Who decided that fighting is bad?


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 21, 2008
I am 23 years old, And all thru school, it was drilled into my head that fighting was bad. And if you fought you got suspended from school, and in a LOT of trouble. So I tried to avoid fights at all cost, and became a push over as a result.

But you know, sometimes you need to fight. sometimes you need to stand up for yourself. I just saw a story on 11 news about bullying, and how they are trying to stop it. But you want to stop bullying, just teach your kid how to fight!
Someone is bullying you, do something about it!
don't wine about it.
I just think we are raising out kids all wrong, and are not building strong character. you can't let people walk all over you.
Fighting is comparable to war, you don't want to do it, but you have to sometimes. even thou the hippies will always say you never have to do either.
but you do!
fighting is simply enforcing your will on someone else.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

Just what brought all of this pent-up trauma up? :confused:


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I can agree that war is at times necessary even though you don't want it.....and I can see how in certain circumstances fighting is comparable to that.

BUT I know that when I was a kid I didn't have the knowledge, expirience, or ability to make the distinction between when it is necessary to fight or not fight.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 21, 2008
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

what really brought this up was the story on the news about bullying. They make it sound like a problem that you can solve, and then it goes away. but there will always be bullies, that is just the nature of life. There is always some bird that takes all of the food away from the other bird.

you just have to teach kids how to stand up for themselves.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2009
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I agree, to a point! My son is 18 and I've always told him that he better NEVER start a fight, but he also better NEVER let himself get bullied. Thankfully we never had a problem with either. I'm in law enforcement. In the last two years I've handled two cases that both ended in a person losing their life. Both from just fights (no weapons involved). One case the guy got knocked down, hit his head on a step, and died. He had a wife and two kids. The other was about the same thing. Guy got knocked down, hit his head on a parking curb, and died. His fiance was pregnant. Neither of the suspects had criminal records, but they're both in prison. It's just not worth it! Walk away.


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

My Momma, God rest her soul, always told me not to fight....but, she also taught me that standing up for yourself or family was important. She and my daddy were both dead set against fighting unless the other person started it and there was no other means of avoiding it. "Never run away, stand up for what you believe, and what you know is right", that is the way I was raised and that is how I have raised my daughter. One year when my daughter was about 10 years old this little girl was bullying her on the bus. My daughter would come home crying and telling me she didn't want to ride the bus to school anymore because of this, now mind you the little girl's mother and I were friends all through school and the mother was never a bully. I told my daughter that if the little girl touched her in any way that she had my permission to stand up for herself. The next day my daughter came home with a note from the bus driver saying she had been kicked off the bus for a week because of fighting. I of course asked my daughter about it and she told me that the little girl tried to trip her as she was walking by and my daughter turned around and punched the little girl in the ear.....needless to say the little girl didn't bully my daughter anymore and the two are friends now.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 28, 2005
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I taught my kid to know when someone's a bully and to stay away from that person. No way I'm going to teach him to get into physical altercations with people with social and emotional problems. I heartily agree with what the schools are doing. Standing up to a bully doesn't make him stop. It makes him find another victim and it makes him hit that victim even harder than he hit you. That's just passing the buck. Kids should be taught to report bullies to the school officials so that they're aware of the situation.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

My Momma, God rest her soul, always told me not to fight....but, she also taught me that standing up for yourself or family was important. She and my daddy were both dead set against fighting unless the other person started it and there was no other means of avoiding it. "Never run away, stand up for what you believe, and what you know is right", that is the way I was raised and that is how I have raised my daughter. One year when my daughter was about 10 years old this little girl was bullying her on the bus. My daughter would come home crying and telling me she didn't want to ride the bus to school anymore because of this, now mind you the little girl's mother and I were friends all through school and the mother was never a bully. I told my daughter that if the little girl touched her in any way that she had my permission to stand up for herself. The next day my daughter came home with a note from the bus driver saying she had been kicked off the bus for a week because of fighting. I of course asked my daughter about it and she told me that the little girl tried to trip her as she was walking by and my daughter turned around and punched the little girl in the ear.....needless to say the little girl didn't bully my daughter anymore and the two are friends now.

You got it right, bullies are afraid, they are constantly testing who they can push around, if you whack em back good they might win the fight but will not bully you again because you aren't a "victim".

All the drama in schools about bullying is pop psychobabble BS.


Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I don't like fighting but I have.

