Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
I need some advice as to what I should be expecting from my realtor and what I should expect as a remedy to my nightmare of a home sale listing.

It is likely easier to post as a timeline, as it has been a tumultuous listing:

= Day 1
- Meet with agent we used to buy current house
- Provide 28 photos for listing to avoid awful photos being taken
= Day 4
- Listing goes live
- No photos or description on
- Only 8 photos on main listing site
- MLS description is all caps and consists of the worst sales pitch EVER (only says the town the house is in.. 3 times)
= Day 10
- Still no photos
- 16 photos on main listing site, 4 of them are repeats
- I provide an MLS description, gets truncated to fit char limit, still all caps, misspelling in description.
- Realtor delivers really nice pamphlets to hand out at showings as well as single page flier for box out front
= Day 12
- Realtor comes over and *I* upload the correct photos to the main listing site
- Listing description is edited to somewhat resemble the requested description, spelling error fixed. Although nearly every word is shortened, therefore killing search-ability completely.
- shows only 4 photos. Realtor tells me it'll cost me $300 more to add more photos. I discover houses 1/2 the price of mine with descriptions, 16 photos and top banners, mine has 4 photos and nothing else. No explanation as to why other, cheaper houses get better listings than mine
- Realtor offers to pay for home warranty ($400) as a peace offering
= Day 40
- House goes under contract
- Iffy status of buyer leads to choice to leave house on market with expectations of conditional offers
= Day 43
- House gets de-listed on all listing sites
= Day 45
- I find out on my own the house has been delisted
- Realtor tells me she is busy and cannot fix house listing until the evening, doesn't even know why house was de-listed.

Is this expected behavior from realtors? Is the bar so low people should put up with this? I mean, these people don't install carpets on the side, they do this time and time again.. and these issues are basic ones.. uploading photos for a listing? How does a realtor not know how to do this correctly (when I figured it out in an hour)? How does the largest realtor agency in the state not support descriptions in listings (more than the 500 char limit MLS listing)?

This isn't even a unique situation for me.. buying a house recently went equally as horrific. The realtor acted as dual agent and never even made sure the property was cleaned (I stipulated it in the contract.. there was an upside down hot tub in the front yard and a carport full of trash) and never made sure a survey was done (seller was to do it). I'm still holding the sellers money waiting for that stuff to be remedied. That realtor had the audacity to blame ME for putting up a stink at closing because the seller did not fulfill his part of the contract.

Is this an average experience? When I bought this house everything went smooth as silk. What is the norm, the nightmare or the smooth transaction? Are these horrific realtors or are all realtors this horrible?


Feb 18, 2009
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

I'd have the same reaction as you. On my sale, exclusivity caused lacksadaisicle behavior. At the end end of the contract, I enlisted other realtors to stir up a little competition. Two weeks later it was a done deal.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Agent, or Realtor, compliance to the law and enforcement of standards is up to the state licensing board and the trade association.

Some states have weird traditions and laws, that have mucked up the whole process.

Heavily regulated and enforced here.
Also recommended, hiring your own lawyer to oversee the details of the contract and back you up at the closing, and represent your interests. The bank, your lawyer, the sellers agent, and the seller should all work together to close the sale. All you should have to do is show up with money and sign the papers.

If you can, let the listing fall, or fire her for non performance and carry it thru to the licensing board,

Hire a proven competent sales agent to MARKET the house for you, hire your own lawyer if you don't have one.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Sadly I believe this is more the norm. The listing agent doesn't seem to do JACK to sell the house other than put in on MLS. Yours managed to even screw this up.

My buyers realtor for my first house and the one for my second house were also completely worthless. Just a tip anyone "building" a house in a development.....DON'T USE THEIR REALTOR!! Bring YOUR OWN!!


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Oh I would be shopping for a new Realtor today ;)

I would lay the ground rules out in black and white.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Every state varies with regards to rules

If your state has Buyer Represetation, your first mistake was when you bought the house from this Realtor, maybe I should say agent in this case. You NEVER, NEVER, buy a house using Dual Agency. NEVER!!! The agent can not represent either party to the transaction, has to be neutral and only write the paper work.

I'm assuming that your home is basically picture perfect, no clutter, well maintained, fresh paint no holes in the walls etc:.
I always like to take 10-12 photos minimum sometimes more, one property I have I took and listed 22 photos on which is by the way the #1 listing website. I hope there are no pictures of the toilet, washer/dryer, furnace.

