Kids and texting !


May 18, 2008
How in the world can a human being send and receive over 6 thousand texts.
In one month.

It just boggles my mind. I get a text, from the V company and it states you are about to go over your alloted minutes.

I have 1400 minutes, shared between 5 cell phones. Unlimited texts, unlimited, pics, and nights and weekends unlimited calling to anyone..

So i go online and not being a stranger to teenagers and cell phones, cause i have 2 before the latest 13 year old received his cell phone.

I see the culprit is the 13 year old as i suspected. He just got a new girlfriend, by the way who had her phone yanked for going over her minutes.

All by himself he used prime time minutes to the tune of 1800, off prime another 800, and weekends and night like 1000, plus the above mentioned texts. And 30 pics.

So i call the V company and ask whats up, she the kind person that she is, says for 20 bucks i can up my prime minutes allotment and if i want can do it for this month only or keep them.

So i dodged a bullet cause i called before the start of the new month on my plan that is the 15th, if i had waited after the 15th i would be stuck paying for each minute over like 500 American dollars or more.

So i call my prodigy downstairs and like a drill sarg. REAM him a new one.

Up one side and down the other.

If he calls another cell with the V company then the minutes are free, call the land line they are prime minutes money out of my pocket..

I used 9 minutes the wifey 10 minutes all the others like 10 prime minutes him the little lover boy sleeps with the phone on got to be.

Kids and phones not perfect together.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Kids and texting !

i rarely text anyone. when i talk, it is say what you have to say and that's it. guess i was lucky, my kids were before all this.


Oct 20, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

I guess its addicting. My wife does it all the time, my son sometimes, me never. I believe it is if you have to much time on your hands you text. Me just say what you have to say and be done with it.


Feb 19, 2002
Re: Kids and texting !

I bought a cell phone years ago when my mother was still alive and we were traveling back and forth between Indiana and Virginia and I didn't want to call long distance from Mother's phone.

One phone between my wife and I. 250 anytime minutes and 3600 night (after 9:00PM) and weekend minutes.

We have never , ever gone over minutes.

My younger son wanted me to go into a "family" plan with him. I flat out stated no way. I knew he'd be the one using all the minutes.

PS. I've never sent nor received a text message. If I want to text someone I'll send them an e-mail on the home PC. Did I mention that I'll be 60 years old in June?


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

My 17 year old daughter came out to Fl to live with me for 2 years to finish school and a bunch of other reasons that is another story in itself..

She had absolutely no regard for $$ with her cell phone and texting. We put her on our plan and added the unlimited texting feature. She was averaging 3 THOUSAND a month, which I couldnt comprehend...I think it's stupid, maybe as a quick note for a yes-no-or I'll be home when I get there message....

She moved back to Cali after graduating and we dropped her from our plan.
Heard she BURNED her Mom for a 1,500 cell bill for texting.
She is very very lucky that it didnt happen on my watch!!!!


May 17, 2001
Re: Kids and texting !

Those with limited sight tend to be a non-texter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm getting there :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Kids and texting !

my thumbs won't move like the kids, has something to do with being 60.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Kids and texting !

Those with limited sight tend to be a non-texter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm getting there :D

I am already there :(

I can not read the numbers on the phone and forget about the letters at all unless I have on the proper glasses and the right lighting.

We have 3 cell phones between 2 people here. The wife and I do not use text at all and it is against company policy to use it on the work phone.

This cell phone debate should be ending soon. I think the charges are going to be drastically reduced. Remember when AOL was "the" internet provider and people were paying by the minute :eek: People had bills exceeding $300 per week.


May 18, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

I have sent very few text messages, a few when she was in a middle of a class teaching that i arrived safely on a trip.

I have a hard enough time typing here on the keyboard with 2 fingers.

And they wear out the stikin keyboard on the phone.

A little while back i posted a rant on cell phones.

Now the 11 year old wants a phone, i said no way Jose not till you turn 13, then the 21 year old has to get her own plan so i can add the youngest.

I am counting the days till the youngest goes to collage i'm selling this house and moving away and not telling them where i'm going.

I'm getting a one room cabin in the deepest darkest woods with no roads in and out and a outhouse with a well.

They won't want to live with me there.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Kids and texting !

