Time on the water is time well spent....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2007
I haven't had a whole lot of time to get out on the water this summer. Mainly due to work, and the partly because I'm in the process of restoring my recently purchased Cuddy Cabin. But this weekend I finally got out.

My Dad recently retired and we purchased a small 1969 12ft fiberglass boat for him to putt around in. Instead of buying a motor, he found my brother's old 1975 Wards Seaking in the garage. My brother bought the 10hp motor new in 1975, and it was a very reliable and strong outboard. But, its been setting in the garage for over 20 years without being started. My dad and I tinkered with it some and got it running. Yesterday I decided to take the old motor and boat out for its "maiden" voyage.

My 6yo step son went with me. He had never been boating before and has really been itching to go since we purchased the larger boat. Granted I knew I was taking a risk in getting stranded with the old motor, and having him with me, but I said what the heck. As we were going out to the boat ramp, he asked me typical 6yo questions....Like: "How do you get the wheels off the boat?" (6yo to English translation is: "How do you get the boat off the trailer?") We got to the ramp, and he had his specific duties while I got the boat ready for launch. Once in the boat, (which took a few minutes while he pondered the risk of stepping from a solid dock to a rolling boat) we fired the old motor off and got started. I was quite pleased with how the boat and motor handled. We ran up and down the creek for a good 2-3 hours with no problems. We even anchored to have a coke and snack and splash some water around. To his excitement, I let him bring the anchor up by himself. The whole trip, he had a smile from ear to ear. I think I probably had the same smile myself. It was very relaxing....something I haven't had in a while.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but getting out on a boat is probably one of the best ways to improve your mood, and definately expand the world of a small child. If you have kids or grandkids, or heck even kids you know, get them out on the water and teach them responsible boating. It will be something they never forget.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Time on the water is time well spent....

I definitely agree with you!

If that engine is that old I'd change the water pump, spark plugs and lower unit fluid. If it runs that good, that should keep you going for a long time!

The size or speed of a boat doesn't matter to a child, that's why it's so fun to take them fishing. They also get just as excited about a 3 inch bream as a foot long bass, so you find a honey hole full of small fish and you'll have him/her hooked on fishing for life.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2007
Re: Time on the water is time well spent....

I definitely agree with you!

If that engine is that old I'd change the water pump, spark plugs and lower unit fluid. If it runs that good, that should keep you going for a long time!

The size or speed of a boat doesn't matter to a child, that's why it's so fun to take them fishing. They also get just as excited about a 3 inch bream as a foot long bass, so you find a honey hole full of small fish and you'll have him/her hooked on fishing for life.

Yeah we already did the typical spring cleaning and change outs on "expendible" components. But thanks for the tip!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Time on the water is time well spent....

I have to disagree.

My father got me into boating/fishing at a young age. And got me into motorcycles also.

This was his biggest mistake in raising me.

It raised my expectations, and made me focus on those happy times in the boat.

It has caused me to spend countless thousands on boating over the years, and caused me to waste most of my vacation time as well.

Oh, if he had just gotten me into model building or needlepoint.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 4, 2005
Re: Time on the water is time well spent....

Oh roscoe........ If you didn't love it you wouldn't spend thousands to keep doing it!!

Time on the water definatley gives me a better outlook on the days ahead. Anchoring and just floating in the water. Things I could actually do on the beach, but not as fun when you have a boat...