Once you realized that you had to write the verbiage maybe then that was a hint that you needed to find a Realtor.

Once a property goes under agreement in the MLS that property goes to the Under Agreement Listings in MLS, other listing websites take them down such as, Zillow etc:, they do not list them as UAG. We always flag properties when they go UAG, could be for financing, home inspection and at the same time we are looking for backup offers in case the original deal goes south.

Did the listing agent do a market analysis prior to putting your property on the market to show you where your property should be listed?

"Next time hire a Realtor, not just an agent, for you may be hiring a ticket agent.

Dear Rick,
Thank you for helping me in the process of buying my new home. You were so perceptive of my needs and helpful in finding this wonderful new property that I am in. It is exactly the neighborhood and community I wished for with the character of classical architecture that I admire. I look forward to adding my personal touches to this house and will forever think of you with gratitude for your tireless search and service. May we deal again another time soon. Good Luck and strong health!
Julia Garrison

Hello Rick, I just want to thank you for all of your work on Myrtle Square. You were always so professional and courteous. Any time I had questions or concerns you were always able to help. It is nice to have someone return emails and phone messages so promptly. Everything went so smoothly and I am grateful to you. It was a pleasure to work with you. Thanks again!
Jen Hubbard

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Agent, or Realtor, compliance to the law and enforcement of standards is up to the state licensing board and the trade association.

Some states have weird traditions and laws, that have mucked up the whole process.

Heavily regulated and enforced here.
Also recommended, hiring your own lawyer to oversee the details of the contract and back you up at the closing, and represent your interests. The bank, your lawyer, the sellers agent, and the seller should all work together to close the sale. All you should have to do is show up with money and sign the papers.

If you can, let the listing fall, or fire her for non performance and carry it thru to the licensing board,

Hire a proven competent sales agent to MARKET the house for you, hire your own lawyer if you don't have one.

Well said!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?


I would say don't use a Realtor at all, use your lawyer.
Sadly, many states have passed laws requiring you to use a licensed real estate agent, I wonder who lobbied for that? hmmmm.

Here, you are not required to have a licensed agent, or a Realtor. You can do it yourself.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

I would say don't use a Realtor at all, use your lawyer.
Sadly, many states have passed laws requiring you to use a licensed real estate agent, I wonder who lobbied for that? hmmmm.

Here, you are not required to have a licensed agent, or a Realtor. You can do it yourself.

Sorry I do not agree with the above about attorneys. Go to your state licensing boards website and see who the majority of people holding a real estate license is losing them for inappropriate action, attorneys. In Mass. an attorney automatically gets a real estate license.

You difinitly should hire an attorney to protect your interest and to follow up your Purchase & Sales Agreement and any riders to the agreement.

In Mass. you can sell or purchase a home without a Realtor too.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

I'm assuming that your home is basically picture perfect, no clutter, well maintained, fresh paint no holes in the walls etc:.
I always like to take 10-12 photos minimum sometimes more, one property I have I took and listed 22 photos on which is by the way the #1 listing website. I hope there are no pictures of the toilet, washer/dryer, furnace.

As stated, I gave the realtor 28 photos of picture perfect-ness. The table was set for royalty, the lawn is mowed and green, the kitchen is well lit and uncluttered, the trees are in bloom, the pool is blue and inviting, all walls are freshly painted, with zero holes. Sadly, none of these photos made it to, since I was told extra photos would cost me (like 6% commission is not enough!).

I don't have an issue selling my house, I have an issue getting people to find it to want to look at it.

Once you realized that you had to write the verbiage maybe then that was a hint that you needed to find a Realtor.
"Broker, Realtor?, GRI"

Those are the titles after our "Realtor"s name. Just having a title apparently doesn't mean crap. Ironically, she has a Master's in communication to boot.

Once a property goes under agreement in the MLS that property goes to the Under Agreement Listings in MLS, other listing websites take them down such as, Zillow etc:, they do not list them as UAG. We always flag properties when they go UAG, could be for financing, home inspection and at the same time we are looking for backup offers in case the original deal goes south.
Conditional offers should remain visible and our didn't. A little tough to get backup offers if your listing is hidden from public view. Which, come to find out, they lied to me by telling me "the listing was hidden from all but other realtors".. yet when they "unhid" the listing, the photos were now mysteriously missing. Sounds to me like they deleted the listing and recreated it when I called to complain, but didn't have the photos to re-upload them. Is this the ethics of a Realtor?

