Worst ramp experience ever.

Bass Tracker TX17

Petty Officer 1st Class
May 26, 2008
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

key zip tied to the frame is the best answer. But with the modenr so-called improved vehicles as spare keyy can run you $200!
If it ain't broke fix it till it is

My first car, a 68 Mustang, I kept a coat hanger under the hood so I could pop the lock if needed. you could open the hood from the outside back then.

Don't need a chip key guys.
Just a plain key to get in the vehicle.
I also have the window down.
To the OP. Your not the first or the last to do this. It happens.
I've unlocked several vehicles at the launch.
Take precautions and forget it. Have fun.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

I am surprised that the Excursion allows the doors to lock when the keys are in and no none is sitting in the car.

I have tried to lock myself out of my car, but as soon as the lock is pressed, it automatically pops back up.

All cars should be like that.

My sister-in-laws car, on the other hand, has an asinine design where after the door is closed, it automatically locks after 20 seconds. Perfect for locking yourself out.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2007
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

No fun. I always open both windows when I am backing with the trailer.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 26, 2010
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

Don't need a chip key guys.
Just a plain key to get in the vehicle.

Unfortunately, there are cars out there that have a lazer cut key with a chip inside that allows the key to work. My 99 volvo is that way. It cost me 80 dollars for the key, a 130 dollars for the software for the key and another 100 bucks at the volvo dealership for labor. If I had more than 1 key, I would have never paid it, but, since I only had 1, I had to bite the bullet.

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

the chipped key is only nessasary for the ignition,a non chipped copy will still open the door. my wifes Toyota Matrix will not lock with a key in the ignition, in the mechanical trade you soon learn to wind down the window on anything with electric door locks


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2008
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

I had the same situation make me late to work one daya few years ago. To this day I crack a window at least 3 inches before I close a door witht he keys inside. It's such a rotten feeling to close the door and realize you're locked out. I kept a spare key in my wallet for ,my last truck for 10 years for the same reason. Once I put a key in my wallet I never locked them up inside again but it was cheap insurance. I haven't gotten around to making a spare key to my new truck yet. I guess I really should.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

I have a jeep Grand Cherokee , When I prep to launch , I open the hatch Glass and throw the transom ties inside , I leave the window open until I launch and park . But as others have stated extra key hidden on Jeep and Boat. I keep a hidden key in the boat just in case the key goes over and sink despite the floater. Also if you have a "smart key" that needs to be programed get a door only key cut and carry that on the boat , Water will render a smart key useless !!

Bass Tracker TX17

Petty Officer 1st Class
May 26, 2008
Re: Worst ramp experience ever.

Unfortunately, there are cars out there that have a lazer cut key with a chip inside that allows the key to work. My 99 volvo is that way. It cost me 80 dollars for the key, a 130 dollars for the software for the key and another 100 bucks at the volvo dealership for labor. If I had more than 1 key, I would have never paid it, but, since I only had 1, I had to bite the bullet.


Was indicating the OP situation.