The Gift of Ground!


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
I waffled about posting this thought, however I'll throw it out and hope I don't get slammed too much (Standard disclaimer)
Why is a good ground good?
Ground is called ground because it's our universal reference when it comes to electricity. The reason is simple. As we all were taught, atoms make up molecules. Atoms are comprised of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Since they are neutrons, we'll ignore them. Things want balance. If you have a lump of dirt that has more protons than electrons, they need electrons for ?balance?. Don't care right?
It gets better because that is exactly how our planet is. The sun fires out a gazillion electrons every second and they hit the earth and still there is never enough to balance out the molecules on our planet. The dirt always needs more. This is opportunity knocking. Now that we have learned to generate power, We can bump electrons free of their orbits. They also look for balance. They want protons. (Sounds like a singles bar)
Getting back to boating... as our alternators, gauges, pumps, lights, etc. look useful without ground, they just won't work as we need that attraction to actually move electrons to protons. Kinda like a tree having a root system that you don't see just as big as the branches that you do see.

If you need an analogy, we can use water. A 1 metre pipe supplying water into a .5 metre pipe just won't work. You want unity. 1 to 1 makes sense. If you have a 12 gauge wire feeding something, sure as sh** you need 12 gauge on the other side or bigger, or else bad things happen. Go ahead and throw a 20 gauge ground wire on a 12 gauge circuit and pound the transfer through. For a while the poor skinny wire will try to move all the electrons along... works up a sweat, turns red, starts to burn and peel, and finally collapses. ?Holy Crap Honey! I smell smoke.? Hope you get the picture. A corroded connection works just as well as a small wire. You want all of your connections to be able to say ?nothing to see here... move along?

Somewhere, someone is thinking ?Hey wait... you are suggesting that electricity moves negative to Positive... Yup!
Conventional current flow, VS. electron flow. It's a mind twister.

Never ever ignore your ground connections. It'll save you a world of grief every time. Kinda like a life jacket...

One more thing for the audio guys. When I was young (dating myself here) the neg. of our speakers were grounded to the car body. Worked great! However, someone somewhere decided to ?float the internal ground of a radio in order to achieve more ?wattage out?. The moment that happened, if you tried to marry the grounds together, your radio would blow. The radio system just wasn?t equipped to handle the current flow of the entire car inside a little radio circuit... kinda like a flood because the banks weren't high enough. Now days, floating grounds are common place. Keep that in mind.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: The Gift of Ground!

And how does this fit in this section of the forum????? Boat Topics and Questions (not engine topics)

Take a few minutes to study our forum topic areas.......... I will move it.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 24, 2011
Re: The Gift of Ground!

You know... I don't totally get it but some of that made sense. Interesting read!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2011
Re: The Gift of Ground!

Any ground is good....until your boat meets it. Dat's baaaaaaad.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 29, 2010
Re: The Gift of Ground!

I can appreciate your analogy, give or take [plz see my sig ] ,,,,


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: The Gift of Ground!

The radio system just wasn?t equipped to handle the current flow of the entire car inside a little radio circuit... kinda like a flood because the banks weren't high enough.
Where did you dream this up?

You've been drinking huh?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: The Gift of Ground!

And how does this fit in this section of the forum????? Boat Topics and Questions (not engine topics)
Not sure it fits in this section either since it basically is nonsense...maybe a non technical section.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
Re: The Gift of Ground!

Well I knew I'd get slammed, however I was kinda hoping for actual constructive criticism. This not being my first time round the dance floor, I was aware there would be a few byzintines, however rather than suggest I've been drinking, perhaps just say "the analogy sucked" and provide a better one. Chances are it was, and I can always edit and give you credit for the help. I'm all for getting better. If you have help, then please give it. Other than that, you are just someone with nothing to offer, and from the sound of it kinda miserable. You must be fun to be around! I know the last analogy was lame, but that does not detract from the base content. NOW I'll go have a beer.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: The Gift of Ground!

I know the last analogy was lame, but that does not detract from the base content.
Actually, the base content was pretty lame too. :)

Sure would like to know what your definition of what a "byzintine" is! That's also a new one!