Stump removal suggestions


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
Am still recuping; but am getting around to do a few things. One of my projects is to get rid of a pine stump (30" in diameter). Tree was struck by lightning; it was in the county easement; they came out and cut the tree down; but they will not remove the stump. One of he main problems is it is close to a buried phone trunk line. I called the 811 #; they came out and marked the location. Less than 6" from the stump to the cable.I was going to soak it with diesel and burn it out; but can't. I've called 2 people to get a bid; both of them backed away. (Liability) Any suggestions would be appreciated I have not contacted the phone company yet!


Jul 29, 2016
You can remove a stump by renting a power stump grinder, but another way is to buy a can of stump remover (available at most garden or home centers). Most brands are made of powdered potassium nitrate, which speeds up the rotting process. You simply pour the granules into drilled holes and fill the holes with water. The stump will become pretty spongy after four to six weeks. Keep kids and pets away. Then you can break out the rotten wood with an ax. Make sure to cut the stump as low as possible. Holes can be drilled with 3/4" spade bits or larger.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 19, 2014
I would suggest contacting the phone company and kindly, but clearly , explain your situation. They will probably charge you to move the line , but it's either that or try to rot it out using the product baylinerchuck mentioned. Or you could grind half of it out and hope the other half rots away ☺️

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
I would use the stump rot stuff that Chuck mentioned and go boating while the stump slowly rots away.

because the line is that close, if you hit it, you own it. your supposed to dig slowly by hand within many feet of marked cable, much less 6".

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah what Scott said. My builder on my last house hit a line that was like 3 feet away from the marked line and he had to pay. Use the rot stuff.

Why do you 'have' to have the stump removed? Set a few potted plants on it to make it a flower garden.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
Thanks for all the suggestions! The stump rot granules sound like the way to go. I have a long drill bit I can use (3'). I'm not a chemist; but just curious how caustic (if that is the right word) that stuff is to use around that cable? Saw on TV where gasoline was used; it melted the insulation on the cable. Also the time issue is not a problem; would just like to get rid of it. Would love to go fishing; but the boat is not ready; and with SE winds 10-15 knots; it tears up bay fishing.

Will call the phone company; will see what they say.

Posted this on another Forum (LM). One said to use epsom salt and vinegar. I use that for weed killer. Again; thanks for the suggestions.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Thanks for all the suggestions! The stump rot granules sound like the way to go. I have a long drill bit I can use (3'). I'm not a chemist; but just curious how caustic (if that is the right word) that stuff is to use around that cable? Saw on TV where gasoline was used; it melted the insulation on the cable. Also the time issue is not a problem; would just like to get rid of it. Would love to go fishing; but the boat is not ready; and with SE winds 10-15 knots; it tears up bay fishing.

Will call the phone company; will see what they say.

Posted this on another Forum (LM). One said to use epsom salt and vinegar. I use that for weed killer. Again; thanks for the suggestions.

Potassium Nitrate (Stump Rot) is not a corrosive per say like an acid, but actually an oxidizer. In other words it breaks down the wood through an increased oxidation method and not like an acid.

And instead of buying the typical product called Stump Rot in the little containers, just go to your local gardening center and ask for potassium nitrate and buy it by the pound. A heck of a lot cheaper and the exact same product.

Then just drill some holes, however many you like, and pour in the potassium nitrate followed by water and let it do the work. Yes it will take a long time, but you will not have to worry about the cable or any hard manual labor. BTDT!

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
1) Acids ARE oxidising agents. Stump removal with acids is a common approach....and fairly fast. There are safety factors that make handling acids problematic, but it is still oxidation. I have used both nitric acid and potassium nitrate; the acid is considerably fast. (I'm a chemist and used to handling acids). If there is no rush, a proprietary product (Usually the KNO3) is fine and safer.
2) Home Depot sells stump remover granules for about $6- for a pound. That should be enough for a good sized stump. Not sure that buying in bulk is necessary and might get a visit from a LEA....possible component of homemade explosives. :)


Jun 19, 2014
The pros are avoiding the job because with a marked phone line, if they damage it, they pay the repair or replacement.
Note that if you damage it... you get to pay the repair/replacement.

