Attic Cleaning Anyone?


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Since the fall temps finally hit our area, I had a brilliant idea. I would go up in our attic and get rid of some things. Well I did just that. I was amazed at how much "Stuff" was shoved up in the attic. Obviously I did have a lot of good stuff up there, but equally some crappy things as well. So I brought things down and looked them over and then posted them on EBay. And some of those items were very expensive things I was going to get to one day. Like some very expensive R/C airplane kits new in the box. Some of those old kits are easily decades old but look like new when I opened them to survey them. They are on EBay now because I lost interest in them having gotten out of the R/C hobby. Our flying field is now covered over with a very huge warehouse type building. So no flying there anymore.

Then there was the after Christmas sell years ago where we bought an entire case of house Christmas lights. Oh yea we were going to "Blue Light" them the next year for a little profit. But that next year turned into YEARS without ever thinking about them again. They are going to a charity now. And things stored up there that are so old, I had to laugh at what I was finding. I still have tons of things to open up and investigate. But it all is going to be either donated, sold, of thrown. Odd how you can stuff things away and forget all about them. I guess it is true, out of sight, out of mind! Then when you do see them again, you ask yourself WHY did you stuff them up there in the first place? :eek:

Anybody else have similar issues?


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Anybody else have similar issues?

Yes:facepalm: I have a storage room in the lower level. It contains boxes I packed up from my first house, I'm now on home number three. There was a ten year stay in house number two and I've been in the current home for 12 years. I'm sure I could just throw the boxes out and never miss a thing. However I'm of the same mind set in that if any of the stored "stuff" is still usable it will go to someone who will benefit from it. If no one I know wants it, Goodwill or another charitable organization will receive it. It seems the older I get the less clutter I'm willing to put up with.;):eek:


Rear Admiral
Jun 26, 2012
After you get it all cleaned out think of all the new space you will have to fill up with new stuff😀


Lieutenant Commander
May 8, 2012
gm - sure know what you're talkin about. Now that LeaLin is up on the hard, and the weather is telling me to spend some time inside, I'm getting into some of the "stuff" in the garage, basement, etc. A constant battle. And LT, I'm with you on the change in mind-set as I get older. I can hear my Dad saying "get rid of it". My weekly goal is to make sure our large garbage tote is full each week it goes to the curb. Fortunately, I can be comforted by the fact that it's going into the landfill I designed, etc. - so I can tell myself that I'm just storing the stuff somewhere else.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Attic???? I have enough trouble with the bedroom, gun room, and workshop to worry about the attic! I too have boxes that are still packed from our move 14 years ago ... wife wants me to just throw them away, but who knows what goodies lurk in those boxes!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yea, I can understand the "goodies in side" concept. Odd how when you pack things away you have every intention to use the stuff again one day, and that one day never seems to come. My problem is, a lot of stuff I've collected are of great valve, but only to certain folks who understand the technical side of things. Most wouldn't give it a second look. I absolutely hate to trash things that do have some real valve, but only to other folks that think like I do. And probably not too many folks like that. And that is probably a good thing too. :eek:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
When we moved to WV 6yrs ago, I left boxes in NV, that I packed in KY for the move to Calif, then moved to Utah 5yrs later still unopened, and again 5yrs later to NV. after nearly 21yrs, I didn't even open them to see what was in them...... the purge felt good...........


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 18, 2008
I'm cleaning out my storage locker after 10 years. A lot is going in the garbage the good stuff is going to Goodwill.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Garage, garage, garage....... Even I'm getting sick of tripping around..... Actually, I have nothing in the attic....


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Garage, garage, garage....... Even I'm getting sick of tripping around..... Actually, I have nothing in the attic....

WIMUSKY, until a decade or longer now our garage was my shop and car garage as well. And if I wanted to build anything, I did it in the garage. Well since I built a nice work 24' X 36' shop, our garage is now a two car garage again. And yes we do use it as a garage. But when we built the work shop we also built it with available attic storage up there as well. So we actually have two attics. One filled with all types of things (that I am not cleaning out) and the other organized with a very little in it. Once I get the clutter attic cleaned out, very little will be in there as well. But as I do clean the original attic area out, I am finding things that I had forgotten about years ago. I will say this, I put a lot of things on EBay and it looks like we may end up with a six or seven hundred dollars at the rate things are selling. Cleaned out attic and money for items as well, how can that be bad? :noidea:


Jul 29, 2016
My crawl space is my attic....yard sale items that conveniently never get pulled out for the yard sale. Clothes from my older daughter that were to be hand-me-downs to the younger daughter, who has outgrown them all.....and numerous odds and ends of motors, wood, and other construction materials. Out of sight out of mind!! Ha!


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
I'd love to have a shop just for "my" stuff, toys etc......... Doubt I could get my truck in our garage. My rod is in there and the wifes car is outside because of the mess. My garage is fully sheeted, so I really don't have access to the crawl space/attic.

"Outta site, outta mind"? That's how I lose bills that get paid late. When I worked in an office my desk was always a mess, but I knew where everything was. My wife cleans the counter and there goes my bills that I then forget about.........
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Lieutenant Commander
May 8, 2012
I'd love to have a shop just for "my" stuff, toys etc........ My wife cleans the counter and there goes my bills that I then forget about.........

Glad I'm not the only one. Although I found a check in that formerly-lost pile recently. Good for finding it, but bad for my having to learn to throw stuff away - you never know...


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Let me give a little update on the ATTIC CLEANING. For starters, I didn't do a total attic clean (yet), only some stuff I knew was going for sure. BUT, I did list a lot of the "STUFF" on EBay. And I am happy to say I now am approaching near $700 dollars with the items I have sold from the attic thus far. And I have a few more days for other items yet. So there still are other STUFF up there that needs to go as well. Not bad for cleaning out the attic. :thumb:

Oh, and the wife and I also took a truck load of toys, today, to the Good Well folks as well. I even put batteries in the toys that needed them. They were very impressed. Hopefully some needed kids will enjoy them.