tire wear on dual axle trailer


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 25, 2010
we have a 1985 roadrunner trailer, made and supplied with the 24.8 wellcraft sportsman boat. gross weight is 7500 pounds.
the problem is the tires. they are the proper size, style etc, inflated to the correct pressure. rims are good. all 4 tires have worn on the inside edge.
Now, we bought this setup used, and just glanced at the tread on the tires, and as the wear is on the inside, we never noticed it. I spotted it at home over the winter, so we had tires remounted with the wear facing out. Now, after a summer season, we canm see the inside edge beginning to again wear at a very fast rate.
All 4 tires are wearing at the same rate, all on the inside tread edge nearest the trailer.
We are thinking bearings? your thoughts before we start pulling things apart.....

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: tire wear on dual axle trailer

I would start with ,,move the trailer to a flat surface and use a framing square and look to see if the tires are tilted in at the top , but with all 4 wearing on the inside it sounds like bent axels, it may be several things but thats a good place to start