What adhesive for new transom seal and u-joint bellows?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 16, 2011
I am rebuilding my transom and I need to know what adhesive to use to put it back together. I bought a new transom seal and u-joint bellows. I was planning on using 3m 4200 on the transom seal but I saw a video where they glued the transom seal to the housing first with bellows adhesive then used 4200 on the transom side of the seal. Should I do this or can I glue the seal in with 4200. Also, do I need bellows adhesive or can I use the 4200 on the bellows as well? Another thing that makes me nervous is that the transom seal is split so do I need to glue the ends together before I try to install it. If so what adhesive is best to glue the seal together. I thought weather strip adhesive would work good for this but what do the experts think. I would like to get one adhesive and use it for everything if possible. Thanks in advance for your help.

sea wolf

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 3, 2002
Re: What adhesive for new transom seal and u-joint bellows?

Don't use 4200 on the bellows. Permatex liquid gasket sealer will work just fine.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: What adhesive for new transom seal and u-joint bellows?

If so what adhesive is best to glue the seal together. I thought weather strip adhesive would work good for this

Ayuh,... That's alot closer to what ya should be usin' than the 4200....

4200 takes Forever to harden...

Weather strip adhesive, or contact cement will work better...


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 16, 2011
Re: What adhesive for new transom seal and u-joint bellows?

I will buy both bellows adhesive and 4200? Should I glue the transom seal ends together with bellows adhesive and then glue it into the housing with bellows adhesive?