Kel tec p32


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 2, 2013
I shall chime in. .380 SW Bodyguard (non laser model). that along with "talon" wallet holster....prints in back pocket like a wallet.. live on NY/Pa boarder... never go anywhere without it... shopping in NY, movies, etc... live in PA


Jun 21, 2007
I have a Ruger LCP custom. It is a great little pocket gun. They conceal nicely even with swim shorts on.


Jul 27, 2006
Thanks everyone. I decided and bought the SCCY CBX1. I did not want the model with the safety but the CBX2 had a wait list but its not a big deal, I'll just leave it in the fire position. GREAT gun.....performed flawlessly right out of box. Recoil is manageable for one handed shooting. Grouping was tight but shoots a little low and has no adjustment for elevation I will just adjust my aim. Overall the quality of the machining that went into this gun is impressive. I saw a review of the Daytona factory and it is state-of-the art CNC and so clean you could eat off the floor. Good to buy a real made in the USA product!


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
MTBoatguy, I actually have shot a 454 Casull before and was able to handle it quite well. I was at one of the local shooting ranges and the owner of a gun shop I frequent showed up and told me to shoot theirs. It was powerful but I still had no problem. But you have to understand I shoot all types of heavy recoil handguns and rifles. And they knew that and wanted to see how I like theirs. One huge reason they lengthened the 45 LC cartridge to make the 454 Casull was to make absolutely sure you couldn't chamber one in an old weak Colt 45 revolver. It would literally blow the cylinder and barrel up and probably kill the shooter as well. And that was also the reason that 357 Mags are longer then 38 specials as well. And also the 44 specials and 44 mags. You can shoot the lesser rounds in a gun to handle the powerful ammo, but not the other way around. But I think you probably all ready knew that as well. :thumb:

what do you have wrists like tree trunks. LOL

talked to a local shop here who had one used. it was funny, said he had sold the same gun three times. guys buy it, shoot it, return it. LOL


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Taurus action is kinda' funky sometimes. I don't dislike my gun, but I wouldn't rush out to get another. Their revolvers are supposed to be much better.

Sounds like ya' got one you'll like shooting - which is probably key to having the right gun. Congrats.

yeah we have two revolvers and one auto. I don't think I would purchase another Taurus. the revolvers we bought both same time. one gets very sticky after 30 shots or so.

the other has lost screws so now I carry a screwdriver when we take it out to shoot to check everything for tightness

the auto came with a broken spring, but they did fix it, very quickly and of course at no charge.

I would give their customer service high marks, but not so much for the guns.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
what do you have wrists like tree trunks. LOL

talked to a local shop here who had one used. it was funny, said he had sold the same gun three times. guys buy it, shoot it, return it. LOL

No my wrists are not any bigger then any typical shooter's. But I have been reloading for so many years that I shoot lots of heavy recoil loads. Before I quit hunting some years ago, I use to hunt with a Thompson Center Contender loaded with a 30 Herrett round. Of course you can't buy those rounds, you have to make them yourself. But I shot that piston so long that the recoil seemed to disappear. It is all in what you get use to.

Try this next time you go shooting. Start shooting a 22 rim fire pistol. Then move up to something a little stronger like maybe a 9mm or 38 special. Then go to something even stronger like maybe a 357 mag. After you shoot the 357 mag for a while, go back to the 22 rim fire and it will absolutely feel like a squirt gun. And that is because you got use to the 357 mag. It is all in what you get use to. I have shoot 44 mags as well.

One day I was at the range and I was shooting a 44 mag. The other guys were there and I asked them if they wanted to shoot it. I told them that they are heavy hunting rounds, that is all I load for the 44 mag., and they were apprehensive about shooting it. After talking about shooting for a while, my wife picked up the 44 mag and shot all 6 rounds, laid it back down and looked at the guys. That was so funny. Her father was a gun store owner before he passed away, and both my wife and I have been shooting and loading since before we were married.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
what do you have wrists like tree trunks. LOL

talked to a local shop here who had one used. it was funny, said he had sold the same gun three times. guys buy it, shoot it, return it. LOL

Not at all, just used to shooting heavy recoil guns, I have worked out a system for each gun that I own and learned to stop anticipating recoil, I can shoot my big guns just as well as my small guns, I just can't shoot the big ones as long as the small ones.

My next quest will be for a new .50 cal sniper rifle, it will be fun, but unless I reload it won't be shot all that much!



Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
guys you may have misinterpreted my joking post as serious fear of a particular gun...sorry.

I have not shot the casul and have no reason to purchase one, however I have never turned down a chance to shoot something different at a range. LOL

I know what you mean about folks turning em down though. even when I take the .357 to the range people ask about it, but they don't take the offer to shoot it.

My favorite on is a Bond Arms .45 LC that I have. no one takes me up on that. too small for that caliber they claim. it actually doesn't have much recoil at all.

my next gun purchase will be the .44. Tried to get one a couple times but the deal never seems to work out for me.

GM280, lucky guy with that woman. I have a guy here who is absolutely in love with my wife as well. I tell him she keeps texting me about guns at gun shops LOL Gotta love it.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
My wife complained the other day that I promised her the next gun would be hers ... She wants to know why that next gun hasn't materialized yet!


Sep 14, 2008
My wife complained the other day that I promised her the next gun would be hers ... She wants to know why that next gun hasn't materialized yet!
I got the same orders the other day. Even though she has 7 different 22 rifles to use she wants one to be hers and only hers.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
You guys need to buy your wife's their ow guys. My wife has pistols and even AR15 rifles that are all her's. And she shoots them as well. And everybody in our family, that is old enough to secure a carry license, has one. We are not a no-gun family by any stretch. But honestly, not one of our guns has ever fired all by itself either. Imagine that! Funny how many people are so scared of guns that they want them all gone. Enough said!


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
You guys need to buy your wife's their ow guys. My wife has pistols and even AR15 rifles that are all her's. And she shoots them as well. And everybody in our family, that is old enough to secure a carry license, has one. We are not a no-gun family by any stretch. But honestly, not one of our guns has ever fired all by itself either. Imagine that! Funny how many people are so scared of guns that they want them all gone. Enough said!

yep mine has her own gun safe. I think she has more handguns than I do LOL as well as getting an AR before me.

it helps that we shoot in the back yard so she doesn't have to deal with guys at the range.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
My wife has a couple she call's her own. I am happy she wants more. She is a good woman!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
The Admiral can shoot, but doesn't care to. And frankly; her being unarmed against you armed, just kinda' evens the match up for your side :cool: