Finnish fishing boat overhaul [Splashed 2017]


Sep 2, 2014
I've been away working on a couple projects (restored a row boat and fixed up a camper van). I finally finished and thought I'd see what was happening over here. To my delight, your thread was the first notification and I loved your photos. Beautiful boat, handsome dog and pretty lady. You look like you're a happy camper over yonder. Thanks for keeping the adventure going.

Btw, that's about how many fish I caught last year too. Sometimes adventures get in the way of fishing :)

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
A row boat sounds wonderfully problem free! We're all good yeah, now I'm just improving things and doing the final stuff that I never had time for during the actual build. Nice and stress free work, can't wait for the summer! Our local boat show is on at the moment and it always feel like the start of the season, will go on saturday and try not to buy anything.

I honestly did try, but the new to me boat and the new waters keep me learning, we've spent a lot of time jigging for perch with pretty bad results to be honest. But I've got time to learn, in a couple of years I'm sure the results will get better when I start finding the spots, time and gear for these waters.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
show us a pic of what your 'perch' look like. Over here there are many fish that are called 'perch'.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Perch???????????? Aren't there any better ocean fish over there? :D
Like blue fish, flounder, tuna, salmon, some lobsta?
Over here perch is like this little dinky fish you catch in streams. What's yours like?
PS....I just found out me dog sheds like a banshee in his season.

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
Our sea isn’t doing that well, and since we’re behind the Danish strait we get too little of the aerated salty water from the Atlantic. At the finnish coast we’re up to 750 species in comparison with 1600 on denmarks sea coast.

Food fish are pretty much restricted to perch, whitefish, zander, pike, herring and some flounders if lucky.


Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
The perch in the image is energetic and tastes great, nice firm healthy meat. They’re usually pretty small though. The one in the photo is really big.

There are many more species, but the local salmon population for instance is very endangered and immoral to fish for.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Wow nice perch. Fishing in jersey is way off from years past also. Thanks for the info. In any event the boat is spectacular!

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
Thanks, ended up fixing and rebuilding everything behind the transmission this winter, now I’m waiting for a new cutlass bearing, shaft, shaft seal and flange. Going to exchange the old engine mounts at the same time to hopefully get rid of the last vibrations/resonance issues. After that it’s all new, so I guess it’s more about repairs than rebuilding then!

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
These are basically freshwater fish as well, I guess our salt percentage is around 1% at the moment. And the size sound about the same. Fun fish to reel in when a 500g (1lbs approx) pulls more than a 2kg pike(~4lbs)!

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
By the way. I did replace the bilge switches to Ultras some months ago. Now with the new Pss seal I’m hoping not to use the main pump as often anymore, but the fact that the shower sump one has no delay is a bit problematic. Due to the shape of the box there’s going to be 4cm of water there all the time. Anyone have an idea how I could add a delay on the circuit?

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Yep yellow perch. Our in Oregon where I grew up 9 or so inches was standard. Tied (for me) as best tasting freshwater fish.

I caught one a couple years ago here down south in Alabama, looked it up and they are getting more tolerant of warm water..


Sep 2, 2014
They taste pretty good smoked too :)

our salmon runs have been suffering too. They say the pacific had a warm blub that affdcted the food source, and so the growth and health of the young salmon.... or our state fisheries are putting less fish back into the rivers. Either way, the runs are down on the west coast which is sad.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah forgot about smoked. Dad had a little chief smoker and we did perch and bullhead cats often. Was my after school snack.

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
Smoked fish! My best childhood memories relate to smoked fish. I still love it but haven’t had a place to do it properly in a long time. Especially flounder was delicious smoked. Will have to arrange a place somewhere and get that into our routines. Might have to build a smoker on some far away small island first though. Been doing all kinds of small updates at the boat: Windows are tight now, the leaks should be gone. Roller curtains on the small windows by the berth. Improved sound insulation. Rpm-meter fixed. Thermostat cover replaced. Engine steel woven hoses replaced. New engine mounts. New shaft. New Pss shaft seal. New cutlass bearing. Windshield blower/defroster(in photos) Diving ladder Emergency tiller & assy Will update with pics as we get everything in.

Red Herring

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2012
Haha. And to elaborate about the smoked fish. Our summer cottage when I was a kid had this big smoker sitting in the woods maybe a 100m away from the house. My task was usually to keep the fire going, adding firewood every now and then. The smell of smoke, cooking fish and the big pine forest that opened up behind the clearing was just perfect. Saw deer, foxes, badgers and moose there regularly. I ought to visit that place next summer, possibly even use the smoker if it’s still intact.