Table Rock Lake SNAKES !


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2009
Anyone real famliar with Table Rock Lake in Missouri ? We will be stayin at a lakeside home with its own dock. I have been warned about 2 types of Pit Vipors that are common in that area.. Cottonmouth (black watermoccasans) and Copperheads.. Both are poisionous. Anyone know how often one could encounter these snakes ? Apparently Copperhead (unlike most snakes) dont run off if you leave them alone. They strike at out as soon as your within reach. Usually before you even see them. :eek:

All this is bringing back my childhood snakephobias......


Feb 15, 2009
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

Neither will kill you as long as you get treatment if you are bitten. I have killed many copperheads, don't try it, but they usually don't strike at you. If you come within striking distance they may feel provoked and think they need to protect themselves but you have to be very close to them, they can only strike about 2/3 their total length.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 23, 2010
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

I'd suggest a little more education.

Figure out where they like to live, what they like to eat, if they like it hot or cold ect. When you're out there, be aware of these places and approach them cautiously.

Ex.: I hate bees, wasps really. I learned where I might find them and treat those areas with respect.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

Anyone real famliar with Table Rock Lake in Missouri ? We will be stayin at a lakeside home with its own dock. I have been warned about 2 types of Pit Vipors that are common in that area.. Cottonmouth (black watermoccasans) and Copperheads.. Both are poisionous. Anyone know how often one could encounter these snakes ? Apparently Copperhead (unlike most snakes) dont run off if you leave them alone. They strike at out as soon as your within reach. Usually before you even see them. :eek:

All this is bringing back my childhood snakephobias......

You have that backwards. The water moccasin is more aggressive than a copperhead. Neither one is actively going out to hunt humans for dinner.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

OK snakes 101 ... they will only strike if they feel threatened or mistake you for food . Most will retreat and try to avoid human contact , If you see one and it starts to move just give it room to get away and it will . The Copperhead however relies on camouflage to hide and will not move unless it has to but it will not strike unless you step on it or within a few inches of it . They also tend to hide in moist shaded areas and when they are out "sunning" they are easy to spot . The water moccasin will tend to hold it's ground and get defensive if you "surprise" it . Simply back away and avoid it , once a snake takes a defensive posture it will stay that way until the threat leaves. Most people get bit by stepping on one or going in for a closer look (real dumb idea). Just avoid any area that your mind tells you " there could be a snake hiding there" and you will be fine .


Chief Petty Officer
May 14, 2010
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

Very few people get bit by snakes that weren't messing with the snake. I've been around lots of poisonous snakes, some of the worst in the world and NONE of them went out of their way to try and bite me and that includes all those "aggressive" species. I did have one copperhead that really seemed interested in biting me, but then I interupted her lovemaking, by poking her and her boyfriend with a stick, so I didn't hold that against her. I have nearly stepped on a number of the "aggressive" cottonmouths and they all just tried to be invisible. In fact they did a test with cottonmouths where they picked them up with a simulated human arm and even then, only 70% bit and only 30% injected venom. Way way more people get killed by bees, wasps and hornets than by snakes.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

Check with MO DNR and ask about snake bites and recent ones.... that will quell your angst ;)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

I really feel sorry for folk with snake phobias.

I ran around in snake "infested" places all of my youth, often bare of foot. Saw plenty of harmless snakes and was only bitten by one cottonmouth that I didn't see. I stepped on it and it hit me in the shin where there is only a little skin over the bone. Danged uncomfortable for a few days but not life threatening.

Snake phobics warned me that The Hideout is rattler and copperhead country. Been here 20 years and have seen maybe 3 or 4 copperheads and zero rattlers. I did not molest them. I have seen plenty of harmless snakes, but so what?

My point? Walking around in "snake country" barefoot, staring at the clouds, you are more likely to step on a rusty nail and get blood poisoning than get bitten by a poisonous snake.

Wear jeans and boots and watch where you step. You will be fine.


Jul 10, 2008
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

I live on Table Rock Lake and have seen several snakes this year. None have had any interest in me. They leave me alone & I leave them alone.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 17, 2008
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

Like others have said - be very aware of your surroundings.

Stay out of areas with leaf litter; i.e. the woods. Keep to established trails/paths and walk with a scuff to make noise. Copperheads are darn near invisible in dried leaves due it's coloring.

Both like to sun themselves on rocks and rock outcropping; keep an eye out.

Moccasins love to be in overhanging tree branches close the water. Just keep out from under them.

Although rare, Missouri also has pygmy rattlers, but I have seen diamond backs. But then, you may not of wanted to know this.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 6, 2010
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

It doesnt hurt to preplan; do you have the address of where you are written down and in your wallet? Do you know the way to the local hospital? Will your cell phone dial a, "local" 911 call?


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

I agree with JB. Moccasins are not aggressive, you usually have to step on them to get bit. The copperhead is the sneaky one you have to watch out for but they are only mildly poisonous. Most snakes have no interest in humans (we are too big to eat) so they leave us alone.


May 1, 2002
Re: Table Rock Lake SNAKES !

I fished there a number of times, back when I used to travel lots for work, scared the absolute hell outta me when I was fishing right by a boat launch, bout stepped on him!!! Saw lots swimming around all day. I HATE snakes!!