Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

mrbscott19 said:
Neocons WILL ruin the world.....Look what they've done in the Middle East. And they aren't done yet.

Again another thread where either side refuses to accept their own sides negative role in world, domestic or political events.

A "neo-con" is a closet imperialist, a liberal with Republican interests, a socialist dragging an anchor.
A liberal is a socialist under-way.

I abhor both, but because the neo-con drags an anchor I prefer him over the socialist because it buys us a little more time.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Will we get a thread that says RE: Valerie Plame Wilson: I didn't get my husband his mission to Niger?

That, of course, would be promoting a lie. I really do like to look at one's track record.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Mr Bscott, have you been to the Middle East or are you gathering your "facts" from the media? I would caution you that they might not be true facts.

When I came home, the Iraq the media was portraying and the one I just left had nothing in common other than soldiers stationed there and sand. One of my officers and I were watching CNN coverage of the war and having our first libation in many months when he asked me, where the H3!! is that supposed to be.

The rank and file Iraqi is glad Saddam is gone. The fundamentalists would have continued their terrorist acts elsewhere had Iraq not presented itself as a training ground / chance to kill Americans post Saddam. The American media may as well admit they are preponderantly liberal and that they will distort facts in their unending quest to sway opinion, vice report facts.

Seek the truth, it shall set you free. Case in point, find out what GEN Peter Pace really said, cause he wasn't firing a shot across the bows of our alternative lifestyle brothers and sisters.

Cheers all. I brought the boat home from the storage building yesterday and it is sunny and relatively warm. If I don't do anything else I am just going to sit in her today. Maybe a nap down below. Just beCAUSE!!!


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

I agree with Gabby about the media. I just got back from Ghana, and they are now showing Al Jezeara or however it is spelled, on its own channel there. I watched it and was amazed - it sounded just like CNN! There was no difference. They even seemed to like to quote CNN, especially when poking jabs at Fox News! It was pretty funny, actually, or would have been if it weren't so sad!


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

POINTER94 said:
Will we get a thread that says RE: Valerie Plame Wilson: I didn't get my husband his mission to Niger?

That, of course, would be promoting a lie. I really do like to look at one's track record.

Because it is irrelevant who sent her. The relevant facts are these:

Did the CIA send Wilson to Niger to see if Iraq was attempting to purchase Uranium from them? Yes.
Did he find that out? Yes, and the answer was no.
Has any evidence surfaced to suggent Wilson was incorrect? No.
Did the administration try to promote the fear of a Saddam delivered "Mushroom cloud" Yes.

Did Armitage, Rove, Libby all, leak to the press the identity of Valerie Plame? Yes.

Did Scott McClennan when questioned say he spoke specifically to Rove and Libby about this leak, and they assured him they had nothing to do with it? Yes.

Was that true? No.

Did President Bush specifically say he would "deal with" any in his administration involved in leaking Plame's name to the press? Yes.

Has he "dealt" with them? Not sos anyone would notice.

Did Libby, at least, lie to the Grand Jury and the FBI re his involvement? A jury thought so

Those are the relevant facts in this case.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Mr Bscott, have you been to the Middle East or are you gathering your "facts" from the media? I would caution you that they might not be true facts.


That's a minor inconvienence to a True Bleeding Heart Treehugging Liberal...............

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Rolmops says.....
You see Boomyal, those danged commies are hiding in places where you don't expect them!

Not true, he sees them everywhere.......;)


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions


Now you are just being miopic. She can lie in all different parts of her testimony, now when we are to decide whether she was on "secret missions", we are to ignore what we know are lies in other parts of her testimony.

But if we are to actually deal in reality we could go to Victoria Toensing who actually wrote the definition and the law regarding undercover agents, who is involved in this case, who took Henry Waxman to school, well what does she know.

I personally said if Libby lied he should go to jail, and I hope now that his is convicted he does. Where is the courage of your convictions?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Haut said:
....Not true, he sees them everywhere.......;)

Not entirely true Haut. Just mostly in Seattle.;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

PW2 said:
POINTER94 said:
Will we get a thread that says RE: Valerie Plame Wilson: I didn't get my husband his mission to Niger?

That, of course, would be promoting a lie. I really do like to look at one's track record.

Because it is irrelevant who sent her.

[colour=blue]What is relevant is she lied and said she did not have anything to do with sending him when: SHE DID. It's called credibility, (clearly not important in any way shape or form to you: PW2)! His mission also involved nepotism, (that's called motive, again not important in any way shape or form to Kool aid drinkers: PW2).[/colour]

The relevant facts are these:

Did the CIA send Wilson to Niger to see if Iraq was attempting to purchase Uranium from them? Yes.

[colour=blue]Ya have one fact here PW2, (that's a big deal for you).[/colour]

Did he find that out? Yes, and the answer was no.

[colour=blue]He was and is a lying idiot. He sipped tea with some of his ol' diplomat buds who denied the obvious. Only a Kool aid drinker, (avoiding any info that may potentially stimulate critical thinking) would ignore the British intel, WHICH THEY STILL STAND BY. Wrong on both counts here PW2![/colour]

Has any evidence surfaced to suggent Wilson was incorrect? No.

