#(**&^^%%%$# Phone company


Feb 19, 2002
As y'all know, my mother passed away on June 25th. My sister had previously set most of Mother's recurring bills to be paid by auto-pay from checking account.

Upon Mother's death, her checking account was frozen. I have gotten bills from the gas and electric and water companies etc. I never received a bill from the phone company.

Finally I receive a forwarded bill from the phone company. The bill was for $28.00 for the monthly bill plus a $25.00 fee for "returned payment". I phoned the company and tried to explain the circumstances. No. They will not credit the $25.00 fee for returned non-payment from a deceased person's checking account. $25.00 fee. That's just about a 100% penalty.!!!

This is also the same company that my sister and I discovered had been charging Mother $6.00 a month for 30 years for a "rented" phone. Yep. $2160.00 for a damn phone!!!

The phone "service" department needs to put their employees through a sensitivity course. What a bunch of twits and morons.!!


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

Send them the payment for phone service, and not the $25 penalty. Include a letter informing them that they will not be receiving the $25 penalty. Also state that they can dispute the matter with the executor of your mothers will. They will need to forward a $75 deposit to reserve a meeting time with the executor. Tell them they should do this at their earliest convenience.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

Ayuh,........ Great Idea Mark........

It just took me 6 months to get Verizon to stop charging me a Long Distance fee for services I haven't used in Years.......
I'm about a heart beat away from having the line just Removed......
I'll just hang a Cell Phone where the land line Used to be......
Way Cheaper in the long,+ short runs......


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

Or...like I did in certain situations, send a letter informing the phone company that your mother was deceased and it's the decision of the executor to not honor their claim for the twenty-five dollars penalty. If they wish to pursue it, it will have to be done through the probate court - assuming you're having the estate probated. In my case, this discouraged nuisance claims.


Feb 19, 2002
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

Send them the payment for phone service, and not the $25 penalty. Include a letter informing them that they will not be receiving the $25 penalty. Also state that they can dispute the matter with the executor of your mothers will. They will need to forward a $75 deposit to reserve a meeting time with the executor. Tell them they should do this at their earliest convenience.

I'll try to compose such a letter as soon as I myself become composed. Too much steam is still emitting from the top of my head.

Thanks for the ideas.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

Send them the payment for phone service, and not the $25 penalty. Include a letter informing them that they will not be receiving the $25 penalty. Also state that they can dispute the matter with the executor of your mothers will. They will need to forward a $75 deposit to reserve a meeting time with the executor. Tell them they should do this at their earliest convenience.

LOL, That's cute Mark!!! :D:D JR


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: #(**&^^%%%$# Phone company

I got onr for ya. My father in law died last Aug. My wife being the oldest child also added her step brother to the will but made it so he was responsable for half of the work to take care of the estate. We live about 300 some miles away from there. She called the utilities and had them all shut off. Her moron Step brother didnt have the money to pay for the insurance on the house ( It was $50) So he let it go. Well A pipe had burst in the upstairs bathroom and 68,000 gallons of water came through the upstairs into the down stairs. Mind you my wife had the water shut off..........The whole upstairs collapsed into the down stairs........Now There was that much water running through the house over at the most a 10 day time period. Did the city utilities catch it no........The house was worth like $60,000. $20,000 was owed to the bank. Her brothers mistake mad it so there was no insurance the cities mistake totaled the house.......No lawyer wants to sue the city, they all want to go after the insurance comany who is in the right not to pay.........The worst part is they keep sending us a $900 bill for the water that month even though we have it logged through our attorney that we cancelled all utilities.....Freaking mess that as it stands each one of the kids recieved one of his show cars but now the bank is trying to auction off all the cars for whats owed on the house........Long and short of it is we aint got the money to hire an attorney who has the @alls to go after the city.....thers alot more to the story but you get the drift......