What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2011
After reading a post about people launching their boats with trailer attached (I have to see this in my lifetime), I got to thinking about funny and peculiar things I have seen people do with their boats.

This past summer, i watched a guy with a 28 foot carver water ski behind it :confused:
The most surprising part to me was the fact that he actually got up on the skis or what he was thinking

What have you seen? I will be going out of my way next year to keep the camera handy.
If you have pictures, be sure to share them

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Walking along the Ashley River in Charleston,S.C. and notice a jon boat going around and around, thought maybe some fool doing doughnuts in the river, but come to find out, the fool had fell out of his boat crossing an oyster bar and the boat was stuck wide open throttle doing it's own doughnuts! The fool was rescued by coast guard, but when they try to approach and stop the crazy boat, but near impossible to do with it going in circles, boat slowly drifting down the river going around and around! Boat finally ran out of gas about 2 miles down the river and they retrieved it, but it was just something to watch, nobody hurt, boat O.K.! I'll bet he'll use his emergency cut-off lanyard from now on!:eek:

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

when striper season hits (now) people go out miles in the bay or in the harbor at night in anything. Overloaded jon boat with a trolling motor (I pulled him back to shore), cabin cruisers, go fasts (a guy standing out front on the deck of a donzi-type in the rough chop, no rails, lines or PFD) and the "sparkle boys" as they are called (fresh water bass boats). I'd say something about the kayaks but they know more about what they are doing than most of the boaters.

Prize goes to three big guys in a 14' jon, all wearing chest waders, all dark green, no lights, 4 miles from shore.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Does this count? Sunday morning, 8:00 am., in a cove in a neighborhood, 1 woman, 2 guys, on the passenger cockpit seat (one of those elevated pedestal types), doing what they shouldn't ought to on a Sunday morning in a cove in a neighborhood.
I was running the water out of my whaler and about broadsided a moored sailboat!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 26, 2010
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Had 2 in one day... On the lake and we are cruising along to a fishing spot when this larger/faster boat comes flying across the lake perpendicular to us, goes full bore right in front of me and cuts engine and comes to a dead stop. 5 feet from hitting that dude.

Later that day, we had the down riggers out and couple flat lines trolling along. A couple douche nozzles come along in the big rental party barge and cut across all of our lines no more than 20 ft from our boat. One then decides to cast into it all and hooked one of our lines. Pulled our gear right out of the water. Lucky for him it gave and we didnt get seriously hooked up or in their prop. He got an ear full.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Does this count? Sunday morning, 8:00 am., in a cove in a neighborhood, 1 woman, 2 guys, on the passenger cockpit seat (one of those elevated pedestal types), doing what they shouldn't ought to on a Sunday morning in a cove in a neighborhood.
I was running the water out of my whaler and about broadsided a moored sailboat!

:eek: Yup that counts!


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 15, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I cannot recall where I saw it but someone had turned an old boat wooden boat into a planter full of beautiful flowers in their very large, well landscaped front yard!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I just remembered a funny story, sadly, it's all me.

I bought this mahogany ply boat that needed work. It was a piece of work, 1978 50 HP Merc outboard, 20 feet long with cable steering:facepalm: The good part is, I only paid 300 for it.

Needless to say I took the engine off and tuned it up, replaced the cracked steering cable with that coated clothes line and put her all back together and ready for our first splash in the pacific together.

A beautiful day, I pushed off the dock and steered away to port as a throttled up. To my surprise the boat immediately turned starboard and headed right back in to the dock. Thankfully i wasn't going very fast and was able to prevent any real damage. After assessing the situation, I learned that it really matters which direction the cable coiled on the back of the steering wheel setup.

Normally, that would stop a guy..but i'm persistent.

I headed out steering opposite and finding it oddly natural. oncoming boats appeared surprised to see me steering towards them only to see the boat turn away from them. I idled out of the harbour to the point of no return where i would see what this baby could do.

I dumped that throttle to see that 50 horse open up. Well the engine sure did thrust as designed. I learned at that point that trim is very important. The bow immediately dove in to the water and the big green ocean was coming over the bow of my submarine. I threw her in neutral and the bow popped back up ..thankfully. Not before eating a lot of sea water and filling my bag of jube jubes with salt water (a new delicacy)

Turns out the transom really was an odd angle and i didn't have any trim on the outboard, so when i throttled she dove.....really weird.

After some trial and error...I got the bugs out and she was a good friend to me for a few years before I replaced her.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

You took a turn for the worse I see!


Aug 19, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

15 or so years ago we were coming in from a great day of no spotter skiing, hard tubing and harder drinking and saw about 10 Amish men and women in full clothing in waist deep water pushing a very old v hull back onto it's trailer. I stood up on the bow of our boat to get a better look and yelled out, "Hey, where's the horse?" referring to the fact that they were pulling the boat with a truck.

One of the guys gave me the finger.

I almost pissed myself.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 10, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I live on my houseboat on a private mooring in a very quiet cove. Being out there as much as I am, I pretty much see/hear everything that goes on in that corner of the bay, so after the second sighting of a couple boats idling over to a corner of the cove near a swampy area, I got curious what was going on, and picked up the nocs.

Two boats, six nudists.

Far enough away that I fortunately didn't see any dangling bits, but there were a couple good flotation devices that were very easy to make out.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 20, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I live on my houseboat on a private mooring in a very quiet cove. Being out there as much as I am, I pretty much see/hear everything that goes on in that corner of the bay, so after the second sighting of a couple boats idling over to a corner of the cove near a swampy area, I got curious what was going on, and picked up the nocs.

Two boats, six nudists.

Far enough away that I fortunately didn't see any dangling bits, but there were a couple good flotation devices that were very easy to make out.

I've run in to my fair share of floatation devices and unfortunately the dangly parts too on a regular basis in the summer when I was drift fishing the cowichan river on vancouver island.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 8, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Does this count? Sunday morning, 8:00 am., in a cove in a neighborhood, 1 woman, 2 guys, on the passenger cockpit seat (one of those elevated pedestal types), doing what they shouldn't ought to on a Sunday morning in a cove in a neighborhood.
I was running the water out of my whaler and about broadsided a moored sailboat!

I hope they all had sunscreen to protect "sensitive" areas


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 16, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I hope they all had sunscreen to protect "sensitive" areas
I hear that! A burn where the sun don't normally shine can be extremely uncomfortable ...


May 16, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I hear that! A burn where the sun don't normally shine can be extremely uncomfortable ...

V1.......just how do you know this ?????? :eek:


Sep 14, 2008
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I hear that! A burn where the sun don't normally shine can be extremely uncomfortable ...

Been there! After a day of whitewater canoeing in the bow with no shoes or socks. Have you ever had the backs of your ankles burnt?


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 15, 2009
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

I would'nt think it was "odd" to see a womans floatation devices displayed on a boat in nice weather, unless it was MY boat. I don't think I could talk my wife into it:eek::D


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Saw a guy "skiing" one a sheet of plywood with a lawn chair strapped to it, actually looked kind of fun.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 17, 2011
Re: What odd things have you seen people doing with their boat?

Saw a guy "skiing" one a sheet of plywood with a lawn chair strapped to it, actually looked kind of fun.

saw simmilar thing about ten years ago. only they usesed a Car bonnet (hood) and was being towed down a dirt road behind a car. the funny part was the hidden cop car. the cop walked out to stop them speeding and didnt notice they were towing a Car bonnet with two ppl on it. the car stopped... the bonnet (and people) didnt and ran into the back of the car.

Stupidity isnt just seen on the water :D