[colour=blue]You are not very well informed about the bipartisan Senate's cornclusions about ol' Joe Wilson, (HINT: HE LIED)! 'Course it is different then the flavor of that Kool aid that you favor eh PW2?[/colour]

Did the administration try to promote the fear of a Saddam delivered "Mushroom cloud" Yes.

[colour=blue]That clearly was a risk given the history of ol' Sadam to people who cornsider facts, history/tendencies of ol' Sadam who never had a weopon he did not use on someone. That's if ya can employ critical thinkin' which seems out of yer reach: PW2[/colour].

Did Armitage, Rove, Libby all, leak to the press the identity of Valerie Plame? Yes.

[colour=blue]Two accurate facts for PW2 in one post? What's wrong here PW2, (ya better but some more in the ol' pipe).[/colour]

Did Scott McClennan when questioned say he spoke specifically to Rove and Libby about this leak, and they assured him they had nothing to do with it? Yes.

[colour=blue]Dunno 'bout this very minor point, (ya may have another worthless fact here but I dunno). Must be an important fact for to incourage Kool aid cornsumption[/colour].

Was that true? No.

[colour=blue]Boy yer really wrapped up in this one PW2. Unlike Tree n' Willy you lack ANY credibility so maybe you have another point wooow. What does this prove to ya PW2?[/colour]

Did President Bush specifically say he would "deal with" any in his administration involved in leaking Plame's name to the press? Yes.


Has he "dealt" with them? Not sos anyone would notice.

[colour=blue]Is Libby still the VPs chief o' staff? Hmmmmm.[/colour]

Did Libby, at least, lie to the Grand Jury and the FBI re his involvement? A jury thought so

[colour=blue]Looks like it. So what: if he is a fool?[/colour]

Those are the relevant facts in this case.

[colour=blue]Releveant to who: PW2? Kool aid drinkers?[/colour]


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

This indvidual was no more a covert op than i am superman. Very simple question, in our history has any deep operative ever been exposed to the press in such a manner...................:love:

Ask yourself a question, if you were exposed like this and you get on national tv and grandstand...........:love:

It's called the blond syndrome aka.....Deep Th@*%$ now that might have some creedence.....

Just a opinion your mileage may vary...


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

I am afraid to point out that after coffee and tea with his buddies on the government dime, Wilson didn't even bother to write a report. They had to request one. What arrogance.

Funny nobody bothered to depose David Corn, a rabid left wing reporter who admitted Daddy Wilson admited to him his wife worked for the CIA. There were several others including David Hackworth who were willing to testify, but for some reason never called. Funny how Colon Powell has gotten a pass, as he knew about the leak by Armatage before the special counsel was convened? But we all love Colon. Can't see why. I don't see any courage.

Lets not forget the lies published in Wilsons so called book (oops editorial flair), lies in his NYT rant (oops misunderstandings), and the lefts adoration of everything that comes out of his mouth when they didn't even know who they were a couple of years ago. These two are possibly the biggest political *****s ever. Undercover. :} Clueless. :}


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Quote Omer

If this is such a slam dunk Mr Tree, why is Mr Armatage still out and about?

Evidently according to this Washington Post article, if you don’t mind me trying a little mind reading
Of the Special Prosecuter,s mind but I think that he most likely thought he would have a tough time proving intent. Look at the part that I have put in bold print of the snip.

<<<Armitage did not return a phone call to his office yesterday, but his former colleague, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Armitage had described disclosing Plame's employment to Novak in an offhand manner, virtually as gossip, at the end of a conversation in Armitage's office. Armitage did not know at the time that Plame's identity was considered secret information and senior State Department officials concluded he did "not do anything wrong" when they learned about it months later, the former colleague said.>

Quote Plainsman

And heck if the NYT can blab about wiretapping and bank accounts, and anything it pleases, why can't someone blab about a Lame wantabe?

What has a New York times article have to do with Valire Plame being covert ?

Quote pointer94

I continue to marvel at those who have "deep concern" for "hero" Plame, and nothing but excuses for Sandy Burgler, leaky Leahey, and war hero Kerry.[/b]

That’s it throw a little diversion there, might take someone’s mind of the topic of uncovering a covert operative by the very people that they have been serving for twenty years.

Quote Plainsman

Seems like the facts upset Tree once again.

“Yawn” What facts only thing I see here is a lot people trying to defend the undefenseable,the outing of a covert agent by a bunch of thugs.

Quote Gabby

The defiled Valerie admitted in an interview she was a Democrat. Her husband, who was sired by a long line of Republicans, is ALSO a democrat. Imagine that, a youngin going against the status quo and the old man.

And that is justification for bringing down about ten years worth of covert intelligence, plus putting agents all over the world lives at risk if not killed?….Jeez

Quote Pointer94

But if we are to actually deal in reality we could go to Victoria Toensing who actually wrote the definition and the law regarding undercover agents, who is involved in this case, who took Henry Waxman to school, well what does she know.

