Kids and texting !


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 11, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

texting is ok sometimes............i took my 16 yr old fishing the other day and thats all he got accomplished :rolleyes: .........all day.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Kids and texting !

I probably send and receive 1500 texts a month (at least), but 75% of them are probably work related. I know that seems like a lot, but for me there are many times when I just cannot break away and make a phone call, but I can shoot a quick text while I am doing something else. I'm sure many of you will not understand that, but its a must have for me at work. Also there are times when I need to ask 4 or 5 people the same question....with texting I only have to ask it once.​


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

I'm with you on the work use!
The ability to check emails on the crackberry cuts out some texting, but lots of my customers will be in the field and send off a text.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 20, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

I use about 500-1000 mostly work related.. i work for a cellular carrier and these people are text nuts. Also why not just get an unlimited plan instead of trying to put limits on them? either $20 per line or 30 and that includes everyone on your family talk plan(all carriers have this)...If they use 10,000 it wont cost you a dime over.. I know thats only the money aspect of it and theres more to it. the problem with your kid may be that they are charged for all incoming texts as well so even if they cut down they cant control what comes in.


Jul 16, 2006
Re: Kids and texting !

Texting is nice if the wife wants you to do something after work, it's like having a note from her...can't forget it ( well, I can, but I don't get to use the excuse anymore :rolleyes: )

As far as I'm concerned, my kids have zero need for a cell phone, and will have zero need for a cell phone. We all survived just fine without them before they were here, I'm not paying for my kids to have one. The only reason I have one is through work, and if I ever quit, the only reason I'd ever get one is because I got so used to having one around....but I also used to wear wrist watches....I don't anymore because of the phones watch. What's cheaper, a watch or a monthly phone contract? I'll get the watch, and one for each of the kids.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Kids and texting !

We don't have this problem with our 14yr old.
We bought him a pre-paid is all his.
At the time of purchase, wife got a $30 card for him (with a 12 month limit), and told him it was all he was getting from us......when he uses up the $30, he buys the replacement card.
At the end of the 12mths, he still had a credit of $9.

I am probably wrong, but I believe the problem is with the parents, not the kids....I mean, you put a 13yr old on a family plan for an extra $10 mth, then you'r surprised they have run up an excess bill in the hundreds.
Cut the little bxggars off at the knees.....if they want to text, then they pay for it out of their pocket.

Just my views.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: Kids and texting !

Texting is part of the generation. I wonder what it would have been like 150 years ago if there were copper strung to homes like it is today.
Personally, I prefer to talk on my phone, type on my computer, take pictures with my camera, watch video on my TV, and let's not go anywhere near music.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

About two months ago, a 19 y/o was texting her boyfriend, crossed over the center line and hit a 17 y/o head on. Both girls were killed. The parents of the younger one placed a full page ad in the local paper trying to get help to pass legislation that would make cell phone usage limited to hands free only while driving. I would agree that may help keep others from suffering from a similiar fate. :(


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 18, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

i feel bad, im the only one in my family who uses text.. and i average 12-15 thousand a month :(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Kids and texting !

A 15 year old female relative in my extended family sends/receives 10,000 to 11,000 texts per month. A 17 year old male in the same family sends/receives about 6,000 to 7,000 texts per month. Every generation has some way of "wasting" time - this is their way. I personally send/receive a few dozen texts per month, mostly to my 20-something brother who is into that kind of stuff.

We use Sprint for cell service and while traveling recently I noticed they're now offering a bundle plan for two lines for $100/month; I believe it was up to 3,000 minutes and unlimited just about everything else (texts, emails, web access, etc.).


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 28, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

My wife and I refuse to text. It's not worth the effort. Our 12 year old daughter loves it, but she signed me up for some "fortune cookie" thing (without my knowledge or consent) that would deliver junk text messages to my cell phone every day and cost me twenty extra bucks a month on my cell bill! I tried to fight it and lost. Took two months to get them to cut it out. I demanded that the cell phone provider remove text capability from both our phones and never put it back. Takes care of that problem.

Unfortunately, we have been considering switching providers. The one we're looking at will not disable texting. We have informed our daughter that if we follow through with the switch, she is financially responsible for any texting charges. She feels very put out by the idea. C'est la vie...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 8, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

can someone explain to me why you let your kids have a phone if its this much of a problem? my daughter will not have a phone untill she is 16... maybe 15 if i feel it neccasary. if she messes up more then a couple times its gone. period.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Kids and texting !

I have noticed something else with the kids that spend a lot of time is the only thing they can do well.
I am making the comparison with school work....I know it is a generalisation.


Apr 10, 2004
Re: Kids and texting !

I text more than what I call. Actually, IM and text messaging is a preferred method of communication when you dont have the coworker next to you and it is not a rush issue.
Some kids forward messages just like the junk mail you receive at your email. I lot of them send them just to everyone in their list so I can see how they get that many messages and "send" that many messages. they dont ask you if you want to receive those chain text either...
Im lucky my daughter dont care much for that. She's had her phone since she was 13 and only one time I had an issue with text and a simple request to cut all texting was enough. She even forgets he phone at home every now and then...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 5, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

We just had our second incident with the daughter going over her text limit. This summer she asked for the unlimited texting and she agreed to pay the extra $20/ month. Then when school hit she went over the first month by like $30 worth. She promptly paid me and then made the comment she would like the unlimited plan again. I told her when she gave me the money she would get it back on her phone. The money never showed and now 4 months later she really made a boo boo. She is 15 and this is going to be her learning lesson. I gave her the heads up 2 weeks before the bill came and when it showed I politely asked for her phone and told her she may have it back when she comes up with the $250 she went over. No arguments, no drama, only a very sincere apology. What she doesn't know is that I called the phone company and they allowed me to back date the unlimited plan for the entire month and then waived all the extra text charges. So when she comes to me with the money I will put it toward her unlimited text plan and she will never know. She has had 3 inicidents in 3 years with the phone where she has not obeyed the rules. I was once a kid and I know I wasn't perfect so I am cutting her a little slack. We set the boundaries with her and up until now there have only been minor problems. She will be without it for a few months while she figures this one out.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Re: Kids and texting !

We just had our second incident with the daughter going over her text limit. This summer she asked for the unlimited texting and she agreed to pay the extra $20/ month. Then when school hit she went over the first month by like $30 worth.

If it was an unlimited plan how could she "go over"?

Regardless, sounds like you handled it well.


May 18, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

What i like about the cell phones is, that gps is built into everyone of them.

If the unit is on a person can be found. Some now offer a tracking plan, where you will always know where the person is.

The advantages are obvious to anyone with a teenage and even 20's child.

And with the elderly my mom always keeps hers on her person, and has helped on a few occasions.

As with any tool or device, it can be used for good or evil. Hah


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 5, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

She asked for the unlimited plan for the summer, but not for the school year. So when school started she went back to her 1000 messages a month plan. She blew it and went over. I gave her a copy of the bill last night and highlighted her charges. She said, "I know.....I will be working on it." I said ok, until then you know where your phone is.