I was fortunate. I was always big. I'm now just over 6'3". That attribute stopped a lot of bullies in their tracks. I have pushed around a few bullies that threatened my friends.

There have been times when someone just pushed me too hard. I settled it and am not proud of it. I did, once, in front of a school Principal that I did not know was watching. He pulled me aside, later, and told me I was in the right. Granted, that was 35 years ago.

I am proud of the fact that I have NEVER had an adult fight. Those situations can be avoided-almost always. Sometimes, you "eat it" knowing you are right but the consequences far outweigh your personal satisfaction. That is what being an ADULT is all about.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I agree, to a point! My son is 18 and I've always told him that he better NEVER start a fight, but he also better NEVER let himself get bullied. Thankfully we never had a problem with either. I'm in law enforcement. In the last two years I've handled two cases that both ended in a person losing their life. Both from just fights (no weapons involved). One case the guy got knocked down, hit his head on a step, and died. He had a wife and two kids. The other was about the same thing. Guy got knocked down, hit his head on a parking curb, and died. His fiance was pregnant. Neither of the suspects had criminal records, but they're both in prison. It's just not worth it! Walk away.

Great post. Absolutely to the point.
My opinion only though.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

It's better to teach or learn how to not take things personally IMO. This way nothing anyone says to you will result in a physical interaction. Words are just that, words.

If someone physically attacks you, its a totally different story, protect yourself. Otherwise, let it go.


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

Bullying is all the talk now in Mass, and how lawmakers are trying to stop it. I believe they even passed a few laws about it.
I grew up in a tough burb just out of Boston.
Growing up my dad taught me "Walk away first if you can. If you can't, don't throw the first punch, try not to get hit by the first punch, and always make sure you throw the last." He also said it was okay to kick a man while he's down, because you never know if he'll get back up with a knife or worse. He also said it's okay if you throw the first punch if your sticking up for somebody who isn't capable of sticking up for themselves.
I got into a bunch of fights as a kid. Got my butt handed to me a few times, but handed many another their own ***. Sent a few kids to the hospital as a teenager. Like DJ, i'm big and have size on my side so I was always genetically luckier than some.
Looking back on it, now that i'm the somewhat adult age of 32, it's all dumb, but still all part of growing up. I haven't been in an actual fight fight in probably 10 + years, but I've been in few altercations over the years and have learned its better to walk away.

A few years ago I was driving by a gas station of all places and happened to see a crowd of 6 or 7 high school kids all in a circle beating the crap out of another kid. I was sitting there at the stop light debateing to stop it or not, light turned green I still sat there, people behind me started honking at me and I said screw it and drove in to the gas station. I pulled in around the corner, behind the gas station attendents building, popped my trunk and grabbed my tire iron. I tapped on the attendents window and told him to call the cops. Then I walked straight into the crowd, grabbed 1 kid by the neck and threw him to the ground, kicked another in the side of his knee so hard it buckled and he fell. Now I was down to 5 kids but their attention was on me and not the poor kid bleeding on the ground. Sure as sh!t 1 kid pulled a little buck knife on me and yelled to his buddy (who must have been 100lbs lighter than me) to hold me so he could stick me. I don't know what the kid was thinking but he threw a swing at me, and I smashed his hand/wrist/forearm with the tire iron and broke something pretty hard.
Now there are 3 kids on the ground all in tears, their 4 friends including the kid with the knife all ran off, (leaving their friends). I grabbed the kid who was getting his butt kicked and brought him to my car, grabbed him some paper towels for his face, and drove him a few blocks back to his house. He thanked me inbetween his tears. But also said "he was going to get it when he went back to school tomorrow".

That whole altercation was over in 30 seconds by the time I got involved. What kills me about it all, was I noticed it at least a full 3 minutes before I got involved in it. There were tons of people around, kids to other adults. Nobody else got involved, tried to stop it, or even called the police, as they never showed (I didn't exactly wait around for them though).

As an adult, fighting is a normal behavior if your an uneducated, uncivilized moron. As to the rest of us we know better.

As a kid, fighting is somewhat normal to the kids (bullys) who are trying to establish their social dominance through violence, just like a wild animal would do. The problem with the non-bully normal kids is that they are not mature enough to know what to do, how to handle it, and are afraid and scared both physically because of possible pain and mentally because they don't know how others will percieve them in their handleing of the situation.

Long story short, passing all these anti bully laws isn't going to do squat except for put kids who really need just a little guidence and better parenting in jail.