Well a long as were splitting hairs might as well split this one, looks to me that she only was a member of the law firm that wrote the law.

Her resume states:

While Chief Counsel for Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 1981-1984, Toensing was instrumental in winning passage of two important bills:
(1) to protect the identities of intelligence agents and
(2) to protect certain classified information from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act."

Thus on her professional resume she claims to have been instrumental in winning passage of the IIAP, and at Waxman's Oversight Hearing she claims to have WRITTEN THE LAW...

(Excerpt from the oversight transcript)

Waxman: “How could you say that? How could you say she wasn't covert?”

Toensing: “Well, because she wasn't. I wrote the statute.”

Waxman: “I'm not asking for your credentials.”

Toensing: “Well, my credentials are how I know. I wrote the law. She was not covered by the law.”

Here's the definition from the statute:

(4) The term “covert agent” means—
(A) a present or retired officer or employee of an intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency—
(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member is classified information, and
(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within the last five years served outside the United States;...

Here's Toensing's argument for why Plame was not "covert":

"At the threshold, the agent must truly be covert. Her status as undercover must be classified, and she must have been assigned to duty outside the United States currently or in the past five years. This requirement does not mean jetting to Berlin or Taipei for a week's work. It means permanent assignment in a foreign country. Since Plame had been living in Washington for some time when the July 2003 column was published, and was working at a desk job in Langley (a no-no for a person with a need for cover), there is a serious legal question as to whether she qualifies as "covert.""

Note that Toensing tells us something that is not contained in the definition of "covert" under the statute, i.e, that "assigned to duty outside the United States" means "permanent assignment." Toensing is playing a semantic game here. There is nothing in the statute that spells this out. See how she uses weasel words like " was living in Washington for some time when the 2003 article was published." The bottom line the agency that she worked for said she was a CIA covert operative, they write here pay check, and have for the last forty years, so I guess she was a covert CIA operative.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

I just can't stop laughing. Based on Tree's definition I am a covert agent. And since she has been drawing a for fourty years she must have been a covert agent in the 4th grade.

Like Victoria said, SHE WROTE THE LAW. I am sorry if that is an "incovenient truth". (I am just killin myself today d:) ) Please help me, who could possibly be more qualified to determine Plames status than Toensing, the woman who wrote the statute defining what covert is/was?

Wait, wait, let me guess..............................Henry Waxman? :}

Amazing how accute your sense for "weasel words" come to the fore when you don't like the end result. Hey, I have an idea, let's smear the messenger. Right back to the ol' playbook. :love:


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Quote pointer 94

I just can't stop laughing. Based on Tree's definition I am a covert agent.

While your laughing laugh at this. If you’re a covert agent by the above standards, thank Victoria Toensing ,as you seem to think that she wrote the statute that makes you covert.

<<CIA Director Michael Hayden approved a statement that contained the following language:

During her employment at the CIA, Ms. Wilson was under cover.

Her employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.

At the time of the publication of Robert Novak's column on July 14,2003, Ms. Wilson's CIA employment status was covert.

This was classified information.>>


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Great, get your pitchfork and torch and start looking for Richard Armitage. He was the leak. And round up Powell while you are at it for allowing someone under his supervision to put Undercover sister in harms way.

Where is your outrage against a liberal who served up a fellow american? I mean come on tree, call up the mob. This is a national crisis. Where is your concern, your sense of justice? We KNOW who did it. How, he admitted it. Funny you never mention that fact. But why wouldn't you. I mean if you are truely concerned about the exposure of undercover sister, then why are you not screaming for Armitage's head on a stick. Why have you not mentioned his name once? And all I have heard is who Scooters boss is, then why not go after the known leakers boss? What no guts.

Only one known leaker Tree, and what have you done to make the world safer for undercover sister. That is if you can actually swallow the pill that makes you believe that a mother picking up babies at day care is undercover. God I love being a covert agent, thanks tree.

Weasel words for the day...... Richard Durbin supporting our troops by calling them Nazi's.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Quote Pointer94

Weasel words for the day...... Richard Durbin supporting our troops by calling them Nazi's.

Heres some weasel words you can add to your list ,these come from a Scottie McCLellan news conference.Have a good day.8)

President was deeply concerned about the leak . . . wanted to "know the leaker," would fire anyome who leaked classified information . . . . blah, blah, blah'


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

So Richard Armitage is still on staff? Geez if he is you will know where to lead the mob... :love:


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Quote Pointer94

I mean if you are truely concerned about the exposure of undercover sister, then why are you not screaming for Armitage's head on a stick. Why have you not mentioned his name once?

Read the first part of my post to JR pointer.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Valerie Plame Wilson: I worked on secret missions

Again, do you need my phone number so you can round up a mob to lynch Armitage? Undercover sister was compromised based on your posts. Where is your concern? Where is your conviction? I have heard your concern for "undercover" agents, I mean that is what this is all about. What are you doing about it? All I have heard is Rummy this, Rove that, Cheney did (X), Bush's fault. Fantasy! ! ! Well where is the courage of your convictions?

Target identified.