

Hope this info helps.



Petty Officer 1st Class
May 22, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Our "baby" boat is a 1990 Quantum 1600 (Bayliner built) with a Force 50hp.

When we got it it topped out at around 27 with essentially the same load as yours. Then I did a few things. Changed every inch of fuel line. Added a fuel/water separator filter. Decarboned the engine with Seafoam.

After that stuff, it was topping out around 30-31....GPS flickers between the two. Before, it'd flicker between 26-27. Depends a lot on how choppy the water is, though.

Frankly, I was quite surprised the Seafoam treatment did what it did.....guess it hadn't been done in a long time (?)

Just raised the engine one hole and rebuilt the carb. Taking it out Saturday and will see if this has had any positive effect. Never know.

Baby boat:



Seaman Apprentice
Jul 19, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

I agree with Cannondale; I'm thinking you need a Seafoam treatment. I have an '88 Bayliner Capri 1500 with Force 50 engine. I am also hitting 26mph with the same identical load as you, I've been reading all over the place that these boats should hit 29mph with 600lbs in them so I know I'm too slow. When I first got the boat it would only hit 10mph so I rebuilt the fuel pump and carb and I can now hit 26mph loaded; 28 by myself. I checked my compression last weekend and I was 120psi on top and 100psi on bottom cylinder. Factory spec says 135-150psi. I think this is the cause of my slightly lower top speed. I put the boat away for the winter but I will be doing a full de-carb in the spring with Seafoam in the hopes of regaining the missing 3-4 mph.

I would suggest you do a compression test and de-carb and post your results.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 9, 2009
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

the last time i checked the compression i had 130 pounds in both cylinders. i should check it again, as you never know;)
i have not seafoamed the motor yet, but will give it a try later this next week. i am having some issues, the motor isnt idling right, and i will change the impeller (motor is getting warm)
i still need to take some pictures, and will post them as soon as possible.
regarding the boat speed, i guess i will change out the prop and see if this gains some speed.


Jul 19, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Also, I found out that if I stopped taking the wife, my 50 seems to run
a lot better.
Before, I would always get this "whining" sound, especially when the sun was
out and was hot.

Ever since the "de-wifing", smooth as butter!


Jun 8, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

I have the same boat and would kill to get that. I took it out of the water when I first got it to have some repairs done including putting on a new prop. When I put it back in the water for a test run, I got around 20 mph. I was thrilled. Ever since, the speed has continually dropped to the point of embarrassment (7 mph). This time, I'm going to scrape, sand and paint the bottom. Hope this helps.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 9, 2009
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

i rechecked the compression, and it is dead on 140 psi in both. funny, running the ob at wot, and the compression comes up???

regarding the pitch prop, yeah i am experimenting on the props. thought i had a pitch problem, but i am going to change the prop back, and see if i pick up a few mph

yeah about that wifey thing, she is good, and likes the boat. i think its a keeper

i got back, and now i have some idle issues. wont seem to idle low. i pulled the carb apart and did not find anything. i put it back on, and now she is idling a little fast.

checked the timing, and it seems the timing was low. i actually pulled the flywheel, and checked the timing with a homemade cont tester. (soldiered on a car lamp onto a 9v battery) then i used a pencil, and made a mark @ .281 with a micrometer..... worked pretty good.

dont laugh at the paint job, it IS a rattle can job. i used duplicolor, with duplicolor primer. it actually came out pretty good. i figure if i leave the cover on, maybe it wont fade??

some pictures of the boat, sorry its got some leaves.






under the cover



Aug 25, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

My '86 Capri 1400 with the Force 50 would pull about 25mph at Eleven Mile reservoir in Colorado but that was at near 9000' elevation! Back down in Denver, it does about 28 with me and the wife in it. I was real happy with this little (hah, it really is a lot bigger than the footage) boat but I needed something with a little more oomph to tow my grown kids around on the tube this summer.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Nice Bayliner. Small boats are fun and easy on the wallet. Nice paint, it really came out great, regardless that its a spray can paint job.

The speed sounds right to me too. Compression might have come up because the rings were sticking to the piston a bit, running it freed them up. Tells me that you might want to run premium gas for a few tank fulls to take advantage of the extra cleaners that are in it.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Tells me that you might want to run premium gas for a few tank fulls to take advantage of the extra cleaners that are in it.
Premium fuel no longer has more detergents than regular.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 9, 2009
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

i hit 30/31 mph, but blew the piston :( now i have a 40hp merc im gonna put on it.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2010
Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?

Re: 14 foot, bayliner, 50 hp 26mph?