Its easy to damage the phone line and if it happens to be fiber optic the repair or replacement is going to cost a HUGE amount... Splicing the old twisted pair copper isn't exactly cheap.

Even hand digging to find the cable isn't guaranteed to prevent damaging it...


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I have bought Potassium Nitrate in bulk before and not one person even questions that purchase. It is bought for fertilizer and not unusual for anybody to buy bulk Potassium Nitrate. Yes it can be used in explosives, but so can a whole lot of other common chemicals that some people wouldn't even know about. So if you want to buy it at the garden place in bulk, go for it and don't worry. It is also used to make black powder and a lot of people toy around with that for musket rifles and pistols. JMHO


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
3 1 inch holes around the base, pack with tannerrite, then shoot with .223, it will blow it out and it will be gone!




Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
Update! Went to our local feed store and bought some bulk PN; ($5 a scoop. Paid in cash; will take them longer to find me). A front came through last night so everything is wet; NW wind 10-15 knots. (Didn't want to go fishing anyway). The plan for today is drill several holes in that stump; start with a 1" 1 ft lot long;; drill bit; then use a 3' drill bit to increase the depth; pour the PN in; then pour in some vinegar and epsom salt mixture. (If vinegar and ES can kill poison ivy; it will scare the H out of the stump). Then check to keep the holes full. Then be patient and wait. If it doesn't work ; I"ll blame GM.

Thanks for the reply Tim. I was thinking about acid; but it helps to hear from somebody in the know. I have some muratic acid; (pool stuff); but leary of it.

Did find out that the cable was hardwired! 24pair copper.

Mr. MT: when I see a a word I don't know about; then see a . followed by numbers; I get very leary.

Hopefully the combination of products I am using won't cause global warming; pollute the ground water supply; or create a threat to national security.

(Hmm. Potassium nitrate; magnesium and ammonium sulfate. That's 3!. If you hear a boom; you know where it came from).


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Redfred1, it will work. But it isn't going to rot in a week. It still takes time but the Potassium Nitrate just accelerates the process. It is one of those projects where you drill the holes and fill them with the PN and then just forget about it. Then one day you will be walking around and think, wasn't there a stump there?

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Update! Went to our local feed store and bought some bulk PN; ($5 a scoop. Paid in cash; will take them longer to find me). A front came through last night so everything is wet; NW wind 10-15 knots. (Didn't want to go fishing anyway). The plan for today is drill several holes in that stump; start with a 1" 1 ft lot long;; drill bit; then use a 3' drill bit to increase the depth; pour the PN in; then pour in some vinegar and epsom salt mixture. (If vinegar and ES can kill poison ivy; it will scare the H out of the stump). Then check to keep the holes full. Then be patient and wait. If it doesn't work ; I"ll blame GM.

Thanks for the reply Tim. I was thinking about acid; but it helps to hear from somebody in the know. I have some muratic acid; (pool stuff); but leary of it.

Did find out that the cable was hardwired! 24pair copper.

Mr. MT: when I see a a word I don't know about; then see a . followed by numbers; I get very leary.

Hopefully the combination of products I am using won't cause global warming; pollute the ground water supply; or create a threat to national security.

(Hmm. Potassium nitrate; magnesium and ammonium sulfate. That's 3!. If you hear a boom; you know where it came from).

I would be leery of adding the Epsom salts and vinegar to the PN.....unless you have advice from someone who has actually used that specific combination.
At first glance I don't see any potentially exciting reactions, but I am not sure that combining two proven techniques actually will result in an improvement in results.
i.e. I'd suggest the PN, OR the epsom salts and vinegar combo, but not both at once.


Apr 1, 2010
If you weren't in a hurry would PN rot the wooden core out of a fibreglass boat transom?