Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
My girlfriend and I took our 10 year old chihuahua on his first fishing trip on the boat, mind you he loves to fish from the shore so we thought that he would do alright in the boat. Well, he started pacing the minute we got 5 feet from the dock, after a few minutes he realized that he was not going to get wet and settled down beside my seat and watched as we trolled through the water. After about an hour or so of fishing my girlfriend caught a fish and Pete did his usual "sniff the fish to make sure it wasn't going to hurt us" routine then settled back down beside me. We were all relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet when all of the sudden the sky opened up and it was a drenching downpour. Poor Pete tried his hardest to find a dry spot on the boat but to no avail, and after about 10 minutes of pacing back and forth between the front and back of the boat he settled down next to me again and with every breath he released he whined. We finally got back to the dock and I thought the old boy was going to break his neck getting out of the boat and onto land.

A few days went by and we decided to go again. We asked Pete if he wanted to go and sure enough he ran to the door and did his little dance. We took him and this time it didn't rain, he even got brave and lifted up to look over the side of the boat.....I think we may have a chihuahua that hates water but, loves to get in the boat.

Our next trip on a nice day we plan on taking our 6 month old chihuahua out with us and get him used to riding as well....I am excited to see how he does.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

A little at a time helped our beagle a great deal. She is now an avid boater. The Border Collie......well they just adapt instantly. Love to be anywhere outdoors no matter what.:)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 8, 2010
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

I hope to introduce my Bloodhound to boating this summer but the problem is that she is NOT afraid of the water - she doesn't have the good sense to come in out of the rain or to walk around a mud puddle. She has also demonstrated her ability to climb an extension ladder so I am afraid that once she knows she can use the boarding ladder, the problem will be keeping her OUT of the water which means I will get wet (and the whole boat!)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001

J. Howard

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 9, 2008
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Nice story.

When I first read the title of the post, it seemed to me like you had a 10-year-old and you were taking him "chihuahua fishing." That conjured some strange images for me. ;)


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Hey neighbor, I'm south of you in Indy. Where do you boat? Geist? Morse? or do you go up north?


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Hey neighbor, I'm south of you in Indy. Where do you boat? Geist? Morse? or do you go up north?

The boat we have now is alot bigger and we are planning to do some boating on some of the bigger lakes, but, until a few weeks ago we only had a small jonboat and did not want to risk the battery dying on us too far from shore so we stayed close to home.....our favorite fishing spot as of right now is a small lake compared to the one's you listed, it is called Westwood Recreation Area, it is located just west of New Castle and has some great fishing and wonderful camping as well. If you ever get a chance you should try it out I'll look up the phone number and post it on here. It only costs 6 dollars to get in with a boat and trolling motor use only but it is great.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

OK, I know all about Westwood, been there several times.


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Tomarrow is the big day for the little dude in the family....we are going on a family picnic/fishing outing tomarrow and according to the weatherman it is going to be an awesome day, high temp around 70-75, mostly sunny, and light north winds. The little dude is our 6 month old chihuahua and of course the 10 year old will be going as well. Hopefully Apollo, the baby, won't go braindead and decide he wants to take a cold


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Just to let you all know, Apollo did wonderful. He didn't even seem like he was afraid of the water. he actually sat next to me like he was the captain, then when we stopped he settled down next to me and fell asleep. Our 10 year old chihuahua fought tooth and nail to stay on dry land so we left him with the rest of the group while we went out.


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Well, we took Apollo fishing again today with us, the weather here in Indiana was awesome, a bit warm but, the sun shone almost constantly and the temp got up to 90 degrees. For the first 10 or 15 minutes Apollo did awesome, he walked along the inside of the boat and even managed to sit on my lap for a second or two while we trolled along the bank. Then about the time I started relaxing and letting my guard down, Apollo went braindead and decided he wanted to take a swim.......the only problem was, we were still trolling along. I screamed his name as he went overboard, and immediately shut the trolling motor off. My girlfriend was in the back of the boat and all she heard was me yelling ""GRAB HIM". She instinctively reached her hand over the edge of the boat and pulled up one wet little pup. I thought for sure he was a goner because all I seen was his tailend going down under the water. It looked as though he was slipping underneath the boat, but, thank God he didn't and he was retrieved. The sun kept him warm until he dried off, but when my girlfriend pulled him up by his little harness he looked like a drowned rat.....Poor little dude didn't venture near the edge of the boat anymore. So glad we can laugh about it instead of cry because we lost our puppy.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

i'm hoping to get my dogs out on the boat this year. I have a toy poodle who loves the deck of a kayak so she can jump in whenever she wants then back on the deck for sunning and a boxer who thinks the end of the earth is at the waters edge and we will all surely die if we step over/into or anywhere near water. LOL think I'm going to start with the poodle. LOL


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

I can't wait to get my old girl Spanky (13 yrs old) out on the water again....she was a bow Schnauzer while loves boating.
It has been 5 yrs since we had our last boat.....hopefully I will splash the boat in my pic in a few weeks...we both need to get back out on the water... :)


Sep 7, 2006
Re: Took my 10 year old chihuahua fishing in the "new to us" boat

Whew...... I thought this was going to be a Muskie story :eek: :p:D

LMAO. I had to read this thread. I kinda was thinking, ''why didn't I think of that''.