What kind of wood do I need?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 3, 2008
I saw on one of the treads that I need to let the wood dry for a while so I was going to get it soon. The transom is 1 1/2" thick, 17" high and about 59" wide. What am i going to need to do this? I can heat the garage so the weather won't be a problem. I was going to put the wood in the basement with a fan and dehumidfier for a month or two, would that be good?

Any help and info would be greatly appreciated!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 23, 2008
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

I am certainly NOT an expert, but I literally just got done (yesterday) drying out some sheets and I am more than happy to tell you what I did.

My transom is 1" think - so I dried out two full 4x8 sheets of ?? PT wood for about 5 weeks in my guest bedroom. The house temp was 72 -74 degrees, round the clock. I stood up both sheets on their side end and had a fan blowing down the middle.

Drying out full sheets turned out to be a smart idea, because the sheets warped a little, and some of the edges delaminated during the process. I cut the pieces I needed out of the good part of each sheet.




Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

the sooner you can get the wood drying...the better.....

some special ordered marine ply comes from the mill allready kiln dryed to specific drynesses.....

however the standard wood we use here, all need to be dryed....the longer the better......this doesnt mean you have to dry the plywood in a vaccume chamber at 96.46294 degrees for 16 months before you filp it over and dry the other side.....:eek:

just do as suggested above.....pt needs at least a month...i suggest a fan on it as well.....

standard ext grade....at least a week......

but the longer the better


Mar 19, 2007
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

Had the same thing happen with some plywood from Home Cheapo.
Both PT and outdoor sheathing both warped badly and delaminated when it dried. I took it back and went to a local lumber yard and got better wood.
The person I dealt with at HD told me that plywood should never be used outdoors and it must have been stored in a damp place to warp like that. I guess their parking lot is drier than my workshop?

I do notice that they no longer list their plywood by type, its all just called 'sheathing'. No more CDX or similar markings. No indoor or outdoor, just sheathing. They had no idea what I meant by the different ratings.

Funny thing was that the lumber yard wood was cheaper and didn't warp. They also knew what I wanted and even delivered it for free.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 3, 2008
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

So two sheets of 3/4" and dry it for 1+ mos. What do I use to bond them together? Right now its 1 1/2 only in the middle and not 12" or so on each end. I was going to do the whole thing 1 1/2 but don't want to add too much weight.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

i still say do not use pressure treated wood. marine ply, or AC ply, totally sealed.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 3, 2008
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

Im going to check at the lumber yard and see what they have today. Im pretty sure i can find marine ply or ac and not pressure treated. Will this be the same stuff to use on the floor? It's a small transom but I want extra and the waste from warping, will two 4/8 sheets be good?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

17x59 one sheet will do that. in two layer, plus scrap.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

two 4x8 sheets will build you a garage for that :eek:

yse what ever type of wood you want....there is nothing wrong with ext.
its cheap....easy to dry....and readily avalable.

as far as the warping.....the amount you need....it wont be a factor....and its uasually the pt that warps


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 3, 2008
Re: What kind of wood do I need?

Ok marine ply is 115.00 a sheet! A/C grade is 44.00 and b/c is 38.00. The top layer of the floor (where its seperating) is 1/2". Should I get a sheet of 1/2" for that or just put in 3/4 from the left overs. I am going to just do one sheet unless I get a sheet of the 1/2" thats a B/C grade for 26.00. I am going to get it eather tomarrow or the next day. I would rather stay away from that 115.00 bill.