Whats going to happen in 10 years to a kid who grows up in an anti-bully school enviroment? A kid who has every bully taken care of for him by school administrators. By the time this kid is older and goes off to college where there is nobody to take care of bullies for him, he's not going to know what to do.

We all have bullys in our lives. Physicall bullys, emotional bullys, people at work, bosses, co-workers, minions.... You need to learn how to deal with them. Because they will always be there.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

Cheb> somehow, I'm not surprised about your comment. I agreed with DJ that it's much easier to walk away as an adult. School age kids need to be taught how to know when to walk away and when to stand up for themselve. These lessons can be carry into adulthood without learning it the hard way. I wasn't big by any mean but NOBODY bullied me because they all know that I won't put up with them. For example, the Shaolin monks are considered to be among the most peaceful peoples, nothing you can say to bother them. They will forget and forgave anything done to them but they all know how to fight. Starting a fight is bad but there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing up and protecting yourself.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

If, and only if you are physically attacked protect yourself as violently as required to end the attack. Learn how to do that. There is no such thing as "fair play" involved. Do whatever it takes, and do it with determination.

That was my strategy as a kid and even though I was always small no bully ever picked on me a second time.

The stakes may get a lot higher when you are an adult, but adult bullys can usually detect that attitude and will keep their distance.

Think of the original motto of the USA: "Don't tread on me".


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

Our 12 year old grandson has tourrettes, the bullying is non-stop. It goes way beyond the school yard, Facebook and texting have made it so it goes on what seems like forever for them and extends itself far beyond the one or two kids that start it.

If bullys aren't stopped now, they will turn into workplace bullys later in life.

You can't control what people say or how they act, only how you respond. If you learn to not take things personally you are less likely to respond with anger. If you understand that kids who bully are generally very insecure and screwed up kids. They have their own issues (monkey on their back). I teach our grandson not to let them put that monkey on his back.

He was cornered by two in the boys room. One held the door shut, the other proceeded to get him in a headlock and start whaling away at him. Chase fought for his life and ended up hurting the other kid. He did the right thing.

As far as the words that are said on a daily basis, he ignores them or laughs at them. He will earn his black belt in Tai Kwon Do soon and so will his 8 year old sister. They really didn't know who they were messing with.

He felt bad afterward and went to his Tai Kwon Do instructor who teaches not to engage in a fight ove words. His instructor told him when you are physically attacked, you fight for your life.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

If, and only if you are physically attacked protect yourself as violently as required to end the attack. Learn how to do that. There is no such thing as "fair play" involved. Do whatever it takes, and do it with determination.

That was my strategy as a kid and even though I was always small no bully ever picked on me a second time.

The stakes may get a lot higher when you are an adult, but adult bullys can usually detect that attitude and will keep their distance.

Think of the original motto of the USA: "Don't tread on me".

There is a world of difference between words and actions.
Even in today's technology oriented world, say whatever.....it just leaves a better trail.
An offensive physical attack is an entirely different circumstance...one to be met with immediate response. NOT wait for authorities.
If you find yourself in a " fair fight " your tactics suck.;)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2004
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

I always told my son to stand up for himself, not to start a fight, but not to worry about getting suspended for ending one.

He had an issue with a bully when he was in 7th grade. My son was about 5'4", 125lb, the bully kid was over 6' and 200lbs. Still too much of a coward to bully my son face-to-face, he'd trip my son from behind and throw him to the ground.
I contacted the principal, told him the next time it happens my son will call me, and I then would call the sheriff's dept, tell them I was leaving work heading for the school, and if they got to the kid first they could deal with him, otherwise I'd knock the living sh!t outa him. I called the kid's dad, told him the same thing. The principal called me a couple days later and said they had a pow-wow with the bully, his parents, and a sheriff's deputy. Funny, the bully never even looked at or spoke to my son again.


May 25, 2010
Re: Who decided that fighting is bad?

There are always going to be bullies, many of which will grow into adults who bully. Back in my day, if you got in to a fight - a couple punches were
thrown and you walked away. Seems now it's gotten to where you either get
stabbed, shot or kicked half to death. Not sure if it's a sign of the times or if
it's poor parental rearing or these life like violent vedio games.
Raise your child to walk away if possible, if he or she can't - teach them to defend themselves but remind them that life can change in an instant.
I am thankful I was raised in a small farming area - not sure how kids in larger
towns survive the peer pressure.