Winterizing my 3.0 TKS Alpha


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 1, 2007
I want to winterize my alpha this year and save some costs from having the dealer do it. Reading around it doesn't sound that difficult to do.

I read through the manual and have some questions though. These are probably easy questions but I'm a newbie and there is no such thing as a stupid question right?

1st - flushing is essentially starting the motor up while on muffs right and letting it run? The lower unit parallel to the ground.

2nd - it says to prepare the engine and fuel system for storage. this is the fogging part that i've never done. sounds easy enough. spray fogger till the engine chokes out right? only part that confuses me is the fuel shut off valve. not sure if there is one.

3rd - after fogging it says to drain the system. make sure the vent holes (not sure where they are) are not not blocked. i know i drain using the blue hoses. then it says to fill the system with antifreeze. but it doesn't say how. i've seen where you run the boat with the AF going into the muffs. i'm assuming this can't be done since the engine was just fogged. i've also seen where you pour it into the Tstat housing. not sure where that is located either.

can you folks guide me in this process? Thanks


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Winterizing my 3.0 TKS Alpha

If your not 100% comfortable with your own ability to get the engine drained, you'll be facing a cracked block in the spring time.

1. Yes, just run it on the muffs. Let the engine run until it's up to operating temp.

2. Make sure you dump a bottle of stabil in the fuel. Hopefully you've done this before your last time out, if not, just do it now.
With the engine running and the flame arrestor off, start spraying storage seal down the carb's throat until the exhaust is smoking real good, it's usually best if you disconnect the throttle linkage to the carb and manipulate it by hand so you have your rpms up a little bit (1500) as your spraying.
Once you get good smoke out of the motor then then the throttle come back to idle speed and just hose it with storage seal until she dies.

3. This is the critical part, making sure she's drained. The water in the block is going to be hot, so you might want to wait a bit before you do this.
The blue hoses are just for show. You'll disconnect them, and watch all the water drain out. After it appears empty, you'll want to pull the hoses off of the block, and where they connect you need to stick a small screwdriver or some stiff wire up those holes to make sure they are not plugged with rust flakes.
What I do is I'll bring a gallon or 2 of water with me, disconnect the top part of the main water pump hose (big fat U shaped one). I'll start pouring water down the hose, filling the block back up, and i'll watch it drain while i'm rodding out the holes to make sure they flow smooth and aren't getting plugged up.
After all the water is out, put the drain system back together, with the blue hoses if you wish, or some pipe plugs from home depot in their place. If you want to add antifreeze, just pour it in the same hole until it's full.
Repeat the process for the manifold, you'll see a water hose that goes to the front of that for flushing it out and filling it up. The drain is on the bottom side of the manifold.

Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT use one of those antifreeze kits. Fill it by hand or don't fill it at all.