I don't own a cell phone, have no desire to, for teenagers cell phones are a reflection of social stature, the better the phone the more cool he or she is.
What i've noticed is, the better the phone the more spoiled the kid is.

Quote from Judge Judy: You know how you can tell a teenager is lieing?

Because their lips are moving.

Don't take it personal chief, if I had the money my girls would have phones with everything too... I'm always trying to explain to them I just don't have the extra money to throw away and their friends that have those everything phones have parents that work for phone companys and have jobs that require them to have phones and the company pays for it all.

The cell phone users tell me I'm depriving my children of real world lessons and to face the fact, so we bought them each a phone with a 20.00 unlimited texting, no phone calls just texting, they have chores to do for each months 20.00. I still don't quite buy it that is a nesesity, in 4 years they will be adults then they can have whatever their little hearts desire.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Kids and texting !

Cell phones, texting, credit cards and adrenaline are very addictive to some folks. . .particularly adolescents.

When my girls were teens we didn't have cell phones so their thing was cars, clothes and music.

I bought them a sound system and made the down payments on their cars. They had to earn the bux for everything else. No credit cards, period.

Their "thing" immediately became getting the best or a better part-time job.

Their kids pay their own cell bills and buy their own 'puter games, etc.

Merging young-uns into the real world of self sufficiency as early as possible is one of the biggest favors you can do for them.


May 17, 2001
Re: Kids and texting !

Merging young-uns into the real world of self sufficiency as early as possible is one of the biggest favors you can do for them.


With all the trouble I had with my son while he was at home, now he is on his own and doing well enough to get by. After saying NO several times for a handout,,,,he doesn't even ask anymore. Its sad to look at the empty nest at times, but having the whole use of the nest is even better :D


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Kids and texting !

Heck, my 3 year old can repeat the same sentence 6,000 times in an hour ... you think I'll be gettin him a cell phone when he's a teenager? Hopefully, mental telepathy will be perfected by then!


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Kids and texting !

For my duaghter last month.. 6900+ messages. We do not let her have her phone durning certain times, like after 10:00, in her room, or when she is doing home work.

She pays the $10 to be an additonal line and will pay for her portion of the txt messaging once her 6 month gift from us wears off.

She is dang lucky to have that deal after what she did last year. She was essentially punished for a year for $300+ in unapporoved text messaging.

The nice thing about teens having cell phones is that it is a great motivator. We attach usage of the cell phone to the grades. If the grades slip below a certain level, the phone goes away. We check it every week, and it seems to work.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

I have never text anyone I can talk faster than can type as for my kids(now young adults but they still live at home) I can barely get them to keep their phone on their persons and it is not because they forget about it or loose it they just don't care about calling anyone never have to worry about texting :D


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Kids and texting !

your lucky your kids aren't influenced by the cell phone kids i call them. It all stems from within the schools.
I don't know maybe it because I got a late start with having my two daughters, see the kids they hang with in school are the kids of my classmates kids, yep mama's 53 yrs old now. she has friends that are grandmas already, so it seems like my wife and I are a generation behind and it's just so hard to keep up with whats demanded with kids nowadays.
Heck there's a kid in the local high school where my oldest goes that drives a Hummer to school. All the vacant land around my house now has new houses on it, property tax is way up and I can't afford to live here anymore, seems like i'm being pushed out the rich folks.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

A70 the reason they weren't influenced was because we home schooled them and since I own my own company they have always been around adults so they have seen how professionals conduct themselves, for us it has been a blessing


May 18, 2008
Re: Kids and texting !

Latter for keeping up with the neighbors i couldn't care what they drive bet half of them still have no furniture in their house. But they all drive Mercedes and lexus.

Me all my cars are paid off and i have furniture, so they can do what they want, and i'm still gonna drive my 94 tercel around town, thats what 2 kids leaned on, and if it is still alive all my kids will drive it to learn on.

Have the 2002 conversion van use that to pull the boat, and a 1998 Mountaineer son will get that when he has 6 months under his belt driving the Tercel, 2003 Elantra wifes car, and oldest daughter has the 2007 Tiburion..

Want to see snooty, nose in the air people, come here where i live, 5 miles down the road Jackie Onasis grew up.