I trusted the ads of the so-called code of ethics of Realtors, too, which is why both of the 'agents' I've gone through were Realtors as well as brokers.

:( I feel trapped. Only 4 days left of the tax break for home buyers and this realtor screwed me out precious buyers from day one. Should I demand a new realtor from the same company or ditch her for a whole new company? How does this affect the current sales contract? I'm already getting lied to.. it isn't a big leap to get sabotaged. Heck, she already repeated confidential negotiating plans to the friggin buyers, that alone could have killed the sale.

Is this the world, today?
Does nobody put effort into their work anymore?
Has this country become a "show me the money" country with no care as to quality?
This person is the #1 broker in her office, what does that say about the low expectations of her clients?

I now understand why our society has become so litigious. It seems to be the only means to recover from the damage these inept people do to your time sensitive situation.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Never heard of dual agents, a man cannot serve two masters...

Make a walkthrough video, put it on Youtube, place an AD on Craigslist directing them to the vid.

imported_John o

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 24, 2006
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Go to a different company and tell the manager/owner of the first company WHY you are switching. Perhaps they can give you a non-exclusive listing at 3% instead of 6% and try to win you back.

In this area if a realtor dealt that way with a seller they'd eb out of business quickly.


Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

New Realtor.

They have some "skin" in the game. USE THEIR PHOTO'S.

They (good one) know what sells and what does not.

Let a good one do their job.

Look for a PRO. The good ones charge more but sell a property far quicker. In the long run, it's cheaper to go with a good one.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Maybe I have good instincts, but I have sold every house myself. Newspaper ad written by me, photos by me. Invariably got more than a Realtor said to ask and attorney fees were far less than the 7% the realtor wanted.

I say FSBO is the way to go.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 23, 2009
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Sold a house awhile back, and my contract with the broker was at
4 1/2% they were trying to get me to go to 6 1/2%
The sales people were lackadaisical about working to get my house sold.

The contract was about up, so I copied the MLS listing number, and made up a flyer that stated that I was offering a $500 finders reward if a sales person could find a buyer and get the house sold. I then visited several Real estate businesses and pinned it to their bulletin boards.

The house sold 2 days later:D


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2009
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

I don't know how it works down south but up here in Canada you can sell privately with a company that provides you with the sales tools and a website to post photos on as well as MLS listing, they give you all the forms for a small fee and you sell it yourself.

I sold my last three homes this way and would never get a realtor again, the last one we had was playing both sides of the table and telling both of us lies to manipulate the sale (I called the buyer myself to verify). Because of this behaviour we managed to boot him from getting his commision and the seller and myself split the difference.

Not that there aren't good salesmen out there...I just haven't met very many.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Maybe I have good instincts, but I have sold every house myself. Newspaper ad written by me, photos by me. Invariably got more than a Realtor said to ask and attorney fees were far less than the 7% the realtor wanted.

I say FSBO is the way to go.

In Mass. only 1% of house sales are sold by FSBO's.


Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

In Mass. only 1% of house sales are sold by FSBO's.

I do not disagree with anyone's numbers.

If someone wants to go the "self" route, so be it.

BUT, be prepared for ALL the contigincies that go along with it. Unless you are a lawyer, you have no idea what the contigincies may be. Or, you've owned the property for 20 plus years-free and clear-and have title-in hand.

I'm all for paying someone for their expertise. Some work, some do not. The one's that do, get my money. Well earned, in my book.

We all, in a sense, work fo a commission. Seen or unseen. I beieve in supporting all that work their tails off and deserve it.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 19, 2008
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

I fired my Realtor when we bought our house. She was worthless and seemed to make the process harder than it was. I actually found my current home when I got lost with her crappy directions.

The bank was more than happy to help me through the process. They have people for that. And my loan closed in 2 weeks, not months like I've heard they can take. It probably helps that we had just over 50% to put down. ;)

When I decide to sell (I already know this isn't the house I will spend the rest of my life in) I will go about it myself.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Realtors - My bad luck or unacceptable behavior?

Fly Rod;2614313The agent can not represent either party to the transaction said:
This is not true.
By law, the listing agent, and their supervising broker, do have a fiduciary arrangement with the seller, and MUST act in the sellers best interest.

Their job is to sell the property, bring it to a close, and get the maximum monies for the client.