The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
So not having owned a boat for 20 years it's time to buy another. Last time I had one I lived 20 metres from Lake Erie... not much trailering experience required. We are invited to Tunnel Lake for a week so I decide to look for a boat. Found the boat of my dreams when I was young. A 72 Sea Ray SRV-163 weekender, W hull, 65 horse merc, 4 horse merc kicker, gas tank built in, tilt trailer, fish finder, and on and on. Off to the store to get the wiring kit that my nephew helps me install. Now living in Southern Ontario it's about 1000 kilometres to the lake, almost to the "Soo". I was told that fuel is more expensive up north so being the frugal type, filled up here in St. Thomas. Having never filled the boat with fuel before, my honey decides to watch standing right behind me. Tank fills to the top and a really nice stream of gas ejects from the tank vent onto her. I get slapped cause it's obviously my fault. After the cleanup we start the 12 hour journey. 900 pound boat dry, 2 motors, provisions for a week, and full gas tank behind a Chrysler Concorde. It's a 3.2 litre so I'm not exceeding the towing capacity, however I think it cost me an extra $50.00 pulling the full tank to save $6.00 on fuel. Kinda like tripping over a 20 to pick up a nickel. Half way through the trip, my blinkers don't work. (Low on fluid I figure), but no, the harness slipped down onto the exhaust and shorted out. Stop at Canadian tire to get new fuses... fuse isn't blown but the relay is. Not in stock but can get one in 2 days. Get to the boat launch, and my exhaust is under water and I still can't get more than 4" of stern in the water. (Did I mention the tilt trailer?) Pull the trailer out, unhook and have Karl (the son in law) launch it with his pickup. Well being a new boat to me, can't figure out why I can't plane out while Karls' 18' aluminum with an 18 horse just leaves me behind. Get to the cottage eventually, unload and by myself in the boat finally get it it up to 22mph. So I'm thinking I need a bigger motor. 3 Days later, rather than fishing in the area, we decide to tour the lake. 4 adults do not make for a light boat that's underpowered... can't plane. An hour later oddly enough we run out of gas. Lucky for me I've the forethought to have a spare tank with a whole 6 litres of fuel, so start the kicker and putter for 3 hours to make a 20 minute trip. Finally, 4 days later it's time to pack up and go home. That's when I finally take the cowl off to see that the previous owner had screwed the bolt/ governor out so that his grandkids didn't go too fast. Could have checked that out day one... Get Karl to haul the boat out (did I mention the tilt trailer?) Head off on the Trans Canada Highway only to notice that the boat cover is slipping off. Pull over and remove it. Note to self... never pull 1000 lbs. plus off to the side of the road on soft shoulders with the grade going up a hill. Had to back up 1/4 km with a 30' drop off on the passenger side to get to a road. Did I mention the not much trailering? About 30 minutes after getting off of the Chichimon ferry, I finally remember the fact I have a tilt trailer.
Wouldn't have traded that vacation for the world. Too many life lessons to count. I'm not a Bible thumper but I remember one verse. "It's better to be a live dog than a dead lion" Happy Boating. Going out tomorrow 15 minutes from home thank-you very much! This time with 7 Litres of spare fuel, and still no blinkers... gotta get that fluid!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

I hate it when I run low on blinker fluid!!!


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

Wasn't till this forum that I found the products that would make me a better boater. Gotta Love Kalecoauto...

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

if you go out boating and don't learn something new, you weren't paying attention

Hiya Bayaya

Seaman Apprentice
Jan 15, 2011
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

hahaha, good story, are ya keeping the boat after all this, I hope so, I need another "oh Sh%t" story to read.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 2, 2011
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

Thanks for sharing.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

Meters? Kilometers? Litres? What is this funny language he's speaking???


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
Re: The Learning Curve... and I missed it by that much!

Sorry! Canadian always say Sorry! Counting by 10's is the best we can do. Sorry if it's confusing!