1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well more of the same today. I don't have any pictures because if you seen one red poxed boat, you've seen them all.

However, either the pin holes are vanishing, or I am covering them pretty well. Because I had way less to cover today after sanding. So I got them on the run now. I hope they don't come back. I really have to look carefully now to find a pin hole. So maybe after this go around I can shoot another primer coat and see. I will say that my hands, elbows and arms are talking to me though. They are pleading with me to go easier on them. I had to stop today because the temps are at 92 degrees here in middle Georgia. Yea, I know, it should be in the mid 70's to low 80's. But mother nature isn't listening. I am sure once I get the hull ready for paint, then the temps will drop to around freezing. That isn't painting temps. :facepalm:

Until next update, you all have a wonderful day.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 27, 2007
You could always come on up here to Montana if you need a break from the heat. The high's today are in the mid 40's with rain and/or snow at times. Tonight is looking like 30* for the low, but at least the precip is tapering off. More of the same tomorrow.:grief::help:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Them dang mosquitoes are out in force down here .. We could use a good cold snap to slow em down ..


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 2, 2013
Great, we're back to the time of year when you southern boys are whining and crying about the bugs...:Cry::blah:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
We are having a bit of a warm spell here in ny. Just finished playing two games of ball in shorts and a short sleeve jersey. I'll take it. Three more weeks left in the season and I'm sure I'll have 3 layers on before it's over.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Sam, I don't have too much problems with the mosquitoes, but those darn gnats are driving me crazy. And when you have your hands full with spot putty and sweating, they buzz your ears and eyes. I tried using some repellent, and it seems to work a little. But they are so frustrating when I am working.

mickyryan, seems you don't know me very well. I can be caught up to both of you and then take another six months to paint. It seems to go in spurts with me. My plans are always scheduled out and sound, but real life makes them change all the time. So not to worry. :eek:

nurseman, we have to complain about something since we rarely get snow and stuff like that. So bugs are our snow, or at least cold weather! :laugh:

Patfromny, yea, I use to live in north central/eastern PA. so I know your warm front isn't going to last too long. So make the best of it while you can. I see some very cold weather in your future. See I am a clairvoyant. ;)

gomopar440, if I moved up there, I would have to use heated paint to spray out of the spray gun or ice paint would come out. Maybe I could use a putty knife to apply the paint. That would be an interesting idea. :doh:

Ha guys, thanks for the unique ideas and following along. :thumb:


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 31, 2013
Have you tried Gelcoat, I noticed last night how the mosquitoes are hugging the deck :nod: I had just Gelcoated a week ago. There must still be fumes that their getting high from:noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Have you tried Gelcoat, I noticed last night how the mosquitoes are hugging the deck :nod: I had just Gelcoated a week ago. There must still be fumes that their getting high from:noidea:

Maybe I can mix up some and put it on my ears and nose to keep bugs off. Probably look pretty funny, but then that also could be am improvement for my looks as well. :noidea:

I finished sanding off yesterday's spot putty application (a daily routine now) this morning and ready to apply another round. But there is so few areas now that this isn't going to take too much time. I think that is a good thing, but at this stage, who knows. :crazy:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
NO picture but another little update. I sanded off yesterday's spot putty efforts and blow off the dust frm that sanding. Then grabbed the spot putty once again and start looking for blemishes. It is getting harder and harder to see any pin holes. I mean I really have to look hard to see any now. So once I sand off this go around, I may be ready for the second coat of 2K high build primer. But when I block sand this second coat, I will switch to either 220 or 320 sandpaper. I think it is getting close.

Oh the temps today only got up to 93 degrees. Not bad for the middle of October. :faint2:

Did I tell you how I sweat just looking at work? Well sanding dust and sweat is really nice to wear. Add in the gnats with the heat and there you go. :eek:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 27, 2007
I spent about half of my 20yr Navy career stationed at places on the Gulf coast or in the Carribean. The heat, and especially the humidity, is one thing I don't miss from living down there. The bugs were just the icing on the cake.

BTW: Our HIGH temp here today isn't even half of what you got down there.:facepalm: It's feast or famine I guess. LOL

Oh yea, to keep it on topic: I'm looking forward to seeing your boat back in primer again.;)
Last edited:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well I may have messed up. Yesterday we got up to 92 degrees with almost no wind and sun shining. I did sand off the previous days spot putty session and applied a little rattle can primer on some areas. I should have shot another coat of the 2K primer. But I decided to try that either today or tomorrow. BUT, we seem to have a cold front coming in (finally) and the temps are suppose to only get to around 70's today. I can work with that nicely. However, the wind from this cold front is going to get to 35 MPH as this front moves in. So if I shoot primer, I could also get leaves embedded on the boat at the same time. Now I know that would be a great camo look, but I don't want to have to sand down dried leaves as well. Sooooo, I guess I will see how things go today. It seems it is ready for the second coat of 2K high build primer and more block sanding. We will see.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I haven't really done much to the hull in the last couple days. Not because of the heat, because the temps have dropped like a rock. We were in the 90's and now in the 70's. So that is a great thing for me anyways. But the wind was a huge factor in why I didn't shoot another primer coat yet. Maybe today or tomorrow. Which ever presents the best conditions. I can shoot the 2K primer in about a half hour or so and if the wind is mild I can set up to do it quickly too. So we will see. I have the hull sanded again and will look over it again. Seems I find little things and work them as I find them. So if I do shoot the second coat of primer, I will take pictures. Because I know it didn't happen without pictures posted.


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
see I don't know if id ever take on something like this, I lack patience with a sander lol, a man has to know his limitations plus I got a cousin who works on hi end cars so I am sure I can talk him into comin to florida and working if the price was right :)


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
If it makes you feel any better GM, I am getting ready to spend my day off sanding lol! Hopefully this will be my last time.....but I'm sure it won't be lol!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
If it makes you feel any better GM, I am getting ready to spend my day off sanding lol! Hopefully this will be my last time.....but I'm sure it won't be lol!

arch, my problem is I have to fix everything because it is just the way I am. And to think that this is the bottom of the hull, and unless you are a fish, you probably will never ever see it again once it is flipped over on the trailer. But something keeps me looking and filling and sanding. :noidea:

I have two other vehicles in line to paint (not mine, but they like my painting skills, go figure). So I try to make the surfaces as perfect as I can get them knowing the final finish will reflect such efforts. It is a curse indeed.

arch, I have been keeping up with your build. You do very good work. :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Once again, more sanding. It seems that is all I have been doing to the hull anymore. Spot fill and sand. I need to shoot another real coat of primer now and start again with the block sanding and guide coat. Oh the pain, the pain. :facepalm:

I sure hope the fish like this. So much work so I can try and catch fish. Something doesn't add up here. :noidea:


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Once again, more sanding. It seems that is all I have been doing to the hull anymore. Spot fill and sand. I need to shoot another real coat of primer now and start again with the block sanding and guide coat. Oh the pain, the pain. :facepalm:

I sure hope the fish like this. So much work so I can try and catch fish. Something doesn't add up here. :noidea:

and the guy on the shore with a bamboo pole is laughing all the way